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Self sovereign identity - group 8 #3244

Closed qstokkink closed 6 years ago

qstokkink commented 6 years ago

@rubenstarmans @MathijsHoogland @Konkrad @santhosbaala @mmjmeijerink

You will create your own blockchain, almost from scratch. Your blockchain will be special! Your blockchain will form a web of trust. This web of trust will be stored in the form of signed trust certificates. It will operate on smartphones exclusively. It will be a more advanced version of identity projects like: This identity blockchain aims to generate trust and complete ownership by the users. Self-sovereign identity is the concept that people and businesses can store their own identity data on their own devices, and provide it efficiently to those who need to validate it, without relying on a central repository of identity data. It’s a digital way of doing what we do today with bits of paper. This has benefits compared with both current manual processes and central repositories such as India’s Aadhaar. Attack-resilience is created by optionally using government issued identity documents to sign trust certificates. Fake or modified Dutch identity documents are rare. This ensures that a friendship link in this web-of-trust is authenticated and means more then a like, retweet or linkedin recommendation. In the past various people have implemented Dutch paspoort NFC readers for Android. We have implemented an open source implementation for you to use as a starting point. This contains an e-passport lib, it can fully talk to Dutch identity documents, both NFC and OCR of the machine readable zone. You will link e-passports with Trustchain. Two students have created a starting point for you to get going, see project A for details and links on Android Trustchain. To same time we recommend a focus on offline features using Bluetooth and NFC. Your blockchain engineering project consists of implementing as much as possible from the list of 10 principles for self-sovereign identities. Students attempting Cum Laude gradation may attempt to use our implementation of the Boneh crypto system.

This ticket will contain information for group 8 of the CS4160 Self-Sovereign Identity project. Feel free to post your important updates and questions in this issue.

Search terms for further reading:

You can also check out issue 3013 in this repository.

rubenstarmans commented 6 years ago

The other members are: @mathijshoogland, @konkrad, @santhosbaala, @Mmjmeijerink

qstokkink commented 6 years ago

Next week will be our first meeting. Please propose a time to meet the 28th of November 2017, 10:30, 11:30, 13:30 and 14:30 are already taken.

Please make sure you prepare the following for this meeting:

rubenstarmans commented 6 years ago

Can we get a meeting at 12:30? Or if that is not possible, 15:30? @qstokkink

qstokkink commented 6 years ago

@rubenstarmans 12:30 is fine by me, see you all next week!

qstokkink commented 6 years ago

Next meeting will be the 5th December 2017 12:30, during which we will discuss your progress toward your first milestone of functional attestation.

qstokkink commented 6 years ago

First and foremost: best wishes for 2018! Your meeting tomorrow will be in this building:,4.3785233/@51.999109,4.3785435,18.08z/data=!4m2!4m1!3e2?hl=en In room 3.420 (third floor).

mathijshoogland commented 6 years ago

Thanks @qstokkink! Question: could we meet a bit later in the afternoon, for example 14:30? (If this is not possible the meeting of 12:30 can still take place, but not the whole group will be able to be present.)

qstokkink commented 6 years ago

@MathijsHoogland I already have a meeting at 14:30, I can accommodate you at 15:30 though.

rubenstarmans commented 6 years ago

That is also possible for all of us! See you at 15:30 then!

qstokkink commented 6 years ago

See you all this afternoon at 15:30 👍

rubenstarmans commented 6 years ago

Hey @qstokkink, we are working from home today. Is it possible to have a meeting tomorrow in the afternoon?

qstokkink commented 6 years ago

Sure, at what time will you be dropping by?

rubenstarmans commented 6 years ago

Could you do 14:30?

qstokkink commented 6 years ago

Sure, see you at 14:30 then.

mathijshoogland commented 6 years ago

Some information on our current product:

We currently have a function blockchain working (implemented in Python) that multiple users can interact with and send data to.

screen shot 2018-01-21 at 18 48 27

User nodes are able to request attestation at authorities, this is an example of the request attestation screen:

screen shot 2018-01-21 at 18 48 44

Authorities are able to review all attestation requests, if they accept a request, encrypted data is stored on the blockchain.

screen shot 2018-01-21 at 19 11 32

We are currently implementing a view for providers where they can request proofs of users that they have certain properties!

mathijshoogland commented 6 years ago

Here you can find our technical report! technical_report.pdf