[x] Do not hide the Promo Code field after it is entered and applied.
[ ] Users need the ability to remove or change the discount.
[x] When CTC is added, display the discounted total for Annual Adventure Pass from the top section in the Final Invoice
[ ] Update the CTC Application Resort Information section -- can the Total Purchase Price field be dynamic? If not, make the value $599.00 and put this text under the line: *Discounts may apply.
[x] On the quarterly billing cycle, we need to split the discount amount across the 4 payments. Example: If discount amount is $50 then apply $12.50 discount per payment.
[ ] After the discount code is applied, keep the code displayed in the discount code field
[ ] Give the user the ability to remove the discount -- add a button beside the Apply button 'Remove Discount'
[ ] Do not allow the user to use the same discount code more than one time for the same transaction. When I applied the test code again on an open transaction it doubled the discount to $100.
Update the content on the adventurepass.us web site:
On ALL Paid Pass purchase pages: