Tribler / tribler

Privacy enhanced BitTorrent client with P2P content discovery
GNU General Public License v3.0
4.73k stars 445 forks source link

How other related projects are discussed in the media #3771

Open synctext opened 5 years ago

synctext commented 5 years ago

OpenBazaar reputation system: Decentral IDs: Nile: amazon alternative idea:

synctext commented 5 years ago

Catching Cheating Servers in Decentralized Storage Networks. Bad idea, transparency, audits, and trust are superior to techno trickery.

synctext commented 5 years ago

Academic Torrents – Making 27TB of research data available

synctext commented 5 years ago

Tribler is mentioned!

Dmole commented 5 years ago

Bad idea...

I would simply encrypt 3 copies of the data with different keys to prevent cheating on user backed distributed storage.

...transparency, audits, and trust are superior to techno trickery.

"techno trickery" is a vague term which may include "transparency, audits", etc. Evolution dictates that only good accountability/security produces honest people. So a better way of phrasing it might be "elegent solutions are better than the hacks normaly used" ~

synctext commented 5 years ago

Can US goverment force crypto sabotage? U.S. government seeks Facebook help to wiretap Messenger

synctext commented 5 years ago

Introduction to Augur, an open-source, decentralized betting marketplace

"Misplaced hype.'Today, Augur had 30 active users and 123 transactions in the last 24 hours.
The market cap is roughly $269.2 million.
That means that each active user is now worth roughly $9 million.' "

HN community discusses related prediction market projects:

synctext commented 5 years ago

Mainstream press, indepth discussion on price stability. BBC - search for a more stable cryptocurrency

synctext commented 5 years ago

Centralized Wins. Decentralized Loses.. Very easy reading for non-tech people. "benefits" of central: "controlable, walled gardenable,defensible, brandable auditable, copyright checkable, GDPRable..." Vital lesson : USENET was killed by spam! Filtering, moderation, and trust have always been essential. "no independent platform exists with the above and allows anyone irrespective of their voice or opinion to be heard and be supported by donation, merchandising sales or advertising revenue."

synctext commented 5 years ago

Another quote from Juan Bennet from FileCoin in The Guardian. These early projects do not have killer features and focus on the raw transport mechanisms. Higher level features are lacking like incentive structure, mechanism design, governance model, name lookup, spam filtering, and collective disicion making. See impressive talk on Beaker browser underlying mechnisms: They consistenly 'cheat' by using central servers for the difficult part. You likely use a central server to copy&paste a link to your friends and are required to use DNS for naming. uncontrolled extreme decentralization - that's the ideal: no single point of failure, with everyone hosting their data where they want, and deciding who access what about them. "You can make some nice proof-of-concepts with a group of volunteers, but the effort required to provide a UX comparable to centralized services is going to take more than a handful of people working evenings and weekends. Decentralized services generally do not afford the same monetization opportunities as central services. Decentralized proponents consider this a feature rather than a bug, but it leaves open the question: Who is going to pay for all of this?"

ichorid commented 5 years ago

"Who will pay for all of this?" As usual, academia hired by the military. Just as it was with every breakthrough technology, from nuclear power to transistors to GUI...

synctext commented 5 years ago

Hedra PR machine is going decent. They originated from Swirlds and got the early patent in this hashgraph field. They are not as old as our Trustchain work, but are doing hackathons and obtained $100 million in investment capital.

synctext commented 3 years ago

2024 update - projects similar to Tribler

Insight how they are making progress, very subjectively!

Name description
IPFS (part I) From June 2024 community crawls we know IPFS has 50k stale DHT addresses, but merely 14k actually online! Even a Top-10 Sybil attackers:-) Great work! April 2024: exit-to-community Does this mean their income from Protocol Labs will slowly dry up? How will these indie developers make a living? No money==no developers. Older 2020 update shows still a lack of progress on keyword search. bsc thesis on IPFS search. Unclear if IPNS offers any protection for spam. "invest additional effort to protect it against sybil attacks" in Gossipsub v1.1 :rofl: :1st_place_medal: :roll_eyes: "we have not found an attack that can successfully degrade a warm Gossipsub v1.1 network" :facepalm: :face_with_head_bandage: :facepalm:
{We've worked on Sybil attacks for over a decade, its harder then people think}. See Facebook fake stats. Scientific study comparing IPFS with FTP, not fair at all. Example of the IPFS feature inclusion processes, its not application-driven, no requirement-analysis, not data-driven, but single central leader-driven (the proven "Linus method").
IPFS Web3 (2023) IPFS is going "all in" on Metaverse and Web3. Very well organised industrial engineering team. Full frontal confrontation with nation-state and tax avoidance: anti-censorship of financial transactions. See extensive talk covering also their obsession with total ordering and global consensus. They aim for complex 3-layer network, application-specific programming language for custom consensus protocols :face_with_thermometer: . Lesson learned: instead of first making it work at-scale in a single focused use-case; they are aiming to solve the generic loosely coupled generic case immediately. The central IPFS gateways are receiving DMCA notices and going dark, increasing Cloudfare-based centralisation. See also TUDelft code smell analysis and power-interest grid. In Oct 2020 the DHT of IPFS was "hacked". This Usenix paper resulted in official vulnerability disclosure CVE-2020-10937. The attack used 29TB lookup table. The IPFS trust model has never been repaired, only the DHT. The IPFS trust model remains: "we trust the elders, no matter how badly they behave". Reputation scoring is exclusively too low-level: As of 2023 the DHT is getting a re-write and now called AMINO. Failure of the DHT. See HN discussions and blog posts. The DHT is failing for IPFS because of too many re-annouce packets within 48h. Without semantic clustering (knowledge graph) the load is fully random. Trustless and assumes no seeding continuation. IPFS has Napster-type central index servers to store the cid of all content :fearful: .
Theta Exact duplicate of our "bandwidth as a currency" launch from Aug 2007 on the BBC. Focus on video streaming with DRM. Their invalid patent, U.S. patent number 10,951,675 What if YouTube could be removed from the equation? In its place, a blockchain network built on code. Value creation can then be used to incentivize content creators, users, and those providing computing power for the network.
IPFS+Humanode Humanode is a project aiming to build a DAO, DNA-based biometrics on top of IPFS project. They are full of ideas and just getting started. Most of their fantasies will take a while to realise: "Using solutions that provide fully homomorphically encrypted feature vectors for biometric processing and a Merkle-CRDT mechanism, people will be able to deploy replicas to create a public permissionless financial network based on consensus between equal human nodes with a rule-based monetary policy targeting real value growth and proportional emission.", from here.
Hyperswarm Fragile system, no attack-resilience. Complete obsessed focused on dissemination efficiency of static content. No spam considerations, no robust Google-level search, no content moderation, no concept of stranger, no Sybil resilience, and no incentive alignment. Assumes a trustworthy Internet or that application layer is capable of fixing integrity. Note that we are genuinely envious of their architectural beauty! Hypercores are signed, append-only logs...They're like lightweight blockchains without the consensus algorithm....As with BitTorrent, as more people "seed" a dataset it will increase the available bandwidth....Peer-to-peer key/value database built on distributed B-Trees. cool! {but fragile}.
MIT University No activity around blockchain-based trust and no (engineering) activity around for past years.
TRON Bittorent File System (BTFS). Architecture: renter can upload files by paying BTT; Host provides storage to the network and gets BTT rewards. Web3 ideas.
Freenet The only other project with a similar grit as Tribler, also origin in the prior century :smiling_face_with_tear:. Started around 2000, in 2021 went to No.1 position on Hacker News frontpage. Old simulations show the 100-hop behaviour. Freenet "World Domination Plan" reads like a 20-year project without any focus and progress. No awareness located that they are fighting tragedy-of-the-commons for relay bandwidth. Huge 2022 re-design. They are now also looking at tokens and badges, but purely centralised ("anti-flood token". Badge by donating to central coordinating legal entity. They are still trying to get a DHT operational, after all prior teams failed (scalability,security or both). Similar ideas around resource accounting, using collaborative neighbour paradigm. latest they are also investigating web-of-trust with sometimes 5-60 second graph calculation algorithms, according to old bsc thesis. Their model is disconnected from science (e.g. cancer nodes instead of Sybil attack terminology). They have not yet discovered that 99% of users are lurkers and 99% of your overlay neighbours can be fake identities (e.g. Sybils). Still, one of the few projects that also endured!
Swarm Ethereum community making ambitious design outlines. No enhancement to the smart contract execution model for scalability and cost efficiency. Their micro-payments protocol is very complex (see .sol). Instead of starting simple and evolving an operational system into something complex. Fundamental difference with our work: "nodes do not have a say in what they store", it is assigned to them by DHT.
BigChainDB Blog has not been updated since June 2019. Their coding is also slowing down
Solid Progress is happening, see Dec 2020 blog. Ruben Verborgh seems to be the key architect, lots of isolated initiatives and prototyping. Obviously very web-centric with classic servers, Linked Open Data and RDF.
MaidSafe Blog post from 2021 shows active engineering on "core BRB broadcast protocol for members of a quorum to replicate data in BFT fashion". Getting criticism like "they just can’t come up with something that works".
Peertube Federation of servers as alternative to Youtube. Lacks of P2P and scalability in their technology: "PeerTube can provide hundreds of simultaneous views (but we’re not sure that it will scale to thousands… at least not yet !)"
Magnetico Launched in 2017 it collects magnets link on the DHT, stores it locally, and offers a local webserver for access. "under active construction, and is considered alpha software". This mostly single-developer project made significant progress. Spam, pollution, and fake items are unsolved scientific problems. Magnetico will not scale to millions of users without solving this. Popularity of content and relevance ranking is not addressed yet. cjdns Cjdns has been developed since 2011 and is live and active in the Hyperboria network. Now they are doing token mining and NFT. for-profit darknet
Scuttlebutt A decentralized secure gossip platform
Yggdrasil Put all nodes in a single global spanning tree, with a single root (why? sounds fragile; minimum path cover (MPC) too complex?). Lacks incentives, pre-Beta. ideas from 2003 Gnutella bootstrap-nodes re-done: Yggdrasil network has 100+ public peers, we need this also. Countries have public peers: impressive NL .md
Sia Skynet
Odysee Video platform against "cancel culture" with coins, blockchain, and 'special' content. Is this LBRY protocol based on Bittorrent as hinted on Github Very related goal: "We are building commons-based microeconomies to sustain public goods through incentive alignment, continuous funding and community governance.". Very idealistic team in a very initial stage. No money, no running code, no idea how to solve Sybil or slandering attacks.
Ziti zero trust architecture with an IPv8 like overlay
Go Micro 19k Github stars! "framework for distributed systems development" first-class citizen documentation of authentication, PubSub, event streaming, etc.

Plus how Tribler is perceived. As a proxy we use the popularity on Wikipedia expressed in pageviews. image