Tribes2-SCP / Torque3D

Tribes 2 engine implementation based on the MIT Licensed Open Source version of Torque 3D from GarageGames
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%client.getAuthInfo #22

Open Ragora opened 8 years ago

Ragora commented 8 years ago

%client.getAutoInfo is a pretty big facet to the operation of Tribes 2. It pretty much allows the game server to look at a client and grab their GUID, name, etc. It is script-defined in TribesNext, but if this project were to go and eventually require an account server, this will need to be implemented. By peering at what TribesNext's variant returns, its supposed to return a tab delineated list of player information:

Name, Unknown blank Entry, TribesNext sticks a 0 here, GUID

So an example would be: MyName\t\t0\t1234567