TricksterCards / TricksterBots

Suggest methods for bots used in Trickster Cards.
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500: Two suggestions for improving bot card play #220

Open johnson520 opened 9 months ago

johnson520 commented 9 months ago

From an American 500 user:

Hi. I have two suggestions for improving bot play in the game 500.

1) When playing against a Nullo bid (particularly an Open Nullo) and the bot is holding the joker, please don’t have the bot play the joker when the bot is holding no cards that can defeat the bidder. Doing so takes the lead away from the player opposite the bot and likely prevents that player from getting the lead back with opportunity to set the bidder. Often, higher cards are intentionally played to get the partner (the bot in this case) out of a suit so that the player can come back with a low card to set the bidder. Having the bot play the joker when the bot can’t set the bidder is equivalent to throwing the hand.

2) When playing a No-Trump bid, and when the bot has alternate cards to play, please don’t have the bot play a low, i.e., known loser card in a suit when it has already been shown that the bot’s partner is out of that suit. Doing so automatically gives the opponent the lead at a cost of one or more tricks, and quite possibly the hand or game as well.

I love the app. Thanks for taking feedback and making improvements along the way.