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Thesis: Artist Investment Token #6714

Closed synctext closed 2 weeks ago

synctext commented 2 years ago

Thesis: replace music industry with open source code, including the investment part.

Wealth has accumulated with a select few: the investing class. The rest of the world belongs to the worker class. Digital technology is breaking the monopoly on investing. We prove the viability of our ideas with an Internet-deployment focused on an industry that operates purely digitally and has deep rooted monopolistic culture: the music industry.

Prior work:

We automated the music experience. Previously we build the code to directly link artists with their fans (e.g. open source Spotify app). This thesis is focused on the discovery and growth of new talent. This thesis aims to bootstrap a sustainable music ecosystem without any music industry. Any citizen is able to invest in upcoming artists. Investors support artist and enable them to create new music. Investments ensure that rent gets paid, day jobs can be quit, and professional equipment can be procured. Investments pay back when the artist releases new material and income is generated. The zero-server technology stack of Delft University is used, see MusicDAO. The Android-to-Android networking stack is able to communicate music, money, and trust without relying on any central server.

In technical terms the investor simply send Bitcoins to the artist wallet. New Creative Commons music is released. Fans reward the artist and the investor can be paid back. Enforcement of honesty by the artist is out of scope of this thesis. We assume reputational mechanisms are sufficient and no crypto magic needs to be attempted. The usability of the MusicDAO needs further improvement. Discovery of new music is too slow. Connect to main Tribler network: IPv8 Tag Community. Performance results could be obtained during a 2 week observation period after release on forums such as and Thesis format will be an 8-page IEEE formatted scientific article, with additional Delft blue mandatory covers. See zero-server stack IEEE article example.

First print goal: compile musicDAO, inject music, no dumping of code please. Just build upon existing code, fix what needs fixing. Discover music on a 2nd phone. Make a new .APK

Dmole commented 2 years ago

Existing solutions appear to lack popular creator adoption required for average people to leave the convenience of patreon/youtube/etc.

synctext commented 2 years ago

Background info. New music seems a failing market. Music industry has declining new artistic output. Record label policy is now to never listen to new stuff or read here.

Dmole commented 2 years ago

They say those conclusions are from this data but the data seems to disagree; it's new music (released in the year).

Billboard has some data that excludes online content so maybe they looked in the wrong place.

The billboard data seems to be OK; I checked a few youtube videos with a 1B+ views and they showed up in the year end data.

brian2509 commented 2 years ago

Sprint Update

Small demo; music hosted on other phone & screenshots other version ![link]( alt text alt text

app-debug.apk app-debug.apk (more stable)

synctext commented 2 years ago
brian2509 commented 2 years ago

Sprint update

app-debug.apk app-debug.apk-new

synctext commented 2 years ago
brian2509 commented 2 years ago

Sprint update

open alt text alt text alt text alt text

app-debug.apk (will override current debug apk) app-debug.apk (no google services, but seperate apk)

synctext commented 2 years ago
synctext commented 2 years ago


brian2509 commented 2 years ago

Sprint Update


synctext commented 2 years ago
leonardusjoannes commented 2 years ago

How to circumvent another Nobel prize winning theory:

synctext commented 2 years ago
Related work to artist investment DAO Type Dao name
centralised Molochdao
centralised Gitcoin round 12
centralised Optimism funding
centralised "Biometric Financial" GovernorDAO Proof of Existence - Solved Sybil Resistance using no-KYC biometrics :rofl: :laughing: :rofl:
centralised traditional VC investment of Billions. The DAO model only needs to grow a million times :astonished:
brian2509 commented 2 years ago

Sprint Update


synctext commented 2 years ago
brian2509 commented 2 years ago

Another route that I read about quite a bit is some sort of BisqDAO model with off-chain storage and execution of "smart-contracts" on ipv8/trust-chain with commitments of the smart-contract state to Bitcoin to prevent double-spending. Difficulty is that ownership model of Bitcoin is still limited.

synctext commented 2 years ago
leonardusjoannes commented 2 years ago

Leaving of the DOA or longer period of inactiveness: return funds to the initial investors. (at least as ambition), can the investors decide to "collectively" (t<n) leave the artist. Also investors might prefer to not use their voting right (cause they reley on the others, reputation from earlier investments)?

ps is there a "working definition of a DAO"?

leonardusjoannes commented 2 years ago

definition from coin desk ( A decentralized autonomous organization, or DAO, is a blockchain-based form of organization or company that is often governed by a native crypto token. Anyone who purchases and holds these tokens gains the ability to vote on important matters directly related to the DAO. They typically use smart contracts in place of traditional corporate structures to coordinate the efforts and resources of many towards common aims. These are self-executing computer programs that carry out a particular function when certain conditions are met.

questions: Is a DLT/blockchain a prerequisite for a DAO? (or is it without just an autonomous piece of software?), read in the article the thought experiment on a driverless car) --> is the DLT only there for the onstopable aspect? Is voting a prerequisite? (can you have a DAO without voting? think so) I think a DAO is driven by "horizontal governance", where a traditional firm is by "vertical governance". The voting may lead to more vertical governance?(voting may help to circumvent/mitigate "contract incompleteness")

leonardusjoannes commented 2 years ago

Suppose you model the music, the proposals etc as an "NFT" alike generic does the Music DAO get?

brian2509 commented 2 years ago
synctext commented 2 years ago

Nice research idea! Generic "share key management" within IPv8, solid idea.

synctext commented 2 years ago

intro suggestion: This thesis present technology for radically altering the business landscape of music. Other work is progressing on the creative side of music. For instance, music generated by AI is now approaching the level that it is refreshing to hear. Citation: "Jukebox: A Generative Model for Music" by OpenAI.

brian2509 commented 2 years ago
synctext commented 2 years ago

lets focus for 2 weeks on writing your master thesis core: 10-pages IEEE format with max. 6 figures. (14 figure example (15 figure example (EDIT: bachelor thesis new format for 2022: 1 cover page and IEEE format)

brian2509 commented 2 years ago
synctext commented 2 years ago
The invention of the internet and recent advancement in
technology have led to the creation of big-tech companies
with enormous amount of power. These companies are
able to scale to sizes previously deemed impossible and
provide services to billions of people. The concentration
of this authority is vulnerable to well-known drawbacks
of centralization, including the emergence of monopolies,
corruption, and other activities motivated by profit-seeking
rather than by acting in the interest of the greater good.
Society suffers from this and normal people do not have the
ability to influence these organizations.

Shorter and to introduction.

This sprint: focus only on the shared wallet graph for Segwit, later add frost into the same graph. Core results of your DAO science. 1 section + 1 graph.

synctext commented 2 years ago

{excellent material to discuss inside intro and problem description: 'we demonstrate decentralised control of money is possible, something others deemed to be impossible. Growth and adaption are the first-principles of a true DAO. Due to contract incompleteness it is required to support continuous human steering and oversight. Experience will show if long-enduring DAO structures are possible within our socio-economic practices.'} "DeFi decentralisation illusion" quote in Bank of International Settlement report on CBDC and 'the future monetary system'. Other BIS report: "DeFi risks and the decentralisation illusion" :

But full decentralisation in DeFi is illusory. A key tenet of economic analysis is
that enterprises are unable to devise contracts that cover all possible eventualities,
eg in terms of interactions with staff or suppliers. Centralisation allows firms to deal
with this “contract incompleteness” (Coase (1937) and Grossman and Hart (1986)). In
DeFi, the equivalent concept is “algorithm incompleteness”, whereby it is impossible
to write code spelling out what actions to take in all contingencies. 
This first-principles argument has crucial practical implications.
The decentralised nature of DeFi raises the question of how to implement any
policy provisions. We argue that full decentralisation in DeFi is an illusion. And indeed,
platforms have groups of stakeholders that take and implement decisions, exercising
managerial or ownership benefits. These groups, and the governance protocols on
which their interactions are based, are the natural entry points for policymakers. These
entry points should allow public authorities to contain DeFi-related issues before this
ecosystem attains systemic importance.
leonardusjoannes commented 2 years ago

Full decentralisation an illusion, may be if humans get in the value chain or if you try to do realise it in one go. Technology/infrastructure wise full decentralisation should be the dot on the horizon, decentral foundation and experiment.

with that infrastructure aspects like self governance can be experimented with. Terms alike self rule, self governance, self regulation should be in line with a higher ambition, what ever that may be or: fair and transparant sharing of wealth and resources (or is that soft) How to enforce the governance, regulation or whatever: external supervision (sounds like centralisation or can this be done in a different way?), compliance by design (contract incompleteness), game theory (may also suffer from contract incompleteness).

just to take the challenge more apart Decentral Autonomous Accountable Service

The new nature of the firm, not knowing how this new firm should look like, not yet. It is highly likely a transition from vertical to horizontal-> decentral. May be a goal: fair distribution of resources and wealth? And start with a service instead of a whole organisation (semantics). Experiments needed, and an infrastructure supporting the decental approach! on top of that the autonomous, accountable service can be build. (buzzwoerd bingo)

brian2509 commented 2 years ago

Current sprint meeting pdf

synctext commented 2 years ago
Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO) are a new
form of organization which are both decentralized and autonomous.

Introduction start a bit slow, skip all the prior text and just start with the above. Faster & sharper.

Upcoming sprint: just write the related work section + focus mostly on technical matters. Get the "DAO kernel" going. Possibly run a trail with 10 people in a workshop with real BTC :open_mouth: Goal: joint wallet with DAO participants, screen with investment in artist + artist payout screen. Experiment brainstorm: everybody joins DAO, 1 shared wallet, everybody selects an artist to invest in with collective DAO (fixated amount), finally a few artists join in and reward investors.

EDIT: just make the DAO as-simple-as-possible at first. Even to the point its almost not usable in real-life with real money. For instance: everybody who was accepted into the DAO has full control of all collective funds. For example, implement "auto-join" no voting on new members; just check if there is money in collective wallet and auto-approve that new member. Its up to later master students to create a governance, democracy, money management module! No need to take on that big task until December. Artist screen: share music, create wallet for donations/investments, show incoming funds, and pay back investor/fans

brian2509 commented 2 years ago

Currently getting quite far along into the integration of the multi-sig and DAO parts in the application, hitting some roadblocks w/ trust-chain communication but should be fixable. Difficulty is in the non-modularity of the existing code base and difference in architecture in the application. The thresh-hold functionality seems to be just for looks (?) and only multi-sig is used. Possible solution is to use n-choose-m many m-of-m taproot transactions for multi-sig with the major advantage of being non-interactive. Otherwise will just be using multi-sig for the prototype. Brainstorm for later students: generic module/API to gossip and discover data objects in the network would be helpful. Would save lots of time if made in the beginning of your project.

Mu-sig1:, works with Schnorr signatures (BIP-340) which allow for linearity and key aggregation for small transaction sizes

Here a (what I think is) realistic summary of user stories for the final prototype:

synctext commented 2 years ago

EDIT: We apply our generic DAO design to the music industry. According to critics, this industry is ruled by monopolies, there is a societal need to unrig creative labor markets and get artists paid

brian2509 commented 2 years ago
synctext commented 2 years ago
brian2509 commented 1 year ago

inter-sprint update

brian2509 commented 1 year ago

sprint update

synctext commented 1 year ago
brian2509 commented 1 year ago

leonardusjoannes commented 1 year ago

download download

synctext commented 1 year ago
brian2509 commented 1 year ago

Short-list of things I'm working for the last DAO version:

Furthermore worked some more on the .pdf. Am having a hard time structuring the paper still, this version is messy. I hope to have a proper version which can be read more like a final version next week w/ related work/implementation/architecture done.

synctext commented 1 year ago
Copyright-free image, free to (re-)use. Workshop of the first true decentralised DAO deployment. Comment on your latest master thesis draft: - introduction; easy to digest as a blog post would be. Then switch to dense and more exact scientific language. Explained fake decentralisation already sufficiently in intro? - ```To date, all DAOs are still centralised to some extend``` add 6-12 sentences with centrality in ??MakerDAO, Uniswap, BitDAO. - Limit your scope in intro {suggestion}: 1) DAO==Cool, 2) fake decentralisation only, 3) proof-of-work limit with few mega miners + proof-of-stake centrality with a new elite. 4) we present the DAO breakthrough that humanity always needed, but never had /sarcasm. Nothing more; keep simple. - DAO == Cool: Billion of users already work together and consumer knowledge on Wikipedia. We imagine DAO technology to mature one day to empower alternatives for Big Tech. etc. - "problem description" - put something more clear and scientific in definition with _italics_. - We define a DAO as _a mechanism for economic activity by an unbounded group of people within an adversarial environment without any centrality in infrastructure, leadership or legality_." - "V. MUSIC DAO PROTOTYPE" - if it works with REAL Bitcoin, its not a prototype - Real Bitcoin transaction between 2 people, record in thesis - Thesis experiment with Bitcoins on real ledger with Taproot keys - Reference to Blockchain explorer as footnote? - performance analysis {ideas} - real code, real emulation on a single server - cmdline mode DAO !! - focus on graphs there - Join time for 2,3, 10k sizes DAO - Multi-Sig algorithm profiling 2,3, 10k ? - Future work: **Fix scalability** - Bitcoin becomes a candidate to empower the global financial system :astonished: :tada: :astonished: - Adress the main challenge: transactions per second - A Bitcoin DAO with multi-Sig + clearance and settlement engine - Magic solution: - Single Shared Bitcoin wallet - Potentially billions of people own this collective wallet money - Offer unlimited transaction speed inside this shared wallet - Avoid global consensus and UTXO with Trustchain - Single valid signature to transfer funds within collective wallet (block hiding attack, reputation against double spending, 51%, etc needed) - Special purpose DAO to manage this single collective wallet, a DAO-Bank. Offer free bank transfers, a traditional core banking service - Conduct clearance and settlement of transactions inside The-First-DAO-Bank - Not a ```Layer II```, not a side-chain; no smart contract; no governance token; its a full blown unstoppable _DAO Bank_. - thousands of real-time transactions, every 10 minutes the The-First-DAO-Bank conducts clearance and settlement to Bitcoin.
leonardusjoannes commented 1 year ago

DAO bank is almost alike a shadow admin of the bitcoin blockchain, leaving the DAO bank and conversion of DAO-bank-bitcoin to other value the moment of "truth" (where all your txn's honest txn's).
Sanity check (sum of all wallets) instead of consensus to avoid double spending ;).

brian2509 commented 1 year ago


synctext commented 1 year ago

Reading your 6-page master thesis draft:

brian2509 commented 1 year ago


synctext commented 1 year ago
synctext commented 1 year ago