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msc: Offline Digital Euro: a Minimum Viable CBDC using Groth-Sahai proofs #7431

Open synctext opened 1 year ago

synctext commented 1 year ago

Currently doing a survey in spare 5 ECTS this Q3 quarter. (EU-ID or Euro) {also has part-time job} Aims to finish the 10 ECTS survey by end of Q1. Thesis start Q2 (29 Nov 2023).

Conduct a survey, from 1994 stuff onwards Untraceable Off-line Cash in Wallets with Observers ECB progress: offline first:

please note the survey @ Tribler lab methodology: (e.g. try out all known open source offline Euro wallets for survey and grade them with stong/weak analysis in a table with screenshots { offline token teams }) {broad: offline cash, euro, wallets, zero-trust and ID; the entire ecosystem needs to work, that is the problem}

update brainstorm: get screenshots of banking apps using Android Play store. Understand the user experience, screens and flow. Devise a taxonomy, generalise and understand the design space. Make running Kotlin code for top-3/one approach {3 coding weeks??}. update2:

synctext commented 1 year ago

Brainstorm: non-consumer Euro, business account type usage, B2B, enterprise wallet, organisational wallet, power of attorney, wallet rollout city hall Rott./Eind. trail possibilities. update: we seemed to have pole position for the European Commission ambitious plans for the digital Euro. They want exactly what we have been working on since 26 June 2019, with Wessel, Robbert, and many others later in the class of 2023:

The European Commission wants to implement a digital euro that is accessible to all retail users for free, in an effort to strengthen financial inclusion and competition in digital payments

For both the payment services providers and the ECB, the draft proposal mandates “appropriate technical and organisational measures including state-of-the-art security and privacy-preserving measures.”

The draft proposal also regulates the front-end services provided to users of the digital euro. For example, they should be “interoperable with or integrated in the European Digital Identity Wallets.”

synctext commented 10 months ago
Updated planning. Rested after summer. Final master course of TUDelft for Q1. Finish survey by Nov. small part-time job, besides thesis. - idea of screenshots - wallet by European Comission is moving forward steadily. See [details of the EBSI server side]( This would give any wallet access to 400 million citizens and passport-grade security - What will be the core science (20-30 papers) - double spending - offline - privacy - The difficulty of getting it right - "realisation" are the core problem with digital money - combination of above - compare theory and reality (30 lines of Pseudo-code versus 5.5 million lines of code for real problem solving) - Classic from nearly 30 years ago: [Untraceable off-line cash in wallet with observers]( - [Actual operational tech for payments with largest NL retailer - digitale betaalpas]( - - Mastercard project, not ING: - Polish origin: - - and also : - Unique legal certainty of GoldEuro - founded on the bedrock of investment gold with remote digital transfer of ownership - bearer bonds, possession means legal ownership - Gold has intrinsic value - Focus for next sprint: small issue update post on progress and 1st early structure of Survey + first found literature.
synctext commented 10 months ago

brainstorm Gold is a unique metal with unique legal position and unique online culture. Below is a concrete master thesis direction with a deliberate sensational and provocative focus. This is an exercise to derive a properly boring, conventional, unimaginative, conservative and conformist Delft Thesis :-)

GoldEuro: an economic infrastructure for climate hell

We are on a highway to climate hell, according to UN chief Guterres [REF]. All critical infrastructure was build for a climate which no longer exists [REF]. We use the climate-triggered risk assessment from the "Climate endgame" publication by MIT as the starting point of this deliberately provocative work. Climate catastrophe is relatively under-studied and poorly understood field, especially in the climate-hardened infrastructure domain. Preparedness can no longer be considered an eccentric bureaucratic hobby (see UK risk registers), but effort we might critically depend on. In this work we propose to re-build the global critical infrastructure with possible societal collapse as a first-class requirement [REF]. We identified the three cardinal components of a minimalistic alternative. These primitives are a disaster-proof self-sovereign identity, web-of-trust, and gold-based global financial system. These primitives enable socio-economic activity without reliance of functioning governments, rule of law, banks, electricity, digital cloud, or even Internet itself. This master thesis successfully demonstrates a smartphone-centric architecture for generic value transfer with academically-pure decentralisation. We assume that the existing deployed base of billions of smartphones remains operational for the foreseeable future with existing solar and wind infrastructure. We expand the existing paradigm of "local-first software". Any two nearby smartphones can identify and authenticate themselves without risk of spoofing, if we assume cryptographic primitives based on elliptic curves are safe. State-of-the-art atomic swap approaches rely on infrastructure, we devised the first pair-wise atomic swap to secure a generic value transfer primitive. Sadly, mobile phone vendors lack incentives to engineering reliable communication primitives besides 4G and 5G. For instance, Bluetooth, QR codes, and acoustic data transfer all lack reliability. {ToDo: insert more real Tech Stuff Here}. We released our software to the Google play store cloud infrastructure. Finally, we conducted a tiny user study within our lab with three smartphone to transfer the ownership of an antique coin from 1875 made of 21,6 carat gold. For automated legal compliance in today's world, optional usage is made of the EBSI wallet infrastructure in an offline-first manner. This required invasive modifications to EBSI, as the architectural reference framework of this upcoming passport-level EU digital identity does not provide digital autonomy.

LeonKempen commented 9 months ago

These two weeks I have worked on reading into the topic more, putting more emphasis on researching offline e-cash. I have started gathering papers and articles (for now 13) describing solutions to the problems of offline e-cash. As for the structure of the survey I imagine it to be something like:

A Solution for the Offline Double-Spending Issue of Digital Currencies The offline digital currency puzzle solved by a local blockchain Combating Double-Spending Using Cooperative P2P Systems A practical anonymous off-line multi-authority payment scheme

synctext commented 9 months ago
LeonKempen commented 9 months ago

Sprint update:

Last sprint I worked on writing the survey, more specifically on three sections:

Potential discussion points:

I just shared the Latex file with peer2peer

synctext commented 9 months ago

Idea for master thesis: everything focused about arranging international vaults for GoldEuro experiment with EBSI wallet???

edit. micropayments are unsolved

LeonKempen commented 8 months ago

Sprint update: Wrote introduction, worked on taxonomy table and added concluding remarks

by the way, for mechanical engineering the survey can (must) be re-used for the thesis:

synctext commented 8 months ago

Your GoldEuro, Bitcoin, and Bittorrent are optimal disruptors! Please go beyond your current boring requirements (unforgability,transferability). Motivation: If financial market competition is intense, why are financial firm profits so high? Reflections on the current 'golden age'of finance. See also IMF working paper {RANT warning :warning:} There is structural lack of true competition in finance (Rising concentration in many financial markets has made it possible for key firms to exercise pricing power). We see evidence of this today in the market with record profits, all banks refuse to give high interest rate of ECB back to consumers (see gentle wording in central bank report). There is a lack of policies that bank can simply go bankrupt, without compromising financial stability (Never-too-Big-to-Fail). This is observed in multiple markets, as consolidation and power concentration is structurally growing (see platform capitalism book.

LeonKempen commented 8 months ago

Hereby the final version of my literature survey. After the last sprint update, the main focus was on rereading the survey for final reprashes and grammar and the feedback points above. Literature Survey Leon Kempen Offline e-cash.pdf

synctext commented 7 months ago

Thesis first sprint goal by X-Mas: 1-page Problem Description draft (direction, focus, scope, and ambition level of thesis).

LeonKempen commented 7 months ago

Sprint update for the past three weeks:

synctext commented 7 months ago
LeonKempen commented 6 months ago

This sprint:

synctext commented 6 months ago
LeonKempen commented 5 months ago

This sprint:

synctext commented 5 months ago

We discussed the various possible thesis directions: usability side with prior designs, real gold trail, or the hardcore crypto designs. Thesis has initial running code as of 18Dec 2023. In a few weeks we need to fixate the Problem Description, see the 29Nov version. Core: 4 Ambition My ambition would be to create a prototype implementation of an offline value transferral scheme that could serve as an example of CBCDs. Potentially, this prototype can also be demonstrated during a workshop.

EBSI is getting attention under the ongoing EU precidency of Belgium:

So EBSI wallet exploration could be technical foundation of thesis, with Belgium taking care of political embedding. Idea of implementing Bauer et al.. For fancy crypto GoldEuro your need fancy zero-knowledge proofs. Groth, Jens and Sahai, Amit, Efficient Non-interactive Proof Systems for Bilinear Groups, Advances in Cryptology -- EUROCRYPT 2008: 27th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Istanbul, Turkey, April 13-17, 2008. Proceedings (2008), Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Probably good idea to first continue with a less complex system. Eslami - A new untraceable off-line electronic cash system. Already got running prototype code in Python (superapp==Kotlin). Upcoming sprint: take existing .py and translate into .kt files. Get working app in 1 sprint :monocle_face: ? Ensure a working .APK, with possibly nice features! Future: EBSI wallet?

Solid design idea! Atomic option, double spending reveals your identity once-concealed, twice-revealed. Even more strict requirement: just one-way communication for coin transfer (e.g. QR scan).

LeonKempen commented 4 months ago

This sprint:

For: 'Even more strict requirement: just one-way communication for coin transfer (e.g. QR scan)', as the challenge would have to be created by the receiver to prevent replay attacks this might be difficult to achieve.

Dump of screenshots:

synctext commented 4 months ago
Full Offline Toolbox thesis idea Store of value ElGamal crypto 2 scheme

Gold token Offline Euro offline Bitcoin

LeonKempen commented 4 months ago

This sprint:

synctext commented 4 months ago
LeonKempen commented 3 months ago

This sprint:

synctext commented 3 months ago
LeonKempen commented 2 months ago

This sprint:

synctext commented 2 months ago

update :

LeonKempen commented 2 months ago

This sprint:

synctext commented 2 months ago
LeonKempen commented 1 month ago

This sprint:

Heavy focus on coding:

synctext commented 1 month ago
LeonKempen commented 3 weeks ago

This sprint:

synctext commented 3 weeks ago
LeonKempen commented 1 week ago

This sprint:

synctext commented 1 week ago
LeonKempen commented 20 hours ago
synctext commented 19 hours ago

Too many slides. Cut in half. Add more scientific content: