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Privacy enhanced BitTorrent client with P2P content discovery
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privacy and self-sovereign identity #3013

Closed synctext closed 2 years ago

synctext commented 7 years ago

draft thesis direction

Investigate the revealing of privacy-sensitive attributes of your identity. Should be usable even in the sensitive medical domain with electronic patient files.

First step, find related work in this area (irma, zero-knowledge, zkSNARKs)

For next meeting: gather all general docs, weforum Djuri his thesis, etc. in .PDF form.

synctext commented 5 years ago

Progress meeting minutes:

AngelaBarrio commented 5 years ago


synctext commented 5 years ago

Meeting minutes:

AngelaBarrio commented 5 years ago

New thesis draft, processed feedback from last time. thesis-7-jan.pdf

synctext commented 5 years ago

Review notes:

Future work ideas&brainstorm: run a test network using public datasets like a prescribed medication for all doctors in the UK for a whole year. Emulate all hospitals, doctors, and medication prescription events.

synctext commented 5 years ago

On Security Analysis of Proof-of-Elapsed-Time (PoET). Solid related work for a security analysis. It introduces a likelyhood of being a cheater. The basic idea is to use z-test to check whether a node is generating blocks too fast (winning too frequently in the competition with other nodes for block creation.

synctext commented 5 years ago

No more comments on thesis text and chapter wording. Except usage of Sybil term for cheating in a lottery (7.2.1 Sybil attacks). Advised to make "7.2 Resistance against attacks" a single text paragraph without sub-sub-headings.

Final thesis addition suggestion: link outcome of experimental results with the appropriate theory.

Great additional to theoretical thesis depth (1+ page):

erikvandenakker commented 5 years ago

Review notes:

General impression: Extensively introduced topic (good!; clear!); relatively short description of the actual work and its evaluation (but i'm not familiar with the standards in your field, so I'm not the best to judge.

I would be happy to discuss more practical aspects when implementing MediTrail in a medical environment such as an academic hospital. Looking forward to hear more!



AngelaBarrio commented 5 years ago
synctext commented 5 years ago
AngelaBarrio commented 5 years ago

Presentation draft: presentatie.pptx

synctext commented 2 years ago

Thesis FINISHED :clap: