Closed synctext closed 3 months ago
Minimal sprint goal: all your laptops inside 1 IPv8 community x 4 (start multiple IPv8 client). try to do also crypto stuff, not just sockets.
Demo Week 4:
Pointers for next week:
amount of clients and performs default flow:
{added} Demo: Regtest block download operational. Get BTC inside superapp needs to work, reproduce stand-alone cmdline. Empty wallet means error creating DAO
12-03-2024 update:
Cleaning up the github repository
12-03-2024 node.js server to trigger events on instances:
This sprint's update:
We are also working on the removal of the single coordinator from signature collection process, by removing the blocking while loop that waits for signatures on the client side with a new event based system:
Progress check 25-03-2024
Progress check week 8:
Short description: Focus on testing multiple techniques to achieve an increase in speed and/or number of connecting peers. Detected possible improvements regarding the networking on trustchain ( preliminary results below )
Results (charts below: X-axis=number of peers, Y-axis=bandwidth usage in KB/ milliseconds): As expected the bandwidth usage of the gossip mechanism is drastically lower than the current approach. The current algorithm for 15 peers peaked at around 1.2MB of band usage, which is a lot compared to only 228KB used by the gossip.
Unexpectedly, for low number of peers the gossip algorithm performed better speed-wise. This result can be interpreted in two ways:
Future improvements proposal:
Update 12/04/2024
Current setup:
Observation: Slow discovery, takes a while for each peer to discover other peers. Performance increase on windows OS (?)
for inspiration.Progress check 19-04-2024
Project assignment for Delft University of Technology master course called "Blockchain Engineering". Custom assignment: combining Democracy-1 and Democracy-2 (overlap == networking part of crypto core)
Task You have completed this course successfully if you can scale the "networking part of crypto core" to 100 emulators/peers. Bonus goal is 500 peers! (ultimate goal is seriously let this scale to the 15 million users on WallStreetBets at Reddit).
Blockchain networking part @mateichirita
Crypto Core Part
BONUS: Networking dashboard. Improve activity grid principle of status of each of the 25 connected IPv8 peers.