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msc placeholder: something with passport-grade digital identity, DAO voting, ? #8062

Open synctext opened 2 weeks ago

synctext commented 2 weeks ago

Exploring master thesis topic! With Honors bsc, also msc potential! Honor thesis example

Official embedding at government agency? (AFM,KvK,APG,RvIG,FIN, ???)

Focus, bit of hands-on, not just paper stuff, connected to the real world. Has already deep knowledge of digital identity, eIDAS, and ledger stuff around trust. Understands the gap between running code and large-scale usage.

Time-line: due to hard work in bsc phase, 1 quarter ahead of schedule. Start Q1 2024 or any other time desired. Brainstorm of direction:

0) Digital identity and e-voting. Read the foundations from 1938 on this topic: Voting Rights of Capital Stock and Shareholders. As a first step to the re-birth of online democracy we work towards online voting during stockholder meetings. See APG work in this direction. Furthermore, we have an operational system for democratic control of money. Our DAO system for governance of collective Bitcoin-based capital is dependant on a Sybil-tolerance identity solution for voters.

1) Digital identity. You just explore that for 2 weeks, do some reading. Note that picking an exact subject is also part of the thesis process. No problem to take 3-6 weeks to explore exact directions in a learn-by-doing approach! So it's coding with a purpose... Like, reading NFC chips of your ID card within Superapp (has {possibly broken now} support for reading Dutch ID cards).

2) Digital identity for companies. Dutch Chamber of Commerce is active there. Your thesis could be to realise their ID system for legal entities. Please read this thesis from our lab: This is the right time to do prototyping of an EBSI-based solution suitable for a large-scale trail (by others). Only thing we need is identity and signature binding + feature to sign any .PDF file. Nothing more :-) Any legal document then becomes irrefutable digitally signed. Accountants then can switch to the digital age, instead of old skool signatures.

3) The offline digital Euro is almost finished. 4th Juli graduation. Please browse this work and think if you want to consider doing something similar, with more security and/or privacy. Double spending is very hard plus trusted party complication.

4) trusted servers are needed for upcoming EU digital identity. These EBSI servers are the root-of-trust.Dive into SIEM tools for security of these servers. Makes sure attacks get detected, no log wipes possible. Then think of ideas to make 1 tool even better, performance analysis, graphs in thesis, and graduate.

5) Distributed Edge-AI. Current student Quinten van Eijs is graduating. AI-based Youtube client alternative:

Practical sprint ideas: compile superapp from scratch, with EBSI data vault:

synctext commented 2 weeks ago

Architecting leaderless organisations

This thesis aims to invent a new method for large-scale human organisation, specifically leaderless socio-economic organisations with evolutionary capability. We will use the experimental economists methodology to explore the future of how our global economy may be organised, who will own it, and if taxes will be paid. Starting point is the automated online concept known as Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO). We define a DAO as a leaderless organisation for organising any socio-economic activity. This emerging field holds the potential to provide the organisation principle for our upcoming AI-robot economy. We aim to explore primitive self-governance of DAOs, evolutionary principles, and economic activity under direct democratic control. This aims requires advancing the state-of-the-art in digital identity, programmable money, and Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAO). DAO science is still an emerging immature field with several open problems such as trusted infrastructure nodes, the founders with most decision making power, and rich-get-richer dynamics in general. The scientific problems to solve are inequality, democratic deficiency, design for evolution, and complex self-organisation. Prior technologies such such as smart contracts provide code execution at high cost without reliance on clouds or trusted third parties. However, a large "reality gap" remains with prior proposed architectures and realities of cybersecurity, complex self-organising systems, and self-evolving systems. The state-of-the-art within digital identity is insufficient to support online voting at scale. This thesis builds upon prior work from Delft University, such as the root-of-trust for the upcoming passport-grade digital identity called EBSI/EDIC under eIDAS 2.0 legislation. Furthermore, we re-use the learnings from our programmable digital Euro trail with live connectivity to the IBAN banking system. Finally, the operational fully decentralised artist investment and music distribution platform will be re-used to minimize engineering effort of business logic. Central research questions are: 1) devise a digital identity architecture to enable DAO voting 2) devise voting principles for DAO governance and democratic control of programmable money 3) devise a security architecture for upgrades and self-evolution of a DAO


synctext commented 17 hours ago

ToDo: find honor level master thesis topic (2sep 2024 - Aug 2025) Honor track potential (some course grades still pending) Thesis draft working title: "Realisation of online democracy: DAO e-voting using zero-knowledge constructs"

Requirement: planetary-scale voting system (few billion users, avoid Sybils, no single eligible voters database) Theory + systems building balance: real voting, real Bitcoin, real EBSI wallet, real Bitcoin hardware procurement.