TricksterCards / TricksterBots

Suggest methods for bots used in Trickster Cards.
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Euchre: Feedback about first player bidding #219

Open johnson520 opened 6 months ago

johnson520 commented 6 months ago

Bot should pass when he sit left of the dealer and has just both bowers matching color of "up card". When bot orders trump up, the dealer has an extra trump and able to short suited. Why give the dealer so much advantage. Bot should wait and then name the next(trump). Bot is the first one to name the trump when the dealer turns up-card down. If the dealer picks it up, bot has sure two tricks. The same logics apply with both bowers and another matching color card of up-card. let say, if 9 of spade is up-card, bot has two black (J) acks, 10 of spade and 10 of club. Bot should pass 9 of spade then name Club for trump. if bot does not have 10 of club then bot should name Spade as trump.