Trikzon / obsidian-frontmatter-links

An Obsidian plugin that renders links in a note's frontmatter as links.
MIT License
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The Future of Frontmatter Links #31

Open Trikzon opened 11 months ago

Trikzon commented 11 months ago

Hey all,

Thank you for all the support since I've made this plug-in. You may have noticed that I haven't updated this plug-in in quite a while. That's because I — gasp — stopped using Obsidian. But, I'm back now!

Obsidian v1.4

It has come to my attention recently that Obsidan had a massive update to the way it handles properties. And I absolutely love it!!! It fixes all of the issues that this plug-in was made for, for me. Specifically it makes using the frontmatter properties easier, allows placing links in frontmatter that renders properly, and adds these links to the graph view. Because of this, I personally have no need for this plug-in anymore.

However, I know that some people still use this plug-in and would not like to see it abandoned. So it won't be.

In the next few weeks I plan on simplifying the code and features this plug-in provides to make it work well with the new update. I plan on only keeping the core purpose of this plug-in: making links in YAML frontmatter render like links and click-able. It will not modify the new properties view at all.

Looking for a Maintainer

Because I personally will not be using this plug-in anymore, I also want to ask if anyone is interested in maintaining this plug-in in the future. This plug-in is very low on my priority list and I have very little motivation to work on it. However, I've seen some people have made pull requests and responded to issues in my absence. If any of you want to become a maintainer, just ask here on this issue.

Thank you for reading

frankhommers commented 10 months ago

@mnaoumov I have seen your PR's maybe you could maintain it? I'd like your PR's to be merged ;-)

mnaoumov commented 10 months ago

@Trikzon yes, I can be a new maintainer if you agree