Tribler / trustchain-superapp

Kotlin implementation of Trustchain and IPv8 with rich networking: multihoming of local Bluetooth+4G, decentral social networking, UDP hole punching, etc.
GNU General Public License v3.0
80 stars 63 forks source link

Fairness and freedom for artists: Towards a Robot Economy for the Music (Streaming) Industry #45

Closed Tim-W closed 3 years ago

Tim-W commented 4 years ago

(Placeholder issue for msc thesis)

Problem statement

(Musicians/artists/creators) receive low compensation for publishing their content. * [Typical cut of revenue:]( (distributor: Spotify/iTunes/Google Play/...) Signed records: 25% distributor 55% label 20% artist Unsigned records: 40% distributor 60% artist * Smaller artists get low revenue, due to the "pro rata" model applied by e.g. Spotify. A [user-centric]( model should be more fair (economics/business, less CS) * [The distributor could censor tracks]( * [Platform lock-in]( **Existing and upcoming solutions** Blockchain-based solutions exist for music streaming services. At least two start-ups attempted. * [OPUS Audio]( "Helps artist generate the revenue they deserve". It uses [IPFS]( for distributed file storage, but actually uses a back-up off-chain database for performance purposes. Strategy for IPFS nodes: OPUS deploys **its own** nodes around the globe for low latency. OPUS uses Ethereum smart contracts. Using smart contracts, "[consumers] can rest assured almost 100% of the payments are delivered to the artists transparently, immutably and without intermediaries taking large chunks of revenue”. * [Musicoin project]( encourages **independent artists** to register and publish their work on its own blockchain-based platform. Very interesting: consumers have a free service without ads, while artists get paid (in $MUSIC) Uses earn-per-play smart contracts based on preset fees each time a song gets played (for >s seconds). Consumers can also tip artists (micropayments). Uses mining in the form of bitcoin. * [Mycelia project]( is not a streaming service on its own but does provide "creative passport" technology: a digital container with authorization of work, acknowledgements, payment mechanisms and metadata. **Shortcomings of these solutions** * Musicoin pay-per-play system depends entirely on investors and the price of its non-stable currency. If its currency becomes [worthless]( then the artists also receive low revenue. * OPUS deploys nodes itself and consumer pay a (small) fee for this infrastructure (different from Tribler/torrents) **The dream: a good decentralized streaming system** * A (torrent) streaming technology as fast as spotify, based on a p2p file sharing system (tribler? IPFS?). Challenge: seeders for content with small popularity. To think about: are bandwidth tokens enough incentive? * Proof of authorship on the blockchain Tribler/tribler#4144 * (Near) 100% of fees from consumers go directly to the artists they listen to. * Payouts with stablecoin (USDT/EURS) * Tipping system/micropayments * Effective sharing and recommendation systems **Completed reading list** * [How the blockchain is disrupting the art economy as we know it (2017)]( * de Vos, M., & Pouwelse, J. (2018). A Blockchain-based Micro-Economy of Bandwidth Tokens. CompSys 2018. * [Blockchain is changing how media and entertainment companies compete]( * Zhang, B. (2018). Credit Mining: An Incentive and Boosting System in a Peer-to-Peer File-sharing Network.
synctext commented 4 years ago

Brainstorm on direction:

Work from now 15 years ago Wi-Fi Walkman: A wireless handhold that shares and recommend music on peer-to-peer networks

Upcoming sprint: document related_work.tex in thesis wording?
Tim-W commented 4 years ago

Looked up more decentralized music streaming services:

  1. Audius (85% profit to artists, uses ads, other profit to developers of music app)
  2. BitSong (unreleased) (no stablecoin)
  3. Musicoin (No stablecoin)
  4. Resonate (Profit distribution is a "co-op": Musicians 30% Listeners 25% Workers 15% Rainy day fund 20% Owners of “supporter shares” 10%)
  5. eMusic (Seems to be most mature, 60 tracks for $20/month. No stablecoin. They sell their eMC token for 0.35$ each, but could up this price whenever they want, pays artists/content distributors in eMC)

IMO services only using non-stablecoins can be disregarded. They build a platform and launch their own token/coin which hopes to gain value (hard to say for future).

Conclusion: None of these applications pay near-100% of profits to artists in "real" money (eur/usd)

Tim-W commented 4 years ago

(Work in progress) related_work.tex

Tim-W commented 4 years ago

Updated the tex with a summary of current decentralized audio streaming services, and decentralized content delivery networks.

Also, possible future directions:

synctext commented 4 years ago

Feedback on progress:

Tim-W commented 4 years ago


Tim-W commented 4 years ago

From my perspective, depending on time constraints/progress I could try system 1 or system 2 (using a DAO): System 1: fairness for artists, any files Challenges:

  1. Latency/speed of (donation) payments, synced with torrent downloads
  2. Proof of ownership/artist passports
  3. Permissioned access to publish content
  4. Sharing and discovery of content, metadata storage
  5. Incentivizing seeders (bandwidth tokens? seeders receive stablecoins?)

System 2: fairness for artists, music streaming Additional challenges:

  1. Low latency/stutter/seeking audio files
  2. Prediction of next played audio file, pre-fetching algorithm
  3. Music discovery/recommendations
  4. Pay-per-stream instead of pay-per-file?
Tim-W commented 4 years ago

Change in relation to my most recent comment: The system: A music streaming and/or file sharing DAO where users can donate to artists. (near) 100% of those donations are received (near) instantly by the artist. Artists can prove which content is theirs so that the correct artist receives the donation.

synctext commented 4 years ago

cool! btw Both Bitcoin and Libtorrent have now been integrated in DelftDAO. That saves you lots of engineering.

synctext commented 4 years ago

@Tim-W online for sprint update?

Tim-W commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I have not been able to make much progress in the recent weeks.. (see my email) I will give an update before the coming Tuesday

Tim-W commented 4 years ago

@synctext Sprint update: Trying to define a better problem statement: Problem statement updated, split up into 4 subproblems:

any good paid audio streaming service refers to any of the spotify/google play/itunes that provide seamless experience and a large amount of content. A possible (dreamy) solution:

Progress Read most of Mitchell Olsthoorn's FBase thesis Read The DAO whitepaper Trustchain superapp: Inspected docs, code, ran the app. Kotlin-ipv8: Inspected docs, code. Plans Coming days: fork superapp, create a DAO, upload&share audio/music metadata with peers on an IPv8 app. Coming week: Find more papers about fast music (torrent) streaming. Then: describe the "dreamy" solution in a more technical system, describe what the "MusicDAO" should be able to do, and predict feasibility for thesis.

Tim-W commented 4 years ago

Forked IPv8 superapp, wrote some code, added my own very simple app to it.

Tim-W commented 4 years ago

@synctext Can you link me to the project for bitcoin/libtorrent integration in DelftDAO?

synctext commented 4 years ago

Great stuff! Feel free to re-use the pro-artist storyline I wrote April 2019:

Many people have tried to create a micro-economy for Internet privacy using coins, credits, and
karma for onion routing. Various incentive mechanism have been proposed to prevent the tragedy
of the commons, such as, GoldStar, PAR, BRAIDS, LIRA, TEARS, and TorCoin
[ARS08,DWB10,GRF14,JHK10,JJS13,JMS14,RMS04]. However, the problem remains unsolved.
Our prior work: In prior work we created “Self-replicating autonomous AI agents”. Our
self-replication toolkit called “​ CloudOMate​ ” is now mainstream open source software 2 . CloudOMate
offers a permissionless open compute API which provides an automated way to buy VPS instances
and VPN services from multiple providers. Our work differs from buying cloud hardware by credit
card. Our agents are truly autonomous and humans are unable to access their money. This
architecture offers unique security properties, theft of credit card numbers or passwords are no
longer possible. Based on this toolkit we created a live ecosystem. Our self-replicating agents can
own electronic money (Bitcoin, Ethereum), buy server space in the cloud without any human
assistance, offer compute services on a decentral market, have a primitive learning ability, and
can convert income into replicating themselves [RSP19].

Method and approach:We will study the right conditions for a decentralised digital economy
focused on music to flourish and realise it. Our alternative for the music industry is dubbed the
“Maximum Love Music” (MLM) community. Previously, we’ve grown a Youtube-like community
with ​ currently 35.000 daily active users​ , called Tribler. This MLM community will focus on
trust, marketplaces, and feature real money. MLM is academically pure and disruptive; it only
exists in code (e.g., “DAO” [UDA17]); all middleman functionality is conducted by open source
software for free. All money directly goes to the artists. Musicians can release music, sell concert
tickets, and receive payments without ​ any of this money going to record labels, producers,
bankers, credit card companies, or tech companies.
MicroEcon is deliberately provocative. The irony is that companies, like Spotify, use secret AI
algorithms extensively. We aim to disrupt the “Tech Elite” by offering a transparent non-profit AI
alternative, based on CloudOmate. The tension and emotion we consciously trigger lies in our
conflicted desire to create superhuman contraptions in capacity, but subhuman in status.
Creative element: We will create a live micro-economy with a self-sustaining society of
agents. All decisions about self-replication, money, tokens, and long-term survival will be taken
by autonomous intelligence. By applying end-to-end reinforcement learning we will use a single
goal which will drive the behaviour of agents: survival.
Our provocative approach is designed to stimulate volunteer contributions and mirror successful
projects like Linux, Ethereum, and Wikipedia.

We did CloudOMate. A full 19 master students are actively working on Delft-DAO towards a single codebase. Including Libtorrent integration and Bitcoin MultiSig scripting.

synctext commented 4 years ago

Suggested thesis sprint goals:

Scientific issues:

synctext commented 4 years ago

The first Robot economy

Maximum ambition claim, you replace an entire industry by software. For the specific case of music you remove all middleman from the value chain. All economic activity into a single architecture. This means creating creating an operational end-to-end prototype. Emphasis can be in various directions:

Tim-W commented 4 years ago

Coming 4-ish weeks:

synctext commented 4 years ago

content: Jamendo + these 29,818 Creative commons tracks

Tim-W commented 4 years ago

Progress of code:

  1. DHT peers are continuously searched in background
  2. The user can select an audio file from his Android
  3. Audio file is converted to trackerless torrent, magnet link generated
  4. Proposal block generated to trustchain including 1 song: {track ID, author, magnet link}
  5. Block is self-signed
  6. Other peers can fetch signed blocks (in video it is the same person), grab magnet link, start torrent metadata fetch
  7. Use libtorrent to discover DHT peers, start buffering torrent pieces
  8. When torrent pieces > X are loaded, exit "buffering" state. Play button then clickable
  9. Keep downloading the torrent file. Seed after completion

Uses and . TODO: seeking, track selection


  1. Cannot demonstrate uploading and streaming from 2 peers as only 1 peer is not enough for torrent streaming. Will be very slow obv. In the video, the magnet link used for downloading is a static one with ~50 seeders.
  2. Video is sped-up, "establishing peer time" is ~10s for magnet link described above
synctext commented 4 years ago

nice! please rebase superapp with latest upstream additions + use a fixed creative commons content linked for demo purposes.

Tim-W commented 4 years ago

:+1: Good point about the creative commons content, also I already rebased the superapp with latest upstream additions.

Thesis document updates will be from now on here: I extended the related work and abstract here (document.pdf) mainly as a guideline for myself

Also, still thinking about the title. Perhaps "A music app/system fully owned and run by its users" or something more in the DAO direction (sustainable/future-proof app?).

Edit 30/04: Started working on introduction. see thesis git

synctext commented 4 years ago

Direct link to binary .PDF of master thesis a music industry without any industry

Thesis draft comments:

Tim-W commented 4 years ago

Short update on recent work: Worked on the app to make it more stable for a very simple proof of concept and to prepare it for a PR to the superapp repo. Also I'll try to share an APK soon once downloading/playing runs more smoothly.

synctext commented 4 years ago

Impressive progress again..! Please do a first PR today or tomorrow at the latest for the Superapp

synctext commented 4 years ago

robot economy for music

comments on thesis progress:

Exploring scientific directions:

Upcoming sprints:

Tim-W commented 4 years ago

Short update on this week's progress: Focussed on stability and debugging progress per file.

synctext commented 4 years ago

Please include subscription concept in thesis, if you agree with this: open + pay-for. Playlist donations in Bitcoin in prototype? We need to replace Big Tech storyline

Tim-W commented 4 years ago

Updated fork with upstream changes: app-debug.apk (The creative commons magnet link used for the example contains flac files from bt.etree with size 10-20 MBs, usually high-quality mp3 songs would be 5-10MBs)

Tim-W commented 4 years ago

Improvements on UI partially done (some components used from . Fast forward/backward created.

To do:

Related work? Free Music Archive/Tribe of Noise Free Music Archive to develop new online business models based on open standards, supporting access to royalty free music.

Tim-W commented 4 years ago

Progress update: a lot of work on the UI and functionality

Video 1: Publishing and browsing playlists Video 2: Playing songs

Note: when opening a playlist, the metadata is found using magnet link, which can take some time to fetch.


app-debug.apk (This debug app currently uses "Royalty Free Background Music" magnet link for the "Load example" button, it has around 40 seeders at the time of writing)

Possible to do list next few days

synctext commented 4 years ago

synctext commented 4 years ago
synctext commented 4 years ago

(ToDiscuss) Start a seeding website called ""? (ToDiscuss) Later sprint of 2 weeks for Creative Commons content ingestion and metadata ingestion:

class MySpider(Spider):
    start_url = ''
    concurrency = 5
    headers = {'User-Agent': 'Google Spider'}
    parsers = [
               XPathParser('//div[contains(@class, "pagination")]/ul/li/a[contains(@href, "page")]/@href'),
               XPathParser('//div[@class="mini-left"]//div[contains(@class, "mini-title")]/a/@href', Post)
    proxy = 'https://localhost:1234'

Note, Kotlin would be for Android integration. Python for not excluding possible Tribler integration (Channels with semantic scraper plugins for Creative Commons content + daily website sync)

Tim-W commented 4 years ago


Video showing: Uploading local tracks and listening to them plays them immediately.

Created pull request for trustchain-superapp

synctext commented 4 years ago

Just had a chat with the honour students which are improving their distributed AI kernel till May 2021. For your robot economy it is much more scientific to focus on this line of work then doing large-scale scraping. I will ask one of our scientific developers to build a Creative Commons content library + seedbox. Free for you to use :-)

Could you at some point spend 1 day exploring the distributed AI kernel and form an opinion on the current state of usability for music discovery? I have no idea how mature this stuff really is.

Tim-W commented 4 years ago

I took a look at the code and docs for distributed-ai kernel it this afternoon. It seems to be a good base for local machine learning and linear regression/evolutionary algorithms kind of stuff, but does not have any interaction with IPv8 (if I'm not mistaken?). It only spawns multiple machines locally in the JVM which interact, but does not use actual IPv8 nodes. So that will need to be implemented. Also, I don't think linear regression is close to the simple collaborative filtering problem that I'm planning to build as recommendation algorithm?

In other news, finished the PR for superapp and improved pre-loading and caching of tracks and releases.

synctext commented 4 years ago

Still immature. Cool, yes, the honour students are now tasked with integrating their machine learning with IPv8. It now is still distributed in a simple way, already leaderless.

Also, I don't think linear regression is close to the simple collaborative filtering problem that I'm planning to build as recommendation algorithm?

Back in 2006 I co-authored work with simple collaborative filtering. Hopefully you can go beyond that type of work. The essentials:


What can you think of that screams "robot economy" in music context? Was also looking into using gossip-based machine for content discovery. Million Playlists Songs Dataset with Musicbrainz/Acousticbrainz integration, friends of mine (co-founded that stuff back in tha day). Music recommendation is a whole new field with lots of scientists, few easy to use libraries, some datasets, many one-shot experiments and disconnected code repos; overview.

Model-based approach within collaborative filtering looks promising for possible future sprints.

No need to do scraping, solved! 917 GiB and 343 days of Creative Commons-licensed audio from 106,574 tracks from 16,341 artists and 14,854 albums, arranged in a hierarchical taxonomy of 161 genres.

Tim-W commented 4 years ago

Short term:

Future sprint: Integrate with CCommons tracks or all 2000 Tribler channels. Keyword search and browsing experience.

Overall: different paths/directions to take:

Title ideas (just some ideas for parts of titles, combine different of these statements from below to build one full title)

ML/AI integration ideas

synctext commented 4 years ago

a 'Swarm Hunter AI', your personal music seeking agent. Nice idea!

Tim-W commented 4 years ago

Integration with crypto-payments (an overview where I ramble about some rough ideas I have)

Subscription concept rough ideas This whole idea might not work because of the distributed nature of the system that I built. Of course the user can ignore the application layer and go straight to the libtorrent interactions.

Implementation 1: Single, independent robot/agent executing cron jobs. Its pricing, internal algorithm, and functions can be changed by voting (luxury communism approach). All users pay a monthly fee -> this fee is stored in a wallet that only the agent has access to. Then, every day/week/month the money on this wallet is distributed to the artists based on amount of plays per artist (or based on some other heuristic).

Pros: The transaction message complexity is low: one transaction per time unit from the user, and x transactions per time unit, where x is the amount of artists that need to be paid. The robot controls the money flow and is robust: does not go offline when users leave the system. Privacy: the amount of plays is anonymized. Cons: Requires strong security, difficult to engineer? The robot needs fuel/a VPS (CloudOMate may be a solution?). Also this is a single point of failure. The robot needs to be attack-resilient, strong against spam attacks, and needs to have an anti-cheat system. Which is probably difficult to build. Trust in the robot with user data (amount of plays) is required.

Implementation 2: a peer-to-peer subscription payment system. Every user stores money on a wallet. Every time unit, this wallet is reduced by a fee, which is split into p2p transactions directly to the artists, based on the user plays of the last time unit up-to current time unit.

Pros: Keeps the fully distributed nature of the system. Trivial to extend to other direct payment options and donation functions. Possibility to have 'personal interaction' this way with artists, if the user wants to. Cons: It is very difficult to engineer a system that is on the one hand fully distributed and on the other hand has a paywall against content delivery (? needs research). Transaction data can be scraped by anyone to observe statistics of amount of plays per user (unless transactions are anonymous). Message complexity of transactions is higher than in previously mentioned system.

Live concert tickets As an alternative, live concert tickets could be purchased directly from the artist/label/organization without an intermediary like TicketMaster taking commission fee (TicketMaster: 10% fee for buyers, 15% fee for sellers). This can be extended trivially to different subjects, like preview album releases, merchandise, physical records, ...

Invest in artists A very different approach is giving the users the ability to invest bitcoins in artists, who can receive a return on investment based on the 'pricing' on these artists, with a small commission fee. Artists supported based on 'voting power' integrates well with DAO principle.

Conclusion: I think the first implementation of subscription system is the most interesting to implement, for the reason of novelty and alignment with 'robot economy'. But I'll have to do more research on what exists today. Core to all these ideas: builds on the assumption that the underlying identity system works well to identify artists.

synctext commented 4 years ago

Agreed. Your idea: a peer-to-peer subscription payment system has the least amount of "thesis risk", could become popular and sounds like fun for future students to expand upon. There is even an algorithms component. We formulate the Artist Income Division problem as follows, how to divide the monthly donation, given the song playback history, payouts from prior months, and fraction of each song that has been played. Trustchain contains your validated artistic genesis ID, Bitcoin wallet, and verified playlist. This is very "Robot Economy"!

### Songs from
1.  100%:  Ikson — Last Summer
2.  3%:    MBB — Destination
3.  100%:  Arc North — Arc North - Ivory
4.  100%:  IanFever — Ian Fever & Almi - Autumn
5.  78%:   Rameses B — Rameses B - Bae Bae
6.  2%:    Nasko — Definite
Tim-W commented 4 years ago

First draft of problem description (2 pages): problem-description-draft1.pdf The basics are there, can be expanded a lot quite easily. It needs a stronger introduction why exactly the music industry is how it is now (an oligarchy of 3 streaming services). Could not find exact reasons why this oligarchy is currently the case, but rather only that it is the case. But if I go down that path it may become a financial/economics research on market shares :thinking: What is your opinion?

synctext commented 4 years ago

good stuff! GDPR etc I would leave out. Just copy from economic works and focus on 'monopoly pricing power' and lack of new disruptive innovations. More robot economy: can we replace a monopoly-based unfair industry with code? Find citations like this:

Tim-W commented 4 years ago

Alright, thank you :+1: read the paper. Mainly it is useful because of its description of 'monopsomy' that fits my context. In other news, I'm planning to implement GigaChannel, as it currently is described in in Kotlin. Is that a next logical step? @synctext (As we discussed in this ticket 18 days ago:

@ichorid @MattSkala For implementing GigaChannelCommunity, as it exists in devel currently, in Kotlin, are there resources/docs available? Or should it be satisfactory to just look at the code at and convert it, by subclassing the Community.kt from kotlin-ipv8? What are your thoughts? Thanks! :)

ichorid commented 4 years ago

@Tim-W , it depends on why you need GigaChannel community in your app? What do you expect it to do? How are you going to interface with it? Anyways, it is better to use the RemoteQuery community that is more recent and cleanly written.

Tim-W commented 4 years ago

That seems useful :+1: I'll checkout the RemoteQuery code. What I want to accomplish is: browsing channels and keyword search behaviors in my Android app (the app is described in this ticket)

ichorid commented 4 years ago

RemoteQuery community was designed just for those two purposes: browsing channels on remote machines and doing remote queries :+1: Your biggest challenge will be downloading, processing and storing (indexing) the contents of the channels. You'll have to use SQLite directly. Transferring data from the channel torrent's on-disk format should be pretty straightforward, as the stuff is just concatenated and compressed channel entries. Try figuring it out from my code. If you'll be able to, that means my code is good enough :rofl:

Tim-W commented 4 years ago

@synctext I'll work on some improvements for the problem description based on your feedback. Also, I started investigating the RemoteQueryCommunity code and ported some parts of it to Kotlin, to be able to do keyword search and browse channels on Android. Is it a good next step to keep working on this RemoteQueryCommunity port to Kotlin for the coming days/sprint?

From now on this will be the static link to my msc thesis report/dissertation:

synctext commented 4 years ago

yes, good direction and solid target: operational keyword search on the wild deployed community.