Tribler / tribler

Privacy enhanced BitTorrent client with P2P content discovery
GNU General Public License v3.0
4.79k stars 444 forks source link

[7.5.0-exp1] Name or service not known #5167

Closed Dmole closed 4 years ago

Dmole commented 4 years ago

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/tribler/jenkins/workspace/Build-Tribler_release/Async-Py3-Build-Ubuntu64/tribler/src/tribler-gui/tribler_gui/", line 114, in on_read_data RuntimeError: [Errno -2] Name or service not known

Also it's stuck on "Sending..."

ichorid commented 4 years ago

If you're on Windows, you can copy-paste the debug console here. It'll say much more in this case.

synctext commented 4 years ago

We need a bit more info to start debugging. Can you reproduce this?

ichorid commented 4 years ago

Another user reported the same issues and posted a log on the forum. He said that this only happened during the first run of 7.5.0-exp1.

INFO:CrawlRequestCache:Timeout for crawl with id 45811
INFO:TorrentChecker:Selected 17 new torrents to check on tracker: udp://
WARNING:TorrentChecker:Got session error for URL udp:// Register_task takes a Task or a (coroutine)function as a parameter
ERROR:Session:Got unhandled error: [Errno -2] Name or service not known
INFO:TriblerTunnelCommunity:Removed candidate from candidates dictionary
INFO:TriblerTunnelCommunity:Removed candidate from candidates dictionary
ERROR:root:Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/tribler/jenkins/workspace/Build-Tribler_release/Async-Py3-Build-Ubuntu64/tribler/src/tribler-gui/tribler_gui/", line 114, in on_read_data
RuntimeError: [Errno -2] Name or service not known

INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down Credit Mining...
INFO:CreditMiningManager:Shutting down CreditMiningManager
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down Torrent Checker...
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down Gigachannel Manager...
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down Video Server...
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down Version Checker...
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down Resource Monitor...
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Unloading Tunnel Community...
INFO:Socks5Connection:Closing session, reason stopping
INFO:Socks5Connection:Closing session, reason unspecified
INFO:TriblerTunnelCommunity:Destroy_exit_socket 798902237 ('', 35025)
INFO:TriblerTunnelCommunity:Removing DATA circuit 508549547 unload
INFO:TriblerTunnelCommunity:destroy_circuit 508549547 ('', 35195)
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down TrustChain Community...
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down IPv8...
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Saving configuration...
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Checkpointing Downloads...
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down Downloads...
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down Libtorrent Manager...
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Waiting for Libtorrent to finish...
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down Metadata Store...
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down API Manager...
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/concurrent/futures/", line 56, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 745, in getaddrinfo
ERROR:root:No json object could be decoded from data: b'missing version key'
Dmole commented 4 years ago

No I can't seem to reproduce it (even after resorting an old backup of ~/.Tribler). Maybe it's intermittent, or related to a slow background upgrade...

Dmole commented 4 years ago

But I do have the log;

Logger config not found in tribler-gui/tribler_gui/logger.yaml. Using default configs.
INFO:root:  self._outSocket.error() = '2'
INFO:root:__init__(): returning
QFont::setPointSize: Point size <= 0 (-1), must be greater than 0
INFO:TriblerGUI:Will connect to events endpoint
INFO:TriblerGUI:Got Tribler core error: 1
INFO:TriblerGUI:Will connect to events endpoint
INFO:TriblerGUI:Got Tribler core error: 1
INFO:TriblerGUI:Will connect to events endpoint
INFO:TriblerGUI:Got Tribler core error: 1
INFO:TriblerGUI:Will connect to events endpoint
INFO:TriblerGUI:Got Tribler core error: 1
INFO:TriblerGUI:Will connect to events endpoint
INFO:TriblerGUI:Got Tribler core error: 1
Logger config not found in tribler-core/tribler_core/logger.yaml. Using default configs.
INFO:Session:Session is using state directory: /home/User/.Tribler/7.5
INFO:RESTManager:Starting REST API on port 8085
INFO:TriblerGUI:Will connect to events endpoint
INFO:root:Generating grammar tables from /usr/share/tribler/lib2to3/Grammar.txt
INFO:root:Generating grammar tables from /usr/share/tribler/lib2to3/PatternGrammar.txt
INFO:RefactoringTool:Skipping optional fixer: buffer
INFO:RefactoringTool:Skipping optional fixer: idioms
INFO:RefactoringTool:Skipping optional fixer: set_literal
INFO:RefactoringTool:Skipping optional fixer: ws_comma
INFO:TrackerManager:No tracker blacklist file found at /home/User/.Tribler/7.5/tracker_blacklist.txt.
INFO:LibtorrentMgr:could not load libtorrent state, got exception: FileNotFoundError(2, 'No such file or directory'). starting from scratch
INFO:DHTDiscoveryCommunity:DHT community initialized (peer mid b'acad090deab24039a4c7682228214175005db2b9')
INFO:TriblerTunnelCommunity:Setting exitnode = 0
ERROR:TriblerTunnelCommunity:Could not retrieve backup exitnode cache, file does not exist!
INFO:DatabaseOrderRepository:Memory order repository used
INFO:DatabaseTransactionRepository:Database transaction repository used
INFO:OrderManager:Market order manager initialized
INFO:TransactionManager:Transaction manager initialized
INFO:MarketCommunity:Market community initialized with mid b'acad090deab24039a4c7682228214175005db2b9'
INFO:PopularityCommunity:Popularity Community initialized (peer mid acad090deab24039a4c7682228214175005db2b9)
ERROR:Session:bitcoinlib library cannot be loaded: No module named 'bitcoinlib'
INFO:CreditMiningManager:Starting CreditMiningManager
INFO:TriblerGUI:Will connect to events endpoint
WARNING:root:Received duplicate Tribler Core started event
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Requesting crawl of node b'fb7ae571' (blocks 4 to 4) with id 1478
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Requesting crawl of node b'12823d41' (blocks 3 to 3) with id 44151
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Requesting crawl of node b'8f844131' (blocks 2 to 2) with id 48620
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Block validation result <function ValidationResult.partial_next at 0x7fd2e9dc8488>, [], (Block b'586468df' from ...b'fb7ae571':4 links ...b'f79336be':29037 for {b'down': 0, b'total_down': 35473821, b'up': 1060960, b'total_up': 108936302} type b'tribler_bandwidth')
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Block validation result <function ValidationResult.no_info at 0x7fd2e9dc8598>, [], (Block b'250e633f' from ...b'43eea11c':4 links ...b'fb7ae571':0 for {b'up': 0, b'down': 24944140, b'total_up': 0, b'total_down': 354107905} type b'tribler_bandwidth')
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Block validation result <function ValidationResult.partial_next at 0x7fd2e9dc8488>, [], (Block b'6203abb5' from ...b'8f844131':2 links ...b'04ee5b27':3685 for {b'down': 0, b'total_down': 0, b'up': 38715924, b'total_up': 77597320} type b'tribler_bandwidth')
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Block validation result <function ValidationResult.partial_next at 0x7fd2e9dc8488>, [], (Block b'd0d65ccc' from ...b'12823d41':3 links ...b'1e80eeb7':1485 for {b'down': 0, b'total_down': 0, b'up': 1298383, b'total_up': 14396526} type b'tribler_bandwidth')
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Requesting crawl of node b'103b33af' (blocks 1 to 1) with id 1499
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Requesting crawl of node b'6a6c3d59' (blocks 3 to 3) with id 27206
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Block validation result <function ValidationResult.partial_next at 0x7fd2e9dc8488>, [], (Block b'542ba39b' from ...b'6a6c3d59':3 links ...b'9f7a1701':710 for {b'down': 0, b'total_down': 0, b'up': 4103767, b'total_up': 20867820} type b'tribler_bandwidth')
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Block validation result <function ValidationResult.no_info at 0x7fd2e9dc8598>, [], (Block b'0f31831b' from ...b'a2cccce5':3 links ...b'6a6c3d59':0 for {b'down': 15525581, b'total_down': 172450015, b'up': 0, b'total_up': 0} type b'tribler_bandwidth')
ERROR:LibtorrentDownloadImpl:Resume data failed to save: <class 'tribler_core.exceptions.SaveResumeDataError'>: torrent has no metadata
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Block validation result <function ValidationResult.partial_next at 0x7fd2e9dc8488>, [], (Block b'0387f19d' from ...b'103b33af':1 links ...b'1999cf35':5219 for {b'down': 0, b'total_down': 0, b'up': 12551113, b'total_up': 12551113} type b'tribler_bandwidth')
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Requesting crawl of node b'ecb110e9' (blocks 3 to 3) with id 47021
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Block validation result <function ValidationResult.partial_next at 0x7fd2e9dc8488>, [], (Block b'eca152c5' from ...b'ecb110e9':3 links ...b'1e80eeb7':1448 for {b'down': 0, b'total_down': 0, b'up': 1177995, b'total_up': 309761606} type b'tribler_bandwidth')
INFO:CreditMiningManager:Downloading: 0, Uploading: 0, Stopped: 0
INFO:CreditMiningManager:0 active download(s), 0.000 MB uploaded, 0.000 MB downloaded
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Requesting crawl of node b'ece911fb' (blocks 2 to 2) with id 28888
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Block validation result <function ValidationResult.partial_next at 0x7fd2e9dc8488>, [], (Block b'3a906d95' from ...b'ece911fb':2 links ...b'9694b005':375 for {b'down': 0, b'total_down': 31767018, b'up': 52945030, b'total_up': 52945030} type b'tribler_bandwidth')
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Block validation result <function ValidationResult.no_info at 0x7fd2e9dc8598>, [], (Block b'da04324b' from ...b'35c4ecd3':2 links ...b'ece911fb':0 for {b'up': 0, b'down': 1303609, b'total_up': 0, b'total_down': 8116972} type b'tribler_bandwidth')
INFO:TriblerTunnelCommunity:Removed candidate from candidates dictionary
INFO:TriblerTunnelCommunity:Removed candidate from candidates dictionary
INFO:TriblerTunnelCommunity:Removed candidate from candidates dictionary
INFO:TriblerTunnelCommunity:Removed candidate from candidates dictionary
INFO:TriblerTunnelCommunity:Removed candidate from candidates dictionary
INFO:TriblerTunnelCommunity:Removed candidate from candidates dictionary
INFO:TriblerTunnelCommunity:Removed candidate from candidates dictionary
INFO:TriblerTunnelCommunity:Removed candidate from candidates dictionary
INFO:TriblerTunnelCommunity:Removed candidate from candidates dictionary
INFO:TriblerTunnelCommunity:Removed candidate from candidates dictionary
INFO:TriblerTunnelCommunity:Removed candidate from candidates dictionary
INFO:TriblerTunnelCommunity:Removed candidate from candidates dictionary
INFO:TriblerTunnelCommunity:Removed candidate from candidates dictionary
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Requesting crawl of node b'94bfeef0' (blocks 1 to 1) with id 29748
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Block validation result <function ValidationResult.partial_next at 0x7fd2e9dc8488>, [], (Block b'791e0d8d' from ...b'94bfeef0':1 links ...b'4a6d5744':120209 for {b'down': 0, b'total_down': 0, b'up': 210036954, b'total_up': 210036954} type b'tribler_bandwidth')
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Requesting crawl of node b'b86bc3a7' (blocks 11 to 11) with id 19758
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Requesting crawl of node b'0859676b' (blocks 6 to 6) with id 56002
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Requesting crawl of node b'cbdf05cc' (blocks 9 to 9) with id 28679
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Requesting crawl of node b'6b2a7ec4' (blocks 6 to 6) with id 36408
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Requesting crawl of node b'4f6d47b3' (blocks 3 to 3) with id 1888
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Requesting crawl of node b'debd1646' (blocks 2 to 2) with id 54842
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Block validation result <function ValidationResult.partial_next at 0x7fd2e9dc8488>, [], (Block b'0dbb928e' from ...b'b86bc3a7':11 links ...b'd0036190':40 for {b'down': 0, b'total_down': 63281331, b'up': 1946644, b'total_up': 149551701} type b'tribler_bandwidth')
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Block validation result <function ValidationResult.partial_next at 0x7fd2e9dc8488>, [], (Block b'2367caab' from ...b'58254d95':11 links ...b'b86bc3a7':0 for {b'down': 8356499, b'total_down': 391214372, b'up': 0, b'total_up': 0} type b'tribler_bandwidth')
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Block validation result <function ValidationResult.partial_next at 0x7fd2e9dc8488>, [], (Block b'764c3bb8' from ...b'6b2a7ec4':6 links ...b'76a507ba':26465 for {b'down': 0, b'total_down': 66689248, b'up': 8890889, b'total_up': 266147184} type b'tribler_bandwidth')
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Block validation result <function ValidationResult.partial_next at 0x7fd2e9dc8488>, [], (Block b'258e8d26' from ...b'cbdf05cc':9 links ...b'ff4d4595':1339 for {b'down': 0, b'total_down': 29699823, b'up': 91502033, b'total_up': 379419348} type b'tribler_bandwidth')
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Block validation result <function ValidationResult.partial_next at 0x7fd2e9dc8488>, [], (Block b'3dea900c' from ...b'0859676b':6 links ...b'58cd5a03':24 for {b'down': 0, b'total_down': 0, b'up': 83179872, b'total_up': 168039655} type b'tribler_bandwidth')
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Block validation result <function ValidationResult.partial_next at 0x7fd2e9dc8488>, [], (Block b'5d0b8d2f' from ...b'4f6d47b3':3 links ...b'b88200fb':8 for {b'down': 0, b'total_down': 21555132, b'up': 29834542, b'total_up': 74760502} type b'tribler_bandwidth')
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Block validation result <function ValidationResult.partial_next at 0x7fd2e9dc8488>, [], (Block b'ee5a6877' from ...b'debd1646':2 links ...b'25acb686':10 for {b'down': 0, b'total_down': 0, b'up': 1247660, b'total_up': 14336732} type b'tribler_bandwidth')
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Requesting crawl of node b'0f9398ed' (blocks 1 to 1) with id 23127
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Block validation result <function ValidationResult.partial_next at 0x7fd2e9dc8488>, [], (Block b'd7b29de0' from ...b'0f9398ed':1 links ...b'61dd4e3d':412239 for {b'up': 5157912, b'down': 0, b'total_up': 5157912, b'total_down': 0} type b'tribler_bandwidth')
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Requesting crawl of node b'9f8a4be9' (blocks 2 to 2) with id 63378
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Block validation result <function ValidationResult.partial_next at 0x7fd2e9dc8488>, [], (Block b'a893b220' from ...b'9f8a4be9':2 links ...b'b4e972fa':173 for {b'down': 0, b'total_down': 0, b'up': 114918285, b'total_up': 116199040} type b'tribler_bandwidth')
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Block validation result <function ValidationResult.partial_next at 0x7fd2e9dc8488>, [], (Block b'6694cc2f' from ...b'200aca18':2 links ...b'9f8a4be9':4 for {b'down': 0, b'total_down': 6222288, b'up': 18666864, b'total_up': 18666864} type b'tribler_bandwidth')
INFO:CreditMiningManager:Downloading: 0, Uploading: 0, Stopped: 0
INFO:CreditMiningManager:0 active download(s), 0.000 MB uploaded, 0.000 MB downloaded
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Requesting crawl of node b'd28b29d6' (blocks 7 to 7) with id 59587
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Requesting crawl of node b'5e1e0ae3' (blocks 3 to 3) with id 18809
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Requesting crawl of node b'6a92804b' (blocks 1 to 1) with id 4340
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Block validation result <function ValidationResult.partial_next at 0x7fd2e9dc8488>, [], (Block b'85e39b55' from ...b'5e1e0ae3':3 links ...b'5d5ed1b2':18599 for {b'down': 0, b'total_down': 0, b'up': 4684956, b'total_up': 9064554} type b'tribler_bandwidth')
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Block validation result <function ValidationResult.no_info at 0x7fd2e9dc8598>, [], (Block b'9b3e9dce' from ...b'd0e01ecf':3 links ...b'5e1e0ae3':0 for {b'up': 0, b'down': 43576459, b'total_up': 0, b'total_down': 106649686} type b'tribler_bandwidth')
INFO:TrustChainCommunity:Block validation result <function ValidationResult.partial_next at 0x7fd2e9dc8488>, [], (Block b'497f65ee' from ...b'd28b29d6':7 links ...b'20d3f8e9':1094 for {b'down': 0, b'total_down': 24849912, b'up': 1272258, b'total_up': 100140199} type b'tribler_bandwidth')
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
INFO:CreditMiningManager:Downloading: 0, Uploading: 0, Stopped: 0
INFO:CreditMiningManager:0 active download(s), 0.000 MB uploaded, 0.000 MB downloaded
INFO:CreditMiningManager:Downloading: 0, Uploading: 0, Stopped: 0
INFO:CreditMiningManager:0 active download(s), 0.000 MB uploaded, 0.000 MB downloaded
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
ERROR:Bootstrap:Failed to get DHT response:No nodes found in the routing table
INFO:TorrentChecker:Selected 1 new torrents to check on tracker: udp://
WARNING:TorrentChecker:Got session error for URL udp:// Register_task takes a Task or a (coroutine)function as a parameter
ERROR:Session:Got unhandled error: [Errno -2] Name or service not known
ERROR:root:Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/tribler/jenkins/workspace/Build-Tribler_release/Async-Py3-Build-Ubuntu64/tribler/src/tribler-gui/tribler_gui/", line 114, in on_read_data
RuntimeError: [Errno -2] Name or service not known

INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down Credit Mining...
INFO:CreditMiningManager:Shutting down CreditMiningManager
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down Torrent Checker...
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down Gigachannel Manager...
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down Video Server...
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down Version Checker...
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down Resource Monitor...
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Unloading Tunnel Community...
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down TrustChain Community...
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down IPv8...
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down Watch Folder...
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Saving configuration...
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Checkpointing Downloads...
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down Downloads...
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down Libtorrent Manager...
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Waiting for Libtorrent to finish...
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down Metadata Store...
INFO:Session:Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down API Manager...
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/concurrent/futures/", line 56, in run
    result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 745, in getaddrinfo
    for res in _socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, family, type, proto, flags):
ERROR:root:No json object could be decoded from data: b'missing version key'
INFO:root:Shutting down Tribler
ichorid commented 4 years ago

Left Tribler running for the night, in the morning got this:

[PID:27702] 2020-03-06 11:16:38,943 - ERROR <session:370> Session.unhandled_error_observer(): Got unhandled error: [Errno -2] Name or service not known
  File "/home/vader/src/TRIBLER/py37venv2/lib/python3.7/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 830, in _resolve_host
    self._resolver.resolve(host, port, family=self._family)
  File "/home/vader/src/TRIBLER/py37venv2/lib/python3.7/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 30, in resolve
    host, port, type=socket.SOCK_STREAM, family=family)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/", line 784, in getaddrinfo
    None, getaddr_func, host, port, family, type, proto, flags)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/concurrent/futures/", line 57, in run
    result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/", line 748, in getaddrinfo
    for res in _socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, family, type, proto, flags):
[PID:27643] 2020-03-06 11:16:38,965 - ERROR <tribler_window:102> root.on_exception(): Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/vader/src/TRIBLER/Tribler/src/tribler-gui/tribler_gui/", line 114, in on_read_data
    raise RuntimeError(json_dict["event"]["text"])
RuntimeError: [Errno -2] Name or service not known
Dmole commented 4 years ago

This happened again. There is no option to copy-paste all key-values (Linux) debug console is not available because Tribler is closed. bug report still won't send. Screen shot attached; fail

ichorid commented 4 years ago

The actual problem is solved in #5194. The problem with not being able to send the report was already fixed in 7.5.0-exp2. @Dmole , from your report I see that you're still using 7.5.0-exp1. Please, upgrade to 7.5.0-exp2 to be able to send tracebacks.

Dmole commented 4 years ago

@ichorid I'll have to wait for exp3;

ichorid commented 4 years ago

Deployment test machine sent this for 7.5.0-exp4:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/tribler/jenkins/workspace/Build-Tribler_release/Async-Py3-Build-Ubuntu64/tribler/src/tribler-gui/tribler_gui/", line 114, in on_read_data
RuntimeError: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run
File "ipv8/", line 107, in done_cb
File "ipv8/messaging/anonymization/", line 166, in resolve
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/concurrent/futures/", line 56, in run
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 745, in getaddrinfo
socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known

@egbertbouman , could you please look at this?

ichorid commented 4 years ago

Well, that's a little embarrassing to say, but the problem is still there in 7.5.0-rc1 according to Reporter...

egbertbouman commented 4 years ago

I can't seem to find the crash report you're referring to. Or are you referring to errno 11001/11004 (which are different exceptions)?

We've already added some code to prevent crashing on 11001 error (, yet is still happens. That seems to be because the exception type is missing from the string that we're checking.

ichorid commented 4 years ago

Yep, I'm talking about 11001/11004. These two reports.

ichorid commented 4 years ago

socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known error report

ichorid commented 4 years ago

When I raise an Exception, its text in unhandled_errors_observer does not include the error type, thus text-based ignored-error-catchers like if 'builtins.OSError' in text and '[Errno 113]' in text: do not trigger.

The corresponding test_error_observer_ignored_error does not really test anything, because of it not using real raise calls. Instead, it checks reactions to dummy dicts.

ichorid commented 4 years ago

I'm handling this properly now...

Dmole commented 4 years ago

Good because [7.5.0-exp1] is still crashing in under 12h with

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/tribler/jenkins/workspace/Build-Tribler_release/Async-Py3-Build-Ubuntu64/tribler/src/tribler-gui/tribler_gui/", line 114, in on_read_data
RuntimeError: Task was destroyed but it is pending!
ichorid commented 4 years ago

@Dmole , that's a completely different error

Dmole commented 4 years ago

It did not show up in my search;

and I assumed there may be an underlying iesue in causing one line stack traces...Looks like I typo-ed rc1 to exp1.

ichorid commented 4 years ago

"one-line stack traces" you're talking about are already fixed :wink:

Dmole commented 4 years ago

With those 2 things fixed it's a good time for rc2 IMO. (this issue is less intrusive than the others)

ichorid commented 4 years ago

There is a pinned issue with the RC2 todo list.

ichorid commented 4 years ago

Fixed in #5224