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master thesis - zero trust architecture for legal entities #6786

Open synctext opened 2 years ago

synctext commented 2 years ago


(starting today, but 10 ECTS left)

Nieuwlaar commented 2 years ago

Topic Funneling 1:

Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport: Project 1: Improvement of MediTrail (

Project 2: Improving communication of the health sector

Autoriteit Financiële Markten: Project 3:

PaperDAO Project 4

Rijksdienst voor Identiteitsgegevens: Project 5:

European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA): Project 6:

De Nederlandsche Bank: Project 7:

Projects still in the funnel of interest: 4, 5, 6, and 7.

Nieuwlaar commented 2 years ago

Status update:


synctext commented 2 years ago

status copied. We now have the following inside the superapp:

current sprint: literature survey.

Nieuwlaar commented 2 years ago

Draft literature survey on eIDAS compliance: survey_eidas_high_compliance_1.pdf

Nieuwlaar commented 2 years ago

Status update: Contacted Jean-Paul Bakkers from BZK, Geert-Jon Jepkes, IT architect eHerkenning and involved in DigiD eIDAS notification, and Bob Hulsebosch, process manager during DigiD hoog notification. From research and this contact, it can be concluded that creating a decentralized eIDAS high compliant standard and implementation is infeasible in a master thesis project, because of the following reasons:

synctext commented 2 years ago


Nieuwlaar commented 2 years ago
synctext commented 2 years ago
Nieuwlaar commented 2 years ago

Brief summary of the findings in these four directions:

More information can be found in Section 4: survey_eidas_high_compliance (1).pdf

synctext commented 2 years ago
Nieuwlaar commented 2 years ago
Nieuwlaar commented 1 year ago


synctext commented 1 year ago

inspirational update, good efforts.

"Deploying pillars of trust: eIDAS2, Trustchain, IPv8, and EBSI" That is worthy of a solid master thesis focus! Linking various sources-of-legal-truth, tamper-proof ledger storage, quantum-proof IPv8 communication, and root-of-trust from EBSI. Uncompromising open source.

Nieuwlaar commented 1 year ago
Nieuwlaar commented 1 year ago
synctext commented 1 year ago

Dutch government already has trouble keeping up with the pace of innovation in Europe. Sadly we even want to have a "Dutch flavour" to the European Identity and eIDAS 2.0 legal framework.

Programma EDI Stelsel NL
Om dit te realiseren moet er een stelsel voor Europese digitale identiteit in Nederland worden ingericht. Hiervoor zet
het Programma EDI Stelsel NL van het ministerie van BZK nu de eerste stappen. Veel moet nog worden uitgezocht,
maar 1 ding is zeker: het stelsel wordt ingericht op basis van een open houding en zoveel mogelijk co-creatie.

Current methodology is to try to avoid these fragile "grand visions" and meticulously use a small "use-case" based approach. By limiting the scope we ensure realisation. Use-case: natural person whom is listed as authorised inside the registry of chamber of commerce to add or suspend car registrations inside the Netherlands vehicle authority registry. Problem is that recent query to chamber of commerce registry is currently required. This does not make the citizens self-sovereign and against European once-and-only-once spirit. Warning: keep this use-case small, ensure viability, guard feasibility, and protect implementability. Exploration track: work with Rowdy credentials, test Jacobino EBSI code, and explore use-case by showing non-functional screens in superapp (obtain minimal viable happy flow).

Keep the thesis at highest scientific level: "Deploying pillars of trust: eIDAS2, Trustchain, IPv8, and EBSI" (repeated)

ToDo: the IEEE writing style pointers

Thesis goal: work towards 1 field trail of merely 1 hour working with your app. Make 1 grand photo, this become your master thesis final figure: it really happened. Graduate :balloon:

Nieuwlaar commented 1 year ago
synctext commented 1 year ago
Nieuwlaar commented 1 year ago

Preliminary answers to issues mentioned in previous meeting (performance analysis, deployment and thesis challenge): Performance analysis:

Deployment evaluation:

Technical challenge solved:

Next sprint: Hopefully merge Rowdy's work and start EBSI credential issuance compliance.

synctext commented 1 year ago
Nieuwlaar commented 1 year ago
Nieuwlaar commented 1 year ago

Next sprint: Create and bind DID documents within superapp.

Nieuwlaar commented 1 year ago
Nieuwlaar commented 1 year ago
Nieuwlaar commented 1 year ago

The previously mentioned statements regarding rights and obligations are all true, but concern public law. In the eHerkenning, RDW, and Makro/Sligro use case the legal basis is private law (as it concerns machtigingen within a company). The previous wrong statements have been striked through. The correct notion of machtigen within a company is "power of attorney", in case this power is limited it becomes a "special power of attorney". As I want my work to be legally irrefutable, I found it useful to correct and explain this.

Nieuwlaar commented 1 year ago

Next sprint:


Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Costs of KVK HR dataservice:

updated gif (now fake PoA is truly fake)


synctext commented 1 year ago

Wow, it took me minutes to understand how many pieces have come together this sprint. :1st_place_medal: Great Work Sir! Now into Wrapping up phase! Trying to understand broad scope of your thesis:

  1. EBSI works. New schema added
  2. KvK QR codes, irrefutable digital proofs of PowerOfAttorney (e.g. machtiging case)
  3. RDW use-case fixed
  4. Photo of an actual field experiment with your actual running code
  5. Brief and broad societal perspective

Next sprint fit the above into 8-10 IEEE 2-column master thesis format:

  1. intro Zero Trust Architecture for legal entities
  2. Problem Description zero-trust: Making Trust Portable ('Jansen from Jansen Inc.' 1st use-case: its all about PoE)
  3. System Architecture Local-First {Figure1: system Architecture; KvK handelsregister 1040 Euro cost, EBSI, wallets with zero-knowledge WaltID, RDW,...}
  4. Zero Trust realisation and prototyping
  5. Field Trail and Performance Analysis

Can you give some advise for the future for us as a lab? What has long-term future? Empower citizens, give them control over their digital lives or help businesses with new digital government services, which are still immature. The Chamber of Commerce has 48 products (roughly), yet the inherent system complexity is limited. The digital transformation of this organisation is not yet as far as RDW? EBSI alternative for parts of expensive eHerkenning?

ToDo: what is your 1 year dream assignment {external phd???,LSP}?

Nieuwlaar commented 1 year ago

Mashed my previous work survey_eidas_high_compliance (2).pdf and MSc_Erwin_Nieuwlaar (36).pdf into a few sentences. They are now included in the current document: MSc_final (53).pdf

Can you give some advice for the future for us as a lab?

  • Remote identifying at eIDAS level of assurance (LoA) high is gold (potentie om alle fysieke balies in de EU te vervangen) (PhD level)
  • Combining the above with a LoA high authentication to local private keys (secure element integration), creating a tamperproof protocol that incorporates: "something you know (PIN), something you have (Phone), something you are (Biometrics/something centralized)" including loss of 1 of these. This is a problem EDI will have to deal with and is not solved yet.
  • EU reference wallet will soon be available, adding EU-wide Legal Entities to this wallet would be nice for TU Delft. Proving that brokers and QTSPs may not be needed in the new digital identity era. Alternatively, let a master student hack/exploit this wallet.
  • KVK will most likely partake in 2 LSPs regarding EDI (POTENTIAL and EWC), an annual graduation project at the KVK is interesting to keep updated regarding EDI and the legal entity perspective thereof. what is your 1 year dream assignment {external phd???,LSP}?

Do LSP at KVK. If turns out not challenging enough: add external PhD

synctext commented 1 year ago

Review of thesis draft:

Nieuwlaar commented 1 year ago


Current idea for Performance Analysis:


synctext commented 1 year ago
Nieuwlaar commented 1 year ago
synctext commented 1 year ago
Nieuwlaar commented 1 year ago

Things that I think are left to do:

synctext commented 1 year ago
Nieuwlaar commented 1 year ago
synctext commented 1 year ago
Nieuwlaar commented 1 year ago
synctext commented 1 year ago
Nieuwlaar commented 1 year ago



synctext commented 1 year ago