Open antross opened 1 year ago
Another case
Bridge - Most annoying (well, one of the) bot habits is to raise my suite with just one or two cards in it. In this case the bot opened 1 club (or diamond, don’t remember). I bid 1 heart. Bot bid 2 hearts and had just one in its hand. It should have had 4 hearts to raise.
% PBN --------------------------- [Event "Trickster Cards: Practice Bridge"] [Date "2023.09.02"] [West "Lonnie"] [North "Rolando"] [East "Cecile"] [South "Carol Bethards Powers"] [Dealer "W"] [Vulnerable "NS"] [Deal "W:QT.642.QJ4.J9432 AJ62.9.KT63.A876 87543.T8753.A9.5 K9.AKQJ.8752.KQT"] [Declarer "S"] [Contract "4H"] [Auction "W"] Pass 1D Pass 1H Pass 2H Pass 4H Pass Pass Pass [Play "W"] DQ - - -
Bot bidding is still bad. It raised my 1H to 2H despite holding only one heart.
You should directly hard-code certain safeguards into the bot:
NEVER raise partner's suit bid while holding only one card of the suit.
NEVER raise partner's suit bid while holding only two cards in the suit, unless partner has bid the suit twice.
NEVER open with a bid of one-anything holding fewer than 12 high-card points.
It's not hard to fix these things. You just need to directly fix them by hard-coding the bot to never make certain bids.
% PBN --------------------------- [Event "Trickster Cards: Practice Bridge"] [Date "2023.09.02"] [West "Archie"] [North "Eloy"] [East "Roscoe"] [South "BrenBarn"] [Dealer "N"] [Vulnerable "NS"] [Deal "N:A7.T.AQ985.AKQJ9 8652.KQ.742.T653 K4.AJ7643.K63.74 QJT93.9852.JT.82"] [Declarer "S"] [Contract "2H"] [Auction "N"] 1D Pass 1H Pass 2H Pass Pass Pass [Play "W"] SQ SA S2 S4 H2 HT HQ HA DT D5 D2 DK DJ DA D4 D3 S3 S7 S5 SK H5 C9 HK H3 S9 D8 S8 H4 H8 D9 S6 H7 SJ CJ D7 H6 H9 DQ C3 HJ C2 CQ C5 C4 C8 CA C6 C7 ST CK CT D6
Bot raised to 2 spades with only one spade in hand
% PBN --------------------------- [Event "Trickster Cards: Trickster Bridge"] [Date "2023.09.02"] [West "Altobch"] [North "Goldie"] [East "Colin"] [South "Petra3"] [Dealer "W"] [Vulnerable "All"] [Deal "W:JT92.842.KJ42.A3 3.AK96.A98.J7654 KQ.T73.T53.QT982 A87654.QJ5.Q76.K"] [Declarer "E"] [Contract "4S"] [Auction "W"] Pass 1C Pass 1S Pass 2S Pass 4S Pass Pass Pass [Play "W"] CA C4 C2 CK C3 C5 C8 S4 H8 - - H5
Again the bot raised my 2D to 3D despite holding only one diamond.
% PBN --------------------------- [Event "Trickster Cards: Challenge Bridge"] [Date "2023.09.07"] [West "Pierre"] [North "Venita"] [East "Ira"] [South "BrenBarn"] [Dealer "W"] [Vulnerable "NS"] [Deal "W:Q6542..863.KT965 K93.KQJ52.9.Q432 AJ8.T98743.KQJT. T7.A6.A7542.AJ87"] [Declarer "S"] [Contract "5D"] [Auction "W"] Pass 1H Pass 2D Pass 3D Pass 5D Pass Pass Pass [Play "W"] CT - - -
Dummy just bid 3 clubs with none in the hand!
% PBN --------------------------- [Event "Trickster Cards: Practice Bridge"] [Date "2023.09.14"] [West "Albert"] [North "Christa"] [East "Donnie"] [South "DiGarb"] [Dealer "W"] [Vulnerable "EW"] [Deal "W:AKT.K982.A9.9754 Q9753.QJ643.J43. J8.A7.Q865.AQT63 642.T5.KT72.KJ82"] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "3C"] [Auction "W"] 1C 2C Pass 3C Pass Pass Pass [Play "E"] D5 D2 DA -
(Player in Hungary)
This hand - bot partner raises to 2s holding only a singleton? And has 2 5 card suits! Bidding is way off tonight
% PBN --------------------------- [Event "Trickster Cards: Challenge Bridge"] [Date "2023.09.14"] [West "Mario"] [North "Cora"] [East "Brice"] [South "Derek Jacoby"] [Dealer "W"] [Vulnerable "NS"] [Deal "W:KJ62.AJT4.Q8.983 T.K2.AJT95.QT752 954.Q873.K764.A4 AQ873.965.32.KJ6"] [Declarer "S"] [Contract "2S"] [Auction "W"] Pass 1D Pass 1S Pass 2S Pass Pass Pass [Play "W"] C3 - - -
the robot bid 3 clubs with only 1 club
the bid might have been pass or 2 NT
% PBN --------------------------- [Event "Trickster Cards: Practice Bridge"] [Date "2023.09.14"] [West "Junior"] [North "Alex"] [East "Marilynn"] [South "gail"] [Dealer "W"] [Vulnerable "All"] [Deal "W:T986.Q9.54.AJT86 AQ54.A8432.KJ7.Q J7.KJ65.9863.732 K32.T7.AQT2.K954"] [Declarer "S"] [Contract "3C"] [Auction "W"] Pass 1H Pass 2C Pass 3C Pass Pass Pass [Play "W"] ST S4 S7 SK D4 DJ D3 D2 D5 D7 D6 DT S6 SQ SJ S2 CA CQ C2 C4 S8 SA C3 S3 C6 DK D8 DQ S9 S5 D9 C5 H9 HA H5 H7 HQ H2 H6 HT C8 H3 C7 C9 CT H4 HJ CK CJ H8 HK DA
I dug into this one a bit: The bot entered fallback logic as no bids matched but partner's bid was forcing. At a minimum the fallback logic needs updated to prefer NT with no new suits to show, no support, and not enough strength to raise opening bid. However, I still need to take a closer look at the ranges to see if there were any bids that should have matched.
% PBN --------------------------- [Event "Trickster Cards: Join Bridge"] [Date "2023.09.01"] [West "Pancake"] [North "Huey"] [East "Rene"] [South "Shortcake"] [Dealer "E"] [Vulnerable "All"] [Deal "E:AKQT72.AJ6.A72.6 6543.T542.843.AK .K9873.KQT.JT852 J98.Q.J965.Q9743"] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "3C"] [Auction "E"] 1S Pass 2C Pass 3C Pass Pass Pass [Play "W"] HQ H6 H2 HK C3 HJ H4 H3 D5 D2 D8 DT D6 D7 D3 DQ D9 DA D4 DK S8 SA S3 H7 SJ SK S4 H8 S9 SQ S5 H9 C4 ST S6 C2 CQ C6 CK C5 C9 HA H5 C8 DJ S2 HT CT C7 S7 CA CJ