TricksterCards / TricksterBots

Suggest methods for bots used in Trickster Cards.
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500: Bot raising to 7NT or 8NT after opening 6NT #246

Open johnson520 opened 4 months ago

johnson520 commented 4 months ago

In 500 the escalation pathway for calling tricks is insane the bots will go from 6nt to 8nt after an opponent bids 7 of anything, skipping the 7NT. the system then plays as though it knows the other hand. There is no logic or corresponding game theory that would allow or accept a raising from 6nt to 8nt without first bidding 7NT

% PBN --------------------------- [Event "Trickster Cards: Join 500 - Australian with 3-card kitty, must bid to win, bid after pass if bid changed, misère after 7, open misère ±500"] [UTCDate "2024.02.19"] [UTCTime "21:47:04"] [LocalDateTime "2/19/2024 1:47 PM PST" [GameCode "FiveHundred"] [GameOptionsJson "{"variation":1,"mustBidToWin":true,"whenNullo":1,"S8Overbid250Nullo":false,"bidAfterPass":2,"noSuggestions":true,"noWatching":true}"] [GameScores "S:-250 0 -250 0"] [West "Minerva (Auto)"] [North "Husband (3796920)"] [East "Tad (Auto)"] [South "Wife (2783121 Dis)"] [Dealer "W"] [Deal "W:AKQ.KT8.8.K85 96.7.Q754.QT9 J875.AQ9.A.A.H T.J64.KJT96.6"] [Undealt "H5C7CJ"] [Declarer "E"] [Contract "8NT"] [Auction "N"] Pass 6NT 7♦ Pass Pass 8NT Pass - [CardsAdded "E:CJC7H5"] [CardsRemoved "E:S5H5C7"] [Play "E"] HA H4 H8 -

johnson520 commented 2 months ago

Practice 500 the bot player ALWAYS bids NO TRUMP when it holds the joker even when it’s impossible to play that bid AND WIN. Is there a default setting that needs adjusting?

% PBN --------------------------- [Event "Trickster Cards: Practice 500 - Australian with 3-card kitty, must bid to win, misère anytime, 8♠ overbids misère, open misère ±500, review last deal"] [UTCDate "2024.04.08"] [UTCTime "01:54:54"] [LocalDateTime "4/7/2024 6:54 PM PDT" [GameCode "FiveHundred"] [GameOptionsJson "{"variation":1,"mustBidToWin":true,"reviewLastDeal":true,"noWatching":true}"] [GameScores "S:-200 270 -200 270"] [West "Eleanor (Auto)"] [North "Johnathan (Auto)"] [East "Donna (Auto)"] [South "Kip (2369743)"] [Dealer "S"] [Deal "S:K96.4.JT86.87 5.Q986.A54.Q6 Q7.AJT7.Q7.A.H AJ8.K5.K9.JT9"] [Undealt "C5STCK"] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "7NT"] [Auction "W"] Pass 6NT 7♣ Pass