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msc placeholder: 5G overlay infrastructure for decentralised learning ??? #7258

Open synctext opened 1 year ago

synctext commented 1 year ago

Thesis defense target: 21 June 2024. Survey target: end of July 2023. Would like to have a fresh master thesis topic, not incremental improvement of other thesis work. Starting roughly Q1 2023 or summer of 2023, flexible. update: starting lit. survey 2nd May update 2: literature survey finished: 3 oct 2023.

RTOS expertise. AWS. Dream of contributing to The Linux Kernel. Byte-level stuff OK, even assembly person in the age of Javascript :-) Like to use machine learning, but not invent new ML stuff or central focus of thesis (no unsupervised learning, no online learning). Thus more ML that is: adversarial, byzantine, decentralised, personalised, local-first AI, edge-devices only, low-power hardware accelerated. Prefer to utilise advanced algorithms msc course knowledge.

Possible brainstorm starting idea: start building the fastest machine learning based on hardware acceleration. First step is get the hardware running fast, stepwise modify algorithms and tweak towards machine learning for learn-to-rank, learn-through-consumption, or even learn-about-trust (reputation graph, work graph, MeritRank inspired etc). Promised phones to test.

OrestisKan commented 2 months ago


Improved writing in methodology and evaluation, added hypothesis testing to prove increase in connectivity presented the new library, analysed Odido, Orange FR, and SFR added parameters of Epic CY and CytaMobile-VodaFone CY

synctext commented 2 months ago

Taxonomy of NAT boxes and blog posts are not introduction or problem description section material (.5 page). Methdology is "Architecture and design of ..."

Example of intro (page 1 of thesis only + abstract): This work empowers citizens to take back control of The Internet and AI. AI is expected to improve industries like healthcare, manufacturing and customer service, leading to higher-quality experiences for both workers and customers. The leading AI hardware company could be worth $50 trillion within a decade in the scenario where generative AI leads to an industrial revolution. Companies are making small steps toward "Level 5 intelligence". Companies are expected to profit, leading to further market concentration. Ordinary citizens are not expected to profit from this, increasing inequality. Politicians publicly ponder that: Who will control AI, will control the world. Our work is meticulously designed to counter this.

Our work empowers citizens to take back control of their life. More specifically, we present the self-organising technology stack to take back The Internet and AI. Who owns The Internet? Who controls AI? The Internet is essentially private property, with few exceptions. Big Tech AI is build with copyrighted works [REF]. Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Tencent, and others operate the central components of our daily digital lives. For instance, we require permission from Google and Apple to publish software for mobile devices. Their monopoly power means no other meaningful method exists to reach billions of smartphone users with newly created apps. News and media are dominated by American and China-based AI-driven monopolies.

We introduce a novel type of low-level network overlay and proof-of-principle zero-server AI network. Our zero-server architecture offers various networking primitives. These serve as the basic building blocks for creating full fledged AI alternatives for the services of "trusted" third parties or Big Tech companies.

We crafted a decentralised Tiktok to demonstrate the viability of our work. Our proof-of-principle social media app does not require any servers, avoid using any cloud, bypasses the need for any legal entity, and abstains any centrality in general. Relentless improvements in mobile hardware now enable both generative AI and on-device alternatives for the cloud. Our app builds a fully decentralised media experience by building upon the swarming-based Bittorrent protocol.

Our main contribution is bypassing the carrier-grade NAT hardware inside 5G networks. The depletion of IPv4 addresses and lack of cybersecurity forces 5G network operators to violate Internet protocols. === END of INTRO ===

Problem Description Our central scientific problem is how to devise an AI-overlay network on 5G. We aim to create a new ownership model of generative AI. By creating fully decentralised machine learning on 5G it is possible to make AI which is owned by both nobody and everybody. The challenge is to overcome the restricted communication in 5G networks. These mobile networks are excusively designed to communicate with the cloud. Since 2017 Delft University has successfully expanded their research on decentralised 5G overlay network. See the Android devices participating in a peer-to-peer based network overlay. {INSERT PICTURE PAGE 2}

Architecture an AI overlay network on 5G {1 page or less} We present the detailed technical work required for creating {INSERT PICTURE of 2-3 phones running decentral tiktok with successful puncture SIMs} We have a different design and different approach then the TinyML community is persuing. Our architecture is designed to decentralise generative AI, as demonstrated in our prior AI decentralisation efforts. The ability for autonomous AI agents to communicate using 5G is cardinal.

Extensive measurements of 5G networks Present results. Present that Table 2.

OrestisKan commented 2 months ago
OrestisKan commented 1 month ago

Latest thesis draft: First_5G_deployment_of_Distributed_Artificial_Intelligence (2).pdf

synctext commented 1 month ago

Draft editing for possible APNIC blog post

5G carrier-grade NAT puncturing for social good

Students from Delft University of Technology have been trying to fix The Internet for 25 years. One specific master thesis we want to highlight is the successful puncturing of a symmetric NAT (Network Address Translator) in a mobile 5G network. It was used to create a decentralised TikTok alternative. Many of our students create operational distributed systems for social good. Our dream is that one day our Internet protocols for identity, trust, money, data, and intelligence will re-decentralise The Internet. University education sometimes has a gap with the outside world. Education from the Tribler Lab at Delft University specifically aims to close that gap. Within our courses at bsc, msc, and phd level we aim to confront students with real-world complexity. To prepare students for a company job we require that students push running code to Github for a passing grade. Running code of 5G puncturing. (ToDo expand into details) We explain in great detail how master student travelled through Europe to buy 4G/5G SIM cards Delft students developed operational Internet protocols for identity, trust, money, data, and intelligence. Contributing to social good is the focus of our learn-by-doing educational methodology. In the past 25 years we see a growing amount of political and societal passion in our students. Cynical voices within education are negative about Gen Z. We all turned "fat, lazy, and happy" was said during the opening of the academic year in Eindhoven. Our experience is different, but education needs to evolve as generations differ. Gen Z is exposed to TikTok videos about doomsday glaciers, forever wars, and flooding of coastal cities within their lifetime. We see that many of our students get maximum motivation by being able to contribute to something bigger. At Delft we see that Gen Z demands more than merely giving a single common lab assignment to the yearly population of 500 computer science engineers. Individual projects to fix the world leads to superior learning outcomes. The boomer generation shaped society mostly based on capital. Gen Z now lives on an Internet where a few companies run everything and have become quasi-monopolists in their respective domains, such as search, social networks, or e-commerce. This affects not only the online life of students, but also defines the offline rules, where their gatekeeping companies impacts sectors such as taxi services, dining, and retail. Complete infographic of AI society. Trust, pure-phone, SSI, DAO, markets, Euro, LART? 1999 example Aaron? puncturing of 5G infrastructure of operators For the past 25 years Delft University of Technology is activly
OrestisKan commented 3 weeks ago

Latest thesis draft First_5G_deployment_of_Distributed_Artificial_Intelligence.pdf

synctext commented 3 weeks ago

More polish is needed; email thesis 10Sep evening.

OrestisKan commented 2 weeks ago

First_5G_deployment_of_Distributed_Artificial_Intelligence (1).pdf

synctext commented 2 weeks ago


OrestisKan commented 1 week ago

thesis defence.pptx
