TricksterCards / TricksterBots

Suggest methods for bots used in Trickster Cards.
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Bridge: Card Play Questioned #151

Open johnson520 opened 10 months ago

johnson520 commented 10 months ago

this game i lead small heart bot partner takes with king and has another heart and doesnt lead back heart to honour my lead for me to take with my Ace.

Having said that we believe that the BOTS are a lot better at bidding in recent 3-4 weeks.

Thanks Richard Lang and boys at Mosman Park WA Mens Shed

% PBN --------------------------- [Event "Trickster Cards: Join Bridge"] [Date "2023.08.23"] [West "Alan G"] [North "Klaas"] [East "Geary"] [South "Richard Lang"] [Dealer "W"] [Vulnerable "EW"] [Deal "W:A752.T5.KQ.AJ653 JT9863.K6.J5.KQ4 4.QJ73.A98743.T7 KQ.A9842.T62.982"] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "1NT"] [Auction "W"] 1C Pass 1D Pass 1S Pass 1NT Pass Pass Pass [Play "S"] H4 H5 HK H3 SQ SA SJ S4 D2 DQ D5 D3 D6 DK DJ D4 HA HT H6 HQ SK S2 S3 H7 DT S5 S6 DA C2 S7 C4 D7 C8 C3 S8 D8 C9 C5 S9 D9 H2 CA CQ C7 H8 C6 CK CT H9 CJ ST HJ

johnson520 commented 10 months ago

The bots lost because they gave away Trump tricks needlessly Pancake? This is basic? Please advise why these bots cannot play properly or upgradecthrm please.

% PBN --------------------------- [Event "Trickster Cards: Join Bridge"] [Date "2023.09.04"] [West "Pancake"] [North "Kris"] [East "Kennith"] [South "Shortcake"] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "All"] [Deal "S:.JT85.Q9864.A632 KJ52.AKQ4.AKT.94 AT98.963.752.KJ8 Q7643.72.J3.QT75"] [Declarer "E"] [Contract "4S"] [Auction "S"] Pass 2NT Pass 3S Pass 4S Pass Pass Pass [Play "S"] HJ HQ H3 H2 D4 S2 S8 S3 CA C4 C8 C5 C2 C9 CK C7 C3 H4 CJ CQ D6 S5 S9 S4 HT HK H6 H7 H5 SJ SA S6 DQ DK D2 D3 C6 SK ST S7 D8 DT D5 DJ H8 DA D7 CT D9 HA H9 SQ