Tribler / tribler

Privacy enhanced BitTorrent client with P2P content discovery
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phd placeholder: "Decentralized Machine Learning Systems for Information Retrieval" #7290

Open synctext opened 1 year ago

synctext commented 1 year ago

< Placeholder > timeline: April 2023 - April 2027. ToDo: 6 weeks hands-on Python onboarding project. Learn a lot and plan to throw it away. Next step is then to start working on your first scientific article. You need 4 thesis chapters and you then completed your phd.

One idea: towards trustworthy and perfect metadata for search (e.g. perfect memory retrieval for the global brain #7064 ). Another idea: Gradient decent model takes any keyword search query as input. Output is a limited set of vectors. Only valid content is recommended. Learning goal is to provide semantic matching between input query and output vector. General background and Spotity linkage possible dataset sharing

Max. usage of expertise: product/market fit thinking

Background reading:


Possible scientific storyline: SearchZero a decentralised, self-supervised search engine with continuous learning

mg98 commented 1 year ago


synctext commented 1 year ago

Brainstorm: We present a decentralised search engine, based on deep learning of URLs, URIs, magnet links, and IPFS links. Deep learning has been successfully used in the past to identify trusted and malicious websites. We go beyond this prior work and present an experimental search engine based on fully decentralised unsupervised learning. Our fuzzy search algorithm is based on unsupervised online learning-to-rank (OL2R). Left for future work: beyond static item list (no content discovery, currently unable to add new content items), reputation & trust for spam filtering (also required for trustworthy content discovery).

Literature, Dataset and code:

mg98 commented 1 year ago

Spent the last week doing basic courses on neural networks again. Trying to get a linear regression model running to predict a sine function (using SGD). As basic as this is, implementing it is not as easy as I would have expected 🥲 EDIT: Probably because a sine function is not exactly linear 🤦🏼‍♂️

I will continue to try to get it to work. I need to learn it at some point, I think. However, I'm inclined to first-publication ideas that do not directly employ NN/learning, as kind of a soft start.

Talked to @kozlovsky again about semantic search based on simple embeddings. We could use the crowdsourced information and metadata to compute embeddings for every torrent and build a distributed (dec.) search algorithm based on vector distance to have a YouTube-like search experience. I don't know how far the literature is with that but I feel like there are some interesting avenues to explore:

Use this as a basis for semantic search and improve through OL2R in the next step?

This week's ToDos:

synctext commented 1 year ago

Please chat to all people in the lab, understand their speciality. btw documenting your lesson learned; ML blogs make it look easy, none of them worked.

Please review the Meerkat system Github repo from RedPajama.

+ Something we called crowdsourcing 20 years ago: RLHF, + + + + 2011 [P2Prec: A P2P Recommendation System for Large-Scale Data Sharing]( + 2013 [A peer-to-peer recommender system for self-emerging user communities based on gossip overlays]( + simpel sprint idea: IPv8 community with trivial primitive. 3 items in a request, 2 recommendations + signed semantic similarity in return. ToDo: tag-based. Suggested sprint: you successfully encoded ```sin()```. Next, take 4 images, try to [embed them in a machine learning model using useful overfitting]( Meerkat [docs example]( of ```embed()```. Scientific primitive, unbounded storage of [unstructured data]( for decentralised learning. Key question, how much storage space for 1 million static thumbnails? ``` import meerkat as mk df, query=mk.embed("A photo of a person", engine="clip"), by=mk.embed(df["image"], engine="clip") ) ```
mg98 commented 1 year ago

Got a sine function prediction working using a NN regression model. It's not much... but feels good to have succeeded at this task. Learned about activation functions, and the challenge of parametrization in ML.

Also did some reading on tagging, recommender systems, and collaborative filtering, which opens another broad area of research, e.g., the issue of trust in collaborative tagging (see research topic 4 in science#42) - which I do find interesting. Publication idea: Empirical analysis/ measurements of MeritRank deployed on Tribler

This (and perhaps also the next) week, I want to play around with Meerkat, learn about Autoencoder, and see if I can get something up and running, i.e., another ML model. I hope to further evolve my understanding of AI/ML and learn about yet new concepts.

synctext commented 1 year ago

Rich metadata embedding of "artist passport" Cullah. Cullah donation wallet 1FfnfPJJ6yTTT9PGZe8TGgfEGQFc9kvQoW Linkage with strong identity and GoldEuro direct donation by superfans.

scientific venue
mg98 commented 1 year ago

Update on Autoencoder:

The hardships of the last weeks seem to start paying off. I was able to create some functional autoencoders within just one day.

I trained a model on eight pictures displaying tulips (dimensions: 240x180px), i.e., an input layer of 3x240x180=130k neurons, reduced that to 1000 neurons in a single hidden layer (encoding). If I'm not mistaken, this equates to a data reduction from 130 to 4 KB (the original JPEGs had 50-80 KB).

Example decoded output:

Screenshot 2023-05-09 at 15 28 14

This might not be impressive, and with the right parametrization, we might be able to get more out of it. But for now, I'm just happy that it works in principle.

mg98 commented 1 year ago

Motivated by my recent success with autoencoders, I spent the last week trying again to get a pairwise LTR model for a sample of test data running. By doing that, I learned a lot more about the details of this approach. However, I had to pause this project because I would like to move this outside of a notebook and run it locally. I'm waiting for my work MacBook for that (my machine has difficulties) - it should arrive next week.

So now I turned to the idea of NN-based file compression which apparently is not only successful with the task of lossless compression but can actually compete with traditional algorithms like GZIP or 7Z (see, e.g., DZIP or its successor DeepZIP). I find that quite impressive and as I have in the past been working in the realm of data deduplication and also compression a bit, I'm interested to understand how that works, how much of it is theory, and how much of it can actually sustain real-world use cases. They do employ autoencoders but also recurrent NNs. RNNs are yet new to me and I've come across them before in the context of language models, so I want to educate myself on them finally and thereby further broaden my knowledge of AI/ML.

synctext commented 1 year ago

Using LLM for ranking. Background and also Did a silly OpenAI experiment, might be useful building block, but small part:

These are examples of queries with sample relevant documents for
each query. The query must be specific and detailed.

Example 1:
document: ubuntu-mate-19.10-desktop-amd64.iso
query: latest Ubuntu image

Example 2:
document: ubuntu-21.10-beta-pack
query: ubuntu 21.10

Example 3:
document: chemistry-3b-002-fall2014-ucberkeley
query: chemistry class Berkeley

Example 4:
document: 14BHD 2020-2021 Informatica

Found this dataset with 7000+ pet images (+ code) for scientific research, so it sort of works :dog:

mg98 commented 1 year ago

So I ended up not learning about RNNs, NN-compression, etc. last week.

Instead, I investigated an idea proposed by @grimadas, which is to leverage ML as a means to classify nodes as Sybil or not-Sybil and use the resulting score as a weight-factor in the reputation algorithms of MeritRank. The way this would work is by embedding nodes using algorithms like node2vec (excellent tutorial series) such that in vector space they reveal information about structure and connectivity of individual nodes, off which patterns can be derived or learned that could identify Sybil-regions. Further, an ML model would be trained on the simulation of Sybil attacks (cycle, serial, series). The hope is that the model will find more effective strategies to mitigate Sybil attacks than the static heuristics employed in MeritRank. In a first short literature review, I have only found efforts of ML for Sybil detection/tolerance in the context of online social networks.

Back to LTR

Got my new MacBook yesterday 🔥 so I was able to continue my work on the OL2R project. My goal was to just get anything working, and I specifically sticked with the pairwise LTR approach for this. To this end, I was only following the basic idea, which is to train a model based on query-document-pair triples, and followed my intuition for the rest.


Demo Kapture 2023-06-02 at 13 21 39



synctext commented 1 year ago

Sprint: get a solid production-level metadata dataset (Creative Commons, ?)

mg98 commented 1 year ago

Update: I have started giving more time again to my first thesis chapter (the one I started writing several months ago, with a colleague). Work title: "A Comprehensive Study of Content-Defined Chunking Algorithms for Data Deduplication". I want tot finish this within the next 1-2 months!

MeritRank+crowdsourcing phd chapter 2023? Learn-to-rank 2024 thesis chapter?

Love this roadmap!! ❤️

I have started getting my hands on the Tribler code and gain a better understanding of its inner workings. Will try to move forward with the practical preparatory work for the next thesis chapter, such as getting a dataset.

mg98 commented 11 months ago

Over the last month, I was mainly focused on my first thesis chapter. That involved writing, but also running experiments, fixing bugs in our code, and figuring out the best way to present our data.

For example, visualising the chunk size distribution was a challenge because of the amount of experiments and amount of algorithms we evaluate. Furthermore, the variance in behavior made it difficult to fit everything into a single plot while preserving readability.

Apart from this, I was reading some papers, talking to my peers in the lab, trying to understand what they're doing, and also continuing to explore AI/ML, e.g., learning about transformers.

synctext commented 11 months ago

Please write 3 next paper ideas around topic of "Web3 crowdsourcing". 6-page for DICG 4th workshop would be indeed a great learning. One of 3: crowdsourcing of metadata using MeritRank; everybody can tag, describe work done of KnowledgeGraph, desing an Algorithm 1, discover tags, rate them using MeritRank, emulation using Bulat Python magic, epic Sybil attack. take Rohan algorithm, get going in tag context instead of recommendation, improve somewhat.

Great news, hoping chapter to be ready for final reading & submission aug/sep. As a starting point for new lab people a short history and essential reading.

Year Topic Milestone description
2000 vision Open Information Pools was the first paper with the dream of establishing a new Internet. Now grown into the Web3 movement. Dreams of a young man, taking 23 years to realise and still counting. A reputation function calculates a reputation based on several aspects of the user, like the amount of activity of the user, number of retrievals of his submitted information, the number of modications to his submissions, etc.
2006 vision Tribler, initial overview. First deployment of social networking with academically pure self-organisation
2008 vision we reported on BarterCast feedback loop
2023 vision A Deployment-First Methodology to Mechanism Design and Refinement in Distributed Systems
2020 trust TrustChain: A Sybil-resistant scalable blockchain
2018 trust trustchain IETF draft Internet standard
2018 trust we formulated the improved feedback loop
2019 trust Jeremie is now a professor at Delft: RepuCoin: Your Reputation is Your Power
2021 trust Foundations of Peer-to-Peer Reputation
2023 trust Meritrank solves the impossibility result formulated by Prof Parkes of Harvard. A reputation system which might actually induce online trust.
2010 community Private communities help eachother, biggest measurement ever conducted. No tit-for-tat in most of the time with private communities, see Figure 6. image
2011 community competition due to oversupply. Fast download but eternal seeding: The reward and punishment of Sharing Ratio Enforcement
2013 community Systemic Risk and User-Level Performance in Private P2P Communities
2020 DAO Technology Stack for Decentralized Mobile Services (Matt Scala)
2021 DAO Towards a Robot Economy for the Music Industry (Tim Wissel)
2022 DAO Web3: A Decentralized Societal Infrastructure for Identity, Trust, Money, and Data (Joost Bambacht)
2023 DAO Performance analysis of an offline digital Euro prototype (Robbert Koning)
2023 DAO First Deployed DAO with True Full Decentralisation (Brian Planje)
2023 AI MoDeST: Bridging the Gap between Federated and Decentralized Learning with Decentralized Sampling
2023 AI Decentralised recommendations with trust and relevance (Rohan)
2023 AI Towards Sybil Resilience in Decentralized Learning (Thomas)
synctext commented 11 months ago

New ACM Journal on Collective Intelligence seems like a solid venue to target. Your second chapter could then simply be decentralised collective intelligence. Using Tribler to share info, use tagging, and trust. You can re-publish a lot of the Tribler work done by others in the past 18 years and 3 months. the journal encourages a broad-minded approach to collective performance. We welcome perspectives that emphasize traditional views of intelligence as well as optimality, satisficing, robustness, adaptability, and wisdom. In more technical terms, this includes issues related to collective output quality and assessment, aggregation of information and related topics (e.g., network structure and dynamics, higher-order vs. pairwise interactions, spatial and temporal synchronization, diversity, etc.), accumulation of information by individuals/components, environmental complexity, evolutionary considerations, and design of systems and platforms fostering collective intelligence.

synctext commented 11 months ago

mg98 commented 11 months ago

To give a little update...

mg98 commented 10 months ago

I'm focusing on the DICG'23 now. @grimadas

MovieLens Dataset

I was able to find a really nice dataset. MovieLens is a non-commercial project run by people from U. Minnesota since 1995. It's a database of movies that users are allowed to rate and tag. Any user can add new tags, and existing tags can be up- and downvoted in a way (see screenshot).

Screenshot 2023-08-14 at 19 09 21

Tags also have the attribute of being positive, neutral, or negative. I am not sure how complete their dataset is about that, but they are responsive to my emails and seem highly cooperative with the provision of data.

We can use this dataset to get an idea of the quantity and quality when it comes to crowdsourcing of tags, and base our simulations on it.

Quick plots... Screenshot 2023-08-09 at 18 04 42Screenshot 2023-08-14 at 20 30 26


Perhaps, for this workshop, I could come up with some subjective tag scoring algorithm, a bit related to the "Justin Bieber is gay" problem. Playing with the idea that for a group of similar users, a tag might be agreed upon, but for another group of users the same might not, etc. Regarding the beforementioned question, there might be a community of users (with similar taste) for whom he is, and another community for whom he isn't. Therefore, introducing the notion of "subjective reality". What indicates user affinity? It could be that they are interested in similar content, i.e., they interacted (tagged or rated) with similar movies.


Will further investigate this idea and the dataset and make updates here. Comments welcome.

devos50 commented 10 months ago

Just noticed this line of work, very interesting! I worked on something similar (trust, tags + MovieLens dataset) more than a year ago, see this issue (note that this is a private repo with many of our research ideas so you might have to request access). The overall goal of that issue was to work on the foundation of tag-centric crowdsourcing in Tribler.

I tried out a few algorithms/approaches and I remember I identified some shortcomings of Credence, which is related to what you're trying to achieve. but as reputation/trust was not really my domain, I decided to focus on the fundamental data structures instead (using Skip Graphs and Knowledge Graphs for Web3 data management). The paper with these ideas is currently under review. Nonetheless, extending that work with a trust layer would be a valuable contribution!

mg98 commented 10 months ago

Hi Martijn :) thanks for your input!

I was knocked out by COVID over the last two weeks, and still am a bit, but here is the continuation of what I was trying to do:

I have calculated user similarity based on the Pearson correlation of common sets of rated movies (as suggested here), and based on that, subjective tags on movies (indeed similar to Credence in that I weigh based on peer correlation). I based this solely on the interactions of the 200 most active users (perf reasons).

Example of a sample of users and their subjective tags on the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" ``` tag score 126 friendship 1.465223 260 prison 1.367187 8 Morgan Freeman 0.966742 275 rape 0.924138 151 hope 0.854776 ``` ``` tag score 126 friendship 1.109590 260 prison 1.103990 275 rape 0.703847 151 hope 0.673232 285 redemption 0.673232 ``` ``` tag score 247 prison 1.158236 121 friendship 0.947820 293 revenge 0.735881 333 suicide 0.685857 134 great ending 0.578089 ```

From there on, I tried to find extreme results, i.e., movie tags for users of "opposite" groups. To this end, I looked up controversial movies and their tags for users with minimum/negative correlation, hoping for something like a clear political or a gender split.

And it wasn't easy, perhaps due to the lack of data. But I still found an interesting disparity for Disney's Star Wars remake.

While one user has funny, good action, and great action among his top tags, another user has Bad jokes, Weird Pacing, boring long, and Script Recycle among its top tags, and further, feminism and social justice. Most of these tags exist with negative scores in the list of tags of the respective other user.

Full list of tags for two negatively correlated users on "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" ``` tag score 29 plot twists 0.181055 4 Benicio del Toro 0.181055 1 BB-8 0.181055 16 Space opera 0.181055 7 Funny 0.181055 8 Good Action 0.181055 9 Gorgeous visuals 0.181055 10 Great action 0.181055 12 John Williams 0.181055 17 Star Wars 0.126848 13 Mark Hamill 0.126848 18 Strong female lead 0.126848 14 Rian Johnson 0.126848 0 Adam Driver 0.099062 6 Daisy Ridley 0.099062 3 Bechdel Test:Pass 0.048224 19 Weird Pacing 0.048224 20 boring 0.048224 34 stormtrooper 0.036496 28 part of trilogy 0.036496 33 space opera 0.036496 21 bunker 0.036496 22 defeat 0.036496 23 failure 0.036496 32 space battle 0.036496 25 good vs evil 0.036496 30 sequel 0.036496 27 military operation 0.036496 24 feminism 0.020438 31 social justice -0.027786 2 Bad jokes -0.033770 15 Script Recycle -0.054207 5 Carrie Fisher -0.054207 11 John Boyega -0.054207 26 long -0.170404 ``` ``` tag score 1 Bad jokes 0.854447 16 feminism 0.730180 0 Adam Driver 0.440624 4 Daisy Ridley 0.440624 2 Bechdel Test:Pass 0.413822 11 Weird Pacing 0.413822 12 boring 0.413822 15 failure 0.410806 24 space opera 0.410806 23 space battle 0.410806 21 sequel 0.410806 20 part of trilogy 0.410806 19 military operation 0.410806 17 good vs evil 0.410806 13 bunker 0.410806 14 defeat 0.410806 25 stormtrooper 0.410806 22 social justice 0.316358 10 Strong female lead 0.124267 9 Star Wars 0.124267 8 Script Recycle 0.124267 7 Rian Johnson 0.124267 6 Mark Hamill 0.124267 5 John Boyega 0.124267 3 Carrie Fisher 0.124267 18 long 0.101508 ```

That was fun to explore but it still lacks a scientific methodology in order to really evaluate the effectiveness of the subjective tags I computed. Previously, I proposed that

Given the tags that the user has agreed and disagreed on in the dataset, we could be able to introduce a metric of success for this algorithm.

Maybe that gives us something. Maybe for all tags that have been up- and down-voted, I can compare the subjective with the objective reality and derive a success metric. And this would allow me to experiment with more sophisticated scoring algorithms and see their effect on this metric.

The paper with these ideas is currently under review. Nonetheless, extending that work with a trust layer would be a valuable contribution!

Good stuff. I don't know if trust should be my scope either. I'll talk to Johan today, will know more then.

Status update on

Please write 3 next paper ideas around topic of "Web3 crowdsourcing".

After almost half a year, I still don't have a grasp of the field enough to come up with own ideas for publications.

synctext commented 10 months ago

No worries about your progress in 6 months of a 48 months phd. Getting into the field of distributed system and doing something novel is hard. Having a draft publication within the first 12 months is already a solid achievement. Goal: April 2024 == 1 thesis chapter under review + 1 finished draft thesis chapter. Non-linear productivity :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Task for September 2023: come up with ideas for a scientific paper and select one (or get inspiration)

SwarmLLM: collective LLM intelligence (with new AI phd expert??)

We present the first proof-of-principle of collective intelligence for transformers. Intelligence emerges from the interaction between numerous elements [REFS]. We use a transformer as the basic building block for a interconnected network of connected unique transformers. Instead of the classical transformer approach with billions of parameters, we connect thousands of specialised transformers into a network. This is a generalisation of the mixture of experts approach with the highly desired new property of unbounded scalability. There is a cost to pay in our approach. In a typical divide and conquer style, the challenge of finding the correct expert becomes harder. Go beyond deepswarm, a system with outdated MNIST evaluation from 2019 using pheromone update rules.

LLM as a key/value store

key: any youtube URL in Youtube-8M dataset. value: the preview thumbnail generated {re-usage of your autoencoder idea??!!} With sharding and multiple LLMs per node a unique datase can be spread in a ring topology, ordered by the keyspace. Semantic clustering or not?

Rich metadata inside an LLM

Tulip picture embedding in generic form. Rich metadata embedding of "artist passport" Cullah. Cullah donation wallet 1FfnfPJJ6yTTT9PGZe8TGgfEGQFc9kvQoW Linkage with strong identity and GoldEuro direct donation by superfans.

Tribler: a public semantic search engine

We shamelessly claim to have a proof-of-principle for public Internet infrastructure after 20 years of effort. We argue that critical societal infrastructure should be developed as a non-profit endeavour. Similar to Bittorrent and Bitcoin we present a self-organising system for semantic search. Our work is based on learn-to-rank and clicklog gossip with privacy-enhancing technology using a Tor-derived protocol.

Web3Search: Online Pairwise Learning to Rank by Divide-and-Conquer with full decentralisation

Embedding nodes using algorithms like node2vec. Embedding of any item using 50-ish dimensional vector. Fully decentralise and make trustworthy, this older work from 2021: Dataset: Covid papers, Youtube-8M, creative commons magnet scrapes??

Foundations of Trust and Tags.

Use the @grimadas work with theoretical grounding: emergence of trust networks with repeated successful interactions. Use tags based on crowdsourcing if you have successfully collaborated. "The extended mind", classic reading from 1998.

Next steps: learn-by-doing methodology. Work for 2 weeks further on the Tulip stuff. Autoencoder of 1000-ish Youtube-8M thumbnails. Work for 2 weeks on another of above brainfarts. Commit to best chapter idea.

mg98 commented 10 months ago

Seeing how far I can get autoencoding YouTube thumbnails. Time for some quick coding.

Using YouTube's API I got the thumbnails of 577 search results with "starship" as the query. I'm using the same network parameters as I used for the tulips but with fewer input neurons (the thumbnails are 4x smaller in size). However, it's not like YouTube thumbnails are good representations of the queried terms, nor is there necessarily a high similarity of visual features throughout the thumbnails in the search results, as you can easily verify:, or browse the YT 8M Dataset Explorer.

Using YouTube's search API instead of its 8M dataset (can't run that on my machine!) is different in that I collect the thumbnails of videos which match the search query, and in the 8M dataset they sort of match the query (selected set of visual entities) with what they actually found displayed in the video.

I still went with it, trained the network on 576 thumbnails, and then ran the 577th search result's thumbnail through the autoencoder. InputInput

Initially confused about how well that went... Because, as I implied, I don't think the fed set of images works much better than any arbitrary collection of images. It's funny though because technically it's a data reduction from 32K worth of information down to 4K (the size of the model), and 4K is also exactly what JPEG compression gets for the original image. So I probably just built myself a generic image compressor. (error, see my next comment)

What might do is the labeling we get on frame-level (or ~1-second-interval video segments). We have that in the 8M dataset. Getting an actual image entails downloading the original YouTube video and then extracting the corresponding frame. That's costly but doable on a small to mid scale.

We have been thinking about doing text-to-image basically, using auto-encoders? I think that was the plan... The 8M dataset contains embeddings on video segments/frames. It would be cool to be able to embed a custom query like "starship" and then find video segments near it. But it doesn't work that easily. The 8M model is not trained on text. We only get fixed labels, e.g., we have "guitar", "toy", "minecraft", a few thousands of those. "starship" is not part of this taxonomy. Perhaps we can use a separate model to link semantics between "starship" and the labels in the 8M dataset and thereby make our way... Tbc

synctext commented 10 months ago

wow, as impressive as I hoped it would be!! 4k! Just drop the YouTube 8M for now and focus on the 1000 Starship thumbnails. How good can you autoencode them all? What tradeoffs? What does 5 days of M2 GPU crunching yields?

mg98 commented 10 months ago

There was an error in my code, and a bit in the approach. What I did was training only on 50 thumbnails, and then use a thumbnail that was part of the training data for testing. I updated my last comment; the result is very different.

Click here to see previous (misleading) result InputInput

What does 5 days of M2 GPU crunching yields?

Actually, PyTorch does not support CUDA (GPU acceleration) on Mac :( Google Colab with GPU runs faster for me.

mg98 commented 10 months ago

I'll share my notes on three of the suggested topics

SwarmLLM: collective LLM intelligence (with new AI phd expert??)

Web3Search: Online Pairwise Learning to Rank by Divide-and-Conquer with full decentralisation

Tribler: a public semantic search engine

So, LTR through clicklog gossip. That's G-Rank! I just reread the paper and realized, it is not actual Learning to Rank! That is, it's not making use of any ML, no learning, no semantics, just a static ranking algorithm that incorporates user signals and peer similarity weighting, based on metadata text matching search. There are probably ways to improve upon that work in both, effectiveness (better peer similarity or document similarity clustering algorithms...) and protection against adversarial attacks which it does to not seem recover from too well.

Crowdsourcing experiment that discovers user-perceived dimensions of semantic similarity among near duplicates Vliegendhart et al. (2011)

Researching these topics over the last few days, I feel inspired and more confident to develop ideas for publications!

mg98 commented 9 months ago

I'm really interested in designing my own holistic search system. Either using a simple algorithm like done in G-Rank or we actually dare to implement something like a decentralized LTR where each peer trains their own model.

I like the aspect of personalized search by the metric of peer similarity. I would do something privacy-preserving: Private Set Intersection (Protocol II). This could be implemented with both approaches, i.e., even with NN-based LTR we could still maintain local ClickLog databases in addition to the model.

So that's about the privacy aspect. Apart from that, Sybil-resistance was a weak spot in G-Rank, we could mix MeritRank-computed reputation weights in the algorithm.

I'm trying to build a prototype.

✨ 1st paper idea ✨

Update 5 days later

I implemented Protocol II from Zeilemaker et al. (2013) (my code in gist) and noticed what I would have understood if I just read a bit further in the paper: High item values and large sets of items become computationally very heavy, very fast. It's impractical for what I planned on doing. Zeilemaker et al. (2013) recognizes this issue and proposes partitioning of the sets. I am not sure if this could work with this application, but it's something to think about. If nothing helps, we could do a "private set intersection" using an intermediate third party; the values would be hashed anyway. That said, I'm still very eager and creative about finding a good solution to this problem.

Variance Reduction in Gradient Exploration for Online Learning to Rank


synctext commented 9 months ago

Field: Also:

Great stuff, metadata authorship is actually fundamentally broken on Youtube. Incentives are due to The Algorithm of ranking are obsessively geared towards clickbait. Related: Justin Bieber tag spam: also conflicting versions of content: Justin Bieber Nickelback is a cover thingie? Or is this Internet trolling: :raccoon:

Scientific related work: Youtube videos with clickbait titles as: 15 Biggest Animals You Won't Believe Actually Exist! Original with 6M views and acurate short hashtagging: 6,272,233 views 20 May 2022 #CharliePuth #WizKhalifa #SeeYouAgain See You Again - Wiz Khalifa (ft. Charlie Puth) | Furious 7 Soundtrack

See clickbait example:

Wiz Khalifa - See You Again (Lyrics) || Playlist || Ed Sheeran, Imagine Dragons
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Wiz Khalifa - See You Again (Lyrics) || Playlist || Ed Sheeran, Imagine Dragons
Wiz Khalifa - See You Again (Lyrics) || Playlist || Ed Sheeran, Imagine Dragons
Wiz Khalifa - See You Again (Lyrics) || Playlist || Ed Sheeran, Imagine Dragons
Wiz Khalifa - See You Again (Lyrics) || Playlist || Ed Sheeran, Imagine Dragons
Wiz Khalifa - See You Again (Lyrics) || Playlist || Ed Sheeran, Imagine Dragons

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mg98 commented 9 months ago

May the Best Metadata Win: Authorship for Perfect Metadata Curation

I gotta say I understand my field (IR in DS) much better now. The problem can and must be attacked from two sides:

  1. Developing a search algorithm that is good at finding relevant content
  2. Having good (“well curated”) content!

(2) -> I thought about the metadata issue, and tried to take a few steps back...

The web is essentially decentralized, YouTube in a way is decentralized. Not with regards to (1) but (2). What I mean is the content speaks for itself. And why is that? Because the authors care to be found, they are incentivized to attach the right keywords, and to describe their content following a certain structure to be found by their target audience. (Note: they are also disincentivized to write bs because of things like ranking punishments for bounces)

I am also intrigued by the following intuition: If YouTube believed that crowdsourcing worked, if it would help describing the content truthfully and therefore help users find the content they’re looking for (which they care about), they would do it!!

They might do so in many implicit ways (likes/dislikes, watch time, …) and they might have automatic annotations (nowadays a lot of ML probably), but not in the way of crowdsourcing tags.

So what am I advocating for? Authorship! But also single-authorship: Screw tag crowdsourcing, let us instead have multiple versions of metadata competing for each other. The metadata could be maintained by its original author, or even be completely immutable (sth to think about). The incentive then could be anything: Your name in shiny letters, your BTC wallet address displayed. A metadata entity would link to a torrent file or to a bundle of torrent files and describe how they differ (1080p, 720p, ...). It's the responsibility of a good search & ranking algorithm, as well as user signals (report, like/dislike), to then figure out the best metadata.

I feel like if you really want solid metadata, authorship is the way to go.

✨ 2nd paper idea ✨

People don't put up with clickbait and will react by the means of reporting, dislikes, comments.

(Source: Gothankar et al., 2021)

mg98 commented 9 months ago

Notes on ✨ 1st paper idea ✨

The goal of this paper would be to propose a system for personalized search (at best, learning-to-rank) with an emphasis on privacy.

I continue thinking about this issue. It is difficult. Very challenging.

I can think of an online protocol doing secure multi-party computation, k-anonymity, ..., a lot of things become imaginable in this scenario. Designing such a protocol becomes a fun thought-experiment, but its application is impracticable: dependence on similar peers being online, and expensive network operations with every search.

We need something that works offline!

Peers could apply their set of queries and selected results on Bloom filters and gossip that around the network. Much more space- and network-efficient than what G-Rank did. This, however, would still only serve for a "If you know, you know" privacy... which is also better than what G-Rank did.

Edit/ spontaneous idea: What if we use distance-sensitive Bloom filters. Not only can we then respect for query or document similarity, but we could also add noise to the data (differential privacy?)

I also thought about learning-to-rank (LTR) and how and if this should be combined with search personalization. There is merit in a solution where the information retrieval and the personalization algorithm are decoupled. That is, an algorithm A gives us an ordered list of results, and an algorithm B reorders them based on peer similarity.

A could be LTR, but it doesn't have to be. Let's say it is! We would be the first to publish about LTR in p2p! (cf. #7586) So how are we gonna do that? Should there be consensus on one global model that all models converge to (gossip learning)? Or should peers run local models that benefit from global data but also maintain personalization (maybe by maintaining two models: the global and a personal one)?

In the latter case, could we couple that with B, such that the personal model is gossiped between similar peers and their updates are applied onto our personal model based on their similarity?

Maybe from this question we can derive the ✨ 3rd paper idea ✨, which would deal with decentralized LTR, its risks and challenges.

ToDo for this week: Get more concrete with 2nd paper idea ("May the Best Metadata Win") and get inspiration for a 3rd/4th paper idea.

mg98 commented 9 months ago

✨ 1st paper idea ✨ Towards Privacy in Personalized Ranking Models in Decentralized Search

I spent a whole lot of time in the last two weeks thinking about a solution to this problem. My conclusion, in the end, was to use Bloom filters with calibrated parameters for plausible deniability in addition. Either that, for an "offline" protocol, or do SMPC. I'm a bit disappointed by the simplicity of this solution and if something truly paper-worthy could grow out of it. So I've set that on hold.

✨ 2nd paper idea ✨ May the Best Metadata Win: Authorship for Perfect Metadata Curation

Still interested in that as good metadata lays the foundation for every IR algorithm I could develop later. I was too distracted by other ideas to really focus on that. But in the back of my head, I kept thinking of ways to approach this paper. How could I possibly evaluate this idea, what dataset could I use... it does not seem obvious to me at all. In my research, I stumbled upon the AOL 2006 dataset, listing "anonymized" user search histories and the result they picked. Great fun.

✨ 3rd paper idea ✨ Decentralized OL2R: Risks and Challenges

Gossip learning works so why not go and try implementing OL2R on it, nobody has done it.

✨ 4th paper idea ✨ Decentralized LLM

Everything would be easier if we just had a semantic understanding of the documents. Maybe then I could use the distance-sensitive Bloom filters I have encountered earlier, researching my 1st idea. Petals (very fresh!) seems to have got something running that actually works. Maybe we could build on that, see what they're missing. From what I know, privacy is still unsolved, and perhaps security is another aspect that needs to be further examined.

synctext commented 9 months ago

update after your 1 months sprint you could join the "Blockchain for Trust" team for another 1 month sprint. Today this team has been formed by @grimadas joining @InvictusRMC for

mg98 commented 8 months ago

Outcome: single amazing .GIF


Source code:

We learned that gossiping an entire model is expensive due to its size. In our prototype, this corresponds to a payload of 2.7MB (multitude of that to be expected in real-world applications, of course).

The literature suggests various compression techniques (e.g., only gossiping a subset of the model parameters). Furthermore, there are ways to decrease the total number of messages sent.

While we have a solid base implementation of OL2R in P2P, many improvements are required or desirable to make it practical. These include

Perhaps those are all general to gossip learning. We wonder what is the specific challenge with the application of LTR. One might be the size of the model: How much space would it need, and would it still fit on a single device, or would we have to think about distributing the intelligence?

synctext commented 8 months ago

Great news! Please focus fully on practical deployment. Nobody has done this yet in a fully decentralised manner, all prior work is just unproven theory :upside_down_face: (credits to MIT: "On-Device Training Under 256KB Memory) This payload of 2.7MB for a single pairwise sync is a lot. Ideally it fits inside a single UDP message of 1472 Bytes. So, just a few compressed parameters or something would be awesome. Security and privacy are great after it actually works, right?

mg98 commented 8 months ago

Quick update:

Sparse weight updates seem like a good idea. See our following experiment:

Training alters only a subset of parameters (30-80% and possibly less) ``` (base) ➜ p2p-ol2r git:(main) ✗ python 1 Indexing (please wait)... QUERY: molecular tumor Epoch [10/10], Loss: 0.4321 593859/721921 parameters changed (82%) QUERY: molecular tumor Epoch [10/10], Loss: 0.2447 498198/721921 parameters changed (69%) QUERY: molecular tumor Epoch [10/10], Loss: 0.0749 368436/721921 parameters changed (51%) QUERY: molecular tumor Epoch [10/10], Loss: 0.3645 427678/721921 parameters changed (59%) QUERY: corona Epoch [10/10], Loss: 0.2711 426012/721921 parameters changed (59%) QUERY: corona Epoch [10/10], Loss: 0.4429 311566/721921 parameters changed (43%) QUERY: corona Epoch [10/10], Loss: 0.1320 258525/721921 parameters changed (35%) QUERY: corona Epoch [10/10], Loss: 0.1076 218907/721921 parameters changed (30%) QUERY: corona Epoch [10/10], Loss: 0.4273 226130/721921 parameters changed (31%) QUERY: cancer Epoch [10/10], Loss: 0.2630 498395/721921 parameters changed (69%) QUERY: cancer Epoch [10/10], Loss: 0.3669 394564/721921 parameters changed (54%) ```

However, those require proper annotation which would blow up the size. I doubt it's worth pruning only the 0-delta params. I wonder, though, can we set a threshold on weight deltas before propagation? Is the intuition right that major weight deltas contribute to the model output more than minor weight deltas (or the combination of many minor weight deltas)? Looking at quantization (essentially rounding params ooh it's more than that), it seems like it is! Still, I haven't found a gossip learning paper talking about this yet.

synctext commented 8 months ago

ToDo: Determine an effective deployment plan. Grand idea: quick to production and iterate fast - ELON style.

Reason for pushing strong on simple gossip exchange of human readable data versus model exchange with pure magic numbers. stability, ease of debugging, correctness, convergence, expertise of team, bloat in ML libraries, and lack of machine learning maturity. Really everything is in favour of doing gossip learning with data exchange, only true AI expert would do maximal AI. Easy low hanging fruit for a scientific in-depth 2nd paper: Distributed artificial intelligence: empirical proof for the model exchange versus data exchange paradigm (thesis chapter @pneague or @mg98). silly idea: learning aggragation and compression. Locality of learning to guard horizontal scalability, instead of global broadcast of 1 day of node-learning.

mg98 commented 8 months ago

Update on my experiments with Quantization

It's not as trivial as I thought, and I'm not sure if I fully understood it, but I'll try to give an explanation for those interested:

Quantization: Introduction & Overview Quantization is a technique that is used to shrink a model's size by basically discretizing its parameters. This makes computations on the model faster and more memory-efficient. Typically, weights and activations are quantized from `float32` to `int8` following the formula $\lfloor w \cdot (2^{b-1}-1) \rceil$, where $b$ indicates the precision (roughly speaking). Quantization relies on a phase of _calibration_ in which it learns the typical range (scale) and zero-point of individual tensors, thereby optimizing the quantization parameters. There exist three ways to do quantization. Screenshot 2023-10-22 at 12 36 00 We are interested in **Quantization-Aware Training**. In this mode, there is no separate calibration stage (which wouldn't work in our use case). Instead, the model is in a quantization-prepared mode, constantly fine-tuning its parameters, but never actually quantized until conversion. We get great computational overhead... but we still end up with a quarter of the file size when transmitting it over the network 💪🏻 which is our main objective 🎯 If you are interested in learning more, I found [this source]( the easiest to follow. However, I think the full process behind PyTorch's quantization is more sophisticated and, frankly, still a little mysterious to me.

It also took me a while to implement it. Aggregating a quantized model with an unquantized-but-prepared-to-quantize model is, again, not a trivial task.

In the end, I got it to work. Below I show a demo without and then with quantization. (By the way, the UI evolved ☺️)


I think I'll pause it at this point, and switch my focus to the dataset, maybe do some empirical analysis.

mg98 commented 7 months ago

I discovered that our ranking model does not perform nearly as well as I thought. Reasons being a small set of results (length 5), which inherently resulted in minor ranking errors, as well as my own confirmation bias which gave undue credit to the occasional successes. Above all, our testing lacked a rigorous analytical approach.

Thus, the last two weeks have been an intense period of debugging, refactoring, and testing.

I increased the number of results to around 10 and introduced an evaluation metric (nDCG) to gauge the model's performance--it was about random😑. This led me to experiment with new loss functions, new optimizers, even new model designs, in addition to all the other hyperparameters like model size, epochs, learning rate, ... I learned that those little things can often have a dramatic impact on the performance. Furthermore, I learned about overfitting and dropout regularization.

I made everything configurable! And played around with the options running against my automated tests. Tweaking around, I managed to get near-optimal performance with 10 results (according to my simulation of 5,500 user signals).

To further optimize my parameters, I plan to adopt a systematic approach to parameter search. I know that there exist some tools (e.g., RayTune) that can do this intelligently... will read into that... in any case, being able to control everything from my config.ini lays a solid foundation to do that, even on my own.

Another major concern that arose was the effect of the number of epochs on the model accuracy. In an online (= continuous learning) environment, the number of epochs is not only arbitrary but also ever-increasing. Therefore, with static parameters the model will always continue to overfit. We'll have to dig the OL2R papers to see how they dealt with it... My guess is the solution will involve something like adaptive learning rates.

mg98 commented 7 months ago

On a hybrid work/vacation until mid-December. Trying to recap and orient myself in my research:

Broader Goal: Better information retrieval in decentralized systems

Explored Methods:


mg98 commented 6 months ago

Continual learning

Quick-fix for the overfitting problem of continuous LTR (= indefinitely growing number of epochs). I applied an exp learning rate decay and found parameters which converge to optimal ranking.

How I think LTR relates to the DSI approach

The DSI approach is capable of retrieve-and-rank. And I'm trying to understand where this leaves traditional LTR. My idea is that LTR's power lies in the consideration of user signals (click-through rates in particular) which go beyond semantic relationships, primarily, and then the potential for personalization, secondly. In which case LTR could complement this model in a two-stage IR system where the second stage is concerned with the reranking of the previously retrieved result set.

Another thought:

LTR comes in where metadata is insufficient. You could have great content, and shitty content, both with equal metadata. Scientific problem: Spam, clickbait, and the hidden gems are indistinguishable for most algorithms. On personalization: One person's gem is another man's clickbait.

In a future work, it would be interesting to test this out in a first-DSI-then-LTR architecture and evaluate if and how far LTR's re-ranking capabilities change the ranking of search results, and finally improve the accuracy of search results. The latter could be measured by metrics like clicks @ 1st result, for example. Empiric dataset required.

synctext commented 6 months ago

Possible next paper: DSI-then-LTR two-stage IR system. Another key issue for real-world usability is the bundeling and filtering of near-duplicate items as we started to experiment with in 2022:

synctext commented 5 months ago
mg98 commented 5 months ago

Queries Is All You Need

When Google presented DSI, they had the luxury of knowing complete document texts. These were used as the foundation in training their LLM to map queries to (arbitrary) docids. They further state:

[...] it is clear that examples of type [query->docid] alone do not provide enough information for a system to generalize to novel retrievals [...]

Petru, lacking any document contents or metadata, trained solely on query-docid pairs. Astoninglishly, this model became able to output the correct docid to unseen queries (i.e., generalize to new inputs).

This is a discovery that deserves more attention for its implications in search, especially in systems where metadata is scarce.

Can we really describe documents by (and solely by) the queries people used to find it? Can we maybe by collecting enough diverse queries to a popular document, have a model learn the document's rich semantic profile?

Those, I think, are ideas worth an examination in another short-formed paper.


Time for a first figure. I designed a simple experiment using a small subset of the ORCAS dataset.

Experiment setup might have some flaws, but I hope with my first figure to give a general idea, which should be: the majority of queries can be processed successfully given only very few (according to experiment at least 2) prior queries to the sought document.

(y = success rate on unseen queries)

I wanna try again with 1000 (instead of 100) of distinct documents. Will update here.

Live update: (1, 10%), (2, 23%), (3, 27%), (4, 32%), ... so it definitely has the capacity to decrease sharply as the output space grows, but still fair results

synctext commented 5 months ago
mg98 commented 3 months ago

It's time for another update. I have been conducting more and more experiments, as I was trying to better understand what's going on.

Here is one very interesting finding:

💡 More popular documents have a more diverse semantic range of queries than more niche documents.

⚠️ Caveat: "More popular" just means those document have a larger number of distinct associated queries.

For example, people who looked for Gmail got successful querying "google login online" but also "create a new account".

We can also visualize that by clustering the embeddings for queries of low popularity (40-50 queries), and queries of high popularity (1000+ queries) on a 2D semantic space. (Dots represent queries, color-coded by their associated document)


As we can see, the queries of popular documents are semantically more dispersed, which makes them more difficult to group them together just by looking at their position. In other words, if you let k-means do the clustering (intuitively what our model would do), the mismatch rate would be higher with the high-pop docs than with the low-pop docs.

There are also metrics to quantify that. In the following figure, I have plotted the Adjusted Rand Index (ARI) of the clustering and increasing document popularity.

ARI values range from -1 to 1. A score of 1 indicates a perfect match between the clustering results and the ground truth, while a score of 0 indicates random clustering, and a negative score suggests less agreement than expected by chance.

I have plotted this for 20 docs and for 40 docs, to show that of course the more documents share the same semantic space, the more crowded the queries get, and the more unreliable the clustering.

Finally, this is of course reflected in the accuracy the model can attain, as shows the following example (here with 100 docs trained on 10 queries).

💡 Second finding is that the model often hallucinates, and beam search sometimes duplicates results.

I call a result a hallucination (or invalid) if it outputs a string that was not part of the outputs it got trained on.

This means that if you have a system where you are aware of the existing documents, you can instead take the first valid docid output by beam search, and therefore bump the accuracy.

On the lowest range of our experiments (100 docs and 1 query fed) this made a difference of +3%. However, on the upper end it is rather negligible. The following shows an excerpt of the results.

Documents Queries acc@top1valid acc@top1 acc@top3 acc@top5 inv@top1 inv@top3 inv@top5 dup@top5
100 1 0.4265 0.3955 0.457 0.483 0.2185 0.534833 0.6417 0.0006
100 5 0.824 0.8235 0.898 0.9365 0.0015 0.2255 0.307 0.0185
100 10 0.878 0.8775 1 1 0.002 0.227833 0.3431 0.1753
100 20 0.932 0.932 1 1 0.0015 0.327833 0.4391 0.0628
1000 1 0.20515 0.157 0.198 0.2156 0.58495 0.757117 0.81045 0
1000 5 0.68995 0.68925 0.77 0.80935 0.006 0.16825 0.23343 0.01082
1000 10 0.79405 0.79385 0.96025 1 0.0014 0.191117 0.2658 0.07091
1000 20 0.832 0.8314 0.93815 1 0.0022 0.217933 0.28892 0.04126
mg98 commented 2 months ago

I have been digging into some papers in the context of the upcoming Queries-Is-All-You-Need chapter and potential future work. Dumping my learnings here.

Neural Corpus Indexer (NCI) [PDF]

**Abstract:** _NCI is currently probably the best-performing version of DSI (after GenRet 😉 see below). NCI and others, however, gain most of their extra performance from leveraging document contents._
Most of these proposed systems, like also [DSI-QG]( and [SEAL](, leverage knowledge over the document contents. For example, they will artificially generate queries to train on, or create semantic docids based on the contents (e.g., SEAL does ngrams for indices/docids). So it's important to keep those technologies out of scope - we are interested in content-oblivious search. NCI is interesting because they--besides doing a lot of other things--offer two technological improvements that do not rely on document knowledge: - Prefix-aware weight-adaptive (PAWA) decoder - Consistency-based regularization Combined, these changes increased the Recall@1 from 62.57 to 65.86.


**Abstract:** _This is an update by the original authors of DSI to equip DSI with eternal learning (aka continuous or lifelong learning)._
This is how they do it: - They optimize for flatter loss basins. There's this thing called _Sharpness Aware Minimization (SAM)_, which seeks out flatter areas within the loss landscape. My intuition around this is that you have a wider area of tolerance when new things are learned and altered parameters shift the loss. - Then, they employ a second model (generative memory) that keeps generating pseudo-queries for previously learned stuff. This is then fed into the DSI for rehearsal.

GenRet [PDF]

**Abstract:** _Using an autoencoder to learn to tokenize documents (my idea is to use the mean of the collection of associated queries instead) into short semantic docids._
The accuracy drops as soon as you replace ORCAS' docids `D1234839` to magnet links `0xabcde...40 chars`. Intuitively, the more tokens the model needs to generate, the more likely it will make a "typo". Therefore, I asked myself how can we represent N documents using the least number of tokens. I naively tried to create docids myself where I calculated the shortest length of characters or tokens with which I could still create N unique combinations. But turns out, it either performs worse or equal to ORCAS docids. It apparently is not that simple because of the semantic meaning that is carried with every token. So instead of writing a docid tokenization function myself, I would like to **learn a function that does the docid tokenization**. This is what the authors of GenRet did, and thereby (and **only** thereby) outperformed NCI (which got most of its performance from extracting document knowledge -- we could maybe do GenRet's technique using queries only). I roughly understood the theory of how they were doing it, but luckily they are also open source ([repo](, I will try to get it to work and run experiments.

Other Interesting Papers for Future Work

synctext commented 2 months ago

update : (more paper ideas then finished chapter, simply documenting) A Survey of Hallucination in Large Foundation Models. Would it be possible to filter hallucination of our magnet link generative AI (Queries Is All You Need)? The popularity community is a gossip mechanism to update statistics of millions of torrents. We should be able to track dead torrents, popular torrents, and hallucination torrents.

mg98 commented 2 months ago

"learn to tokenize documents"

I got the script to work (GenRet). However, I was rethinking this idea and I don't see how we could sell it. Learning semantic docids from the queries themselves obviously requires you to have the queries beforehand, and even then it implies some fluidity (cannot just "improve" the ID in the continuum). If anything, DSI's hierarchical clustering is much better suited for semantic docids, because here at least the semantic space on which it clusters it is fixed. GenRet really goes one step further and limits the space to what the document space encompasses. [my understanding]

I'm dropping this!

roadmap on life-long decentralised learning [...] what is the first realistic next step?

Yeah as you listed: overfitting, pollution, spam, those are also things that come to my mind. While there are some ideas how it could work conceptually (e.g., DSI++, IncDSI), the datasets they use to validate them are a bit weak (in those papers, NQ and MS MARCO). For a real evaluation, we (1) need real search queries, including spam, but also (2) we should care about the chronological order that the queries come in, and that the model learns on.

Waiting for the Tribler Clicklog.

Would it be possible to filter hallucination of our magnet link generative AI (Queries Is All You Need)?

Not in the way that is described in this body of research (referring to your survey link), I think. What I have already done in my experiments is to restrict the vocabulary of the generator and control the length. This way you can tune it a little bit to the pattern of a docid.

What we can do in the next step is to assume knowledge of, let's say, healthy torrents. Using this knowledge, the model will be configured to predict the most likely token, with which the resulting output continues to match a prefix found within the set of healthy torrents.

Will do!

mg98 commented 1 month ago

Representation of Targets Matter

In our last paper, we saw significant differences in performance when representing our targets as ORCAS docids (e.g., D1234567) vs. as magnet links (40 character hex string). The model would generally have a harder time predicting magnet links. We blamed this on their length; more tokens to generate, more chances to trip along the way.

When thinking about how to optimize the performance of our model, I therefore thought the number of tokens on a docid should be minimized. Why not use the entire ASCII space for example? Or hell, the T5-small has 32k tokens, why not encode docids as, for instance, "car 2001": two tokens, 1 billion possible combinations.

It turns out this confuses the model more than it helps 😅. This beeeeeegs the question....

🤔 Using an LLM to predict arbitrary identifiers, what kind of identifiers come natural to it?

Is it a question of length? Or consistency? Or the employed vocabulary? What tokens should you use? How many?

I ran a lot of experiments to get closer to an answer about all these things.

In order to enhance the performance of our model, I initially thought that the number of tokens used to represent a docid should be minimized. My rationale was _less tokens, less chances to mispredict. And while that might be true, or maybe only true to some extent, it definitely seems to be case that the employed vocabulary matters too!

I have been experimenting with different representations (or rather encodings) of the targets (i.e., the docids) -- and, spoiler, the results are actually quite impressive.

Here is exactly what I did

  1. I transform all ORCAS docids to their their SHA1 hash. This hash has 20 bytes. Because my experiment only samples 100 docids, I only took a slice of 2 bytes from that hash.
  2. I encode these 2-byte-hash-slice as, for instance, hexadecimal strings. This yields docids in the form "fc48", "7f82", ....
  3. I use the 1-query-on-100-docids experiment as a baseline to measure its top1 accuracy.

I repeat this experiment with different encodings. A full list, including some result metrics, is shown below. (Vocab Size: Number of distinct tokens to encode 100 docids; Vocab. Sim: Mean pairwise euclidian distance between all tokens in vocabulary)

Encoding Description Example Accuracy Mean Token Length Vocab. Size Vocab. Sim.
original Original ORCAS docid D972207 0.3360 4.23 146 408
dec Integer 9958 0.3345 2.73 131 416
dec_pad Zero-padded integer 09958, 14382 0.4020 2.83 136 427
dec_x Integer with spaced digits 9 9 5 8 0.2175 5.18 11 312
dec_x_pad Zero-padded integer with spaces digits 0 9 9 5 8 0.2545 5.48 11 314
bin Bitstring 111000000100 0.2700 5.59 21 417
bin_pad Zero-padded bitstring 0000111000000100 0.3015 6.09 24 427
hex Hexadecimal encoding 0b84 0.3600 3.62 93 439
base64 Base64 encoding 07s= 0.3400 4.25 109 435
Boxplot of token lengths with each encoding ![output](

🚀 In this experiment, we made a 7% performance increase over our original results just by choosing a different encoding for the docids

It seems to have an easier time with numbers. Maybe it is because there exist many tokens for compounded digits (69, 420, 2001, 1944), thus reducing in less tokens needed to represent a docid. There is an incredible 7% difference between dec and dec_pad, showing again how consistency is key! As I have already learned when trying to mix magnet links with youtube URLs, the model really suffers with inconsistent formats. And if you don't believe that the consistent char length is reflected in consistent token length, check the boxplot! It's actually kind of crazy.

Another theory I have is that having predicted a number token, based on this context it is more likely to predict another number token, and that this might help performance a little.

It is perhaps also interesting to acknowledge that number tokens are semantically very similar to each other. That goes to say the tokens for 56 and 55, or even 21, are semantically very close. Indeed, if you do k-means clustering on all token embeddings and then look for the most dense clusters, they will contains years (2012, 2013, 2014) or other numbers. 💡

We might already be very close to what the perfect (or perfectly-enough) representation is. But it might be interesting, not just for this application, but also for the broader ML community, to investigate what representations an LLM works best with. @pneague and me were thinking of using ML (genetic algorithms in particular) to learn an optimal vocabulary for representing arbitrary string identifiers. 🌈

Edit: Looking at the results again, it might just be that the model favors a low but consistent token length. But more experiments need to be conducted.

mg98 commented 1 month ago

Encoding of Targets

Threw away that idea of ML/ genetic algorithms to determining the best tokenization. It's not that complicated after all!

As the prior analysis already indicated (cf. boxplot in prev. comment), the LLM works best when the targets are represented in an encoding that

  1. produces a consistent number of tokens
  2. and uses few tokens

The tokenization of strings like "a3bf01..." is unreliable in the number of tokens it produces. So, instead, I extended the tokenizer with what I playfully call poop-tokens, and I create one for every possible byte value.

CUSTOM_TOKENS = [f'💩{i}' for i in range(256)]

This makes encoding later easy as it is just a mapping of CUSTOM_TOKENS[byte value]. Finally, I get targets that look like "💩16💩201💩123💩4...", and the tokenizer has a very predictable way of operating; meaning, it will always create a consistent number of tokens.

This approach yielded the best accuracy we ever measured. For the experiment of which I listed results in the table above, this encoding yielded 42% (if I remember correctly).

Further experiments could alter the initial embedding of the poop-tokens (currently random), or compound bytes such that the length of tokens per docid could be further reduced. In this case, halved:

CUSTOM_TOKENS_2 = [f'💩{i}' for i in range(256**2)]

Practical Implications of Our Results

As we have uncovered in our last meeting, we are actually only determining the accuracy on the next unseen query, whereas most queries are likely to have been used before. In other words, we don't even know how much unseen queries are a problem, and what we win in real-world scenarios.

Therefore, I would like to include another experiment that suggests the real-world implications of our results. Queries targeting a document follow a power-law distribution (there are dozens of papers on that). What I would like to do is assume some probability distribution and map it to our dataset.

That is, instead of doing a distinct train/val/test split of the queries, I want for each set of length n to draw n queries from this probability distribution.

This approach is still flawed, however, as we ignore the degree of similarity that is correlated with the frequency of query-usage. For instance, the 2nd most used query could just be the 1st query with a typo.

synctext commented 1 month ago