TricksterGuy / bottomless-block-barrage

Panel de Pon (Tetris Attack) clone for the 3ds.
GNU General Public License v3.0
19 stars 2 forks source link

A few suggestions #7

Open lukestrong opened 8 years ago

lukestrong commented 8 years ago

A gameover delay/animation:

In the latest build, when you lose, the game immediately prompts you to save a replay. The problem I'm having is that if it ends while I'm in the middle of moving blocks around, I'll accidently save a replay because there is no delay between losing and the replay prompt. I think a one-second+ delay would be great (with a gameover animation if you want to make it look fancy).

A 3-second countdown to begin:

It would be nice (at least for vs mode in the future) to have a 3-second countdown before you start. It gives you a chance to get prepared properly.

'Squished' blocks:

In every version of tetris attack that I've played, when the blocks have filled the screen, they appear 'squished' and there's usually a small buffer before you lose. The latest build instantly makes you lose when the blocks reach the top.


Sound effects for clearing 4+ blocks and huge combos would be good. It makes you feel like you've accomplished more when there's a fanfare after getting a big combo :)

Garbage blocks?

I'd assume you've already planned on adding this, but I thought I'd add it here just in case.

Probably much further down the line:

3d mode!

Pokemon puzzle league (my first and favourite version of tetris attack) has a 3d-mode which is really fun to play. I'd prefer the above suggestions and multiplayer first, but if you also added 3d-mode at some point, that would be amazing!


Multiplayer with local connections would be nice, but i'd be even better to be able to play against friends/family/people in other parts of the world, whether that be with direct ip connections or with a central server.

Here's a youtube video I found that shows all of these suggestions (except online multiplayer):

If you're good at this game and if you get online mode working, I'd love to have a match with you :)

TricksterGuy commented 8 years ago

Most of these are polish which is not my focus until all of the gameplay is implemented. Things gameplay wise are subject to change as I learn more of the game mechanics and how they work. Such changes in gameplay could potentially break things that are just polish.

Your "squished blocks" suggestion is not right. "Squished blocks" only applies in Versus mode. In all other modes you immediately lose when the blocks reach the top.

Garbage blocks is far off from now. I don't even have support for it yet. I do have the graphics just not the infrastructure changes in order to create/manipulate them.

Multiplayer is listed in It will be the last mode I implement.

3d mode I am not going to implement this as I am only comfortable with 2d rendering. It did feel like a gimmicky feature of Pokemon Puzzle League as none of the later games bothered to include it. I will go as far as extending my current datastructure to support it (all I would need is to have the field support wrap around like a cylinder) and adding appropriate menu options to expose the feature. However someone else will need to 1) code up the rendering for this as I am not the best person to do this 2) The graphics format for this would need to be figured out and someone would have to create those.

lukestrong commented 8 years ago

I didn't realise the squished blocks were only in versus mode, sorry about that :/ 3d mode is kind of gimicky, and I completely understand if that never comes due to the work required.

You've been doing really well so far, keep up the good work :)

TricksterGuy commented 8 years ago

No worries its a common misconception, even I made that mistake in the first version of it. This game has a lot of little minute details like this.

And yeah features and polish will be added when I get the resources. I'm waiting on sound effects, those little explosion graphics, etc. All will come in due time.

So for now I am only focusing on what I can do best and that would be programming.