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Notify original owners of recent Git conversions #245

Open Trilarion opened 5 years ago

Trilarion commented 5 years ago

After #161 we have new ones

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I sent a message to Simon Laszlo, author of 4D-Tris, and informed him about the conversion Bzr to Git.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I sent a message to Gabor Torok, author of Abe's Amazing Adventure, and informed him about the conversion of CVS to Git.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I sent a message to Eben Upton, author of Ajax3d, and informed him about the conversion of CVS to Git.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I got a nice reply from SImon Laszlo. He prefers Git over Bzr too.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I got a nice reply from Gabor Torok.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

And another nice reply from Eben Upton.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I sent a message to Jacob L. Anawalt, one of the authors of Batalla Naval, slightly more active than the other author, using the Sourceforge message system and informed him about the conversion of CVS to Git.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I sent a message to Dimitris Papavasileiou, author of Billiards, and informed him about the conversion of CVS to Git.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I got a nice reply from Dimitris Papavasiliou.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I sent a message to Bernard, author of Bombic, and informed him about the conversion of SVN to Git.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I sent a message to Kanna Yoshihiro, an author of Cannonsmash, who was slightly more active than the other, and informed him about the conversion of CVS to Git.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

Notification of C.Y.O. Adventures is not necessary. No conversion took place. It was a single download/revision anyway.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

Notification of Deathchase 3D is not necessary. No conversion took place. It was a single download only.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I contacted Marc Lehmann, the main author of Deliantra, and asked him if it would be possible to convert the CVS to Git and upload it somewhere, because this would be even better than what I have now.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I contacted Wolfgang Silbermayr, author of Freenukum, about the Bzr to Git conversion.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I sent a message to Joseph Hewitt, the author of Dungeon Monkey Unlimited, and told him about the SVN to Git conversion. He has some of his games on Github, but not this one.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I sent a message to imartinez, an active author of eAdventure, and told him about the SVN to Git conversion.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I sent a message to the email adress given on the home page of Gilbert and the Doors, informing them about the conversion of source releases to Git.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I sent a message to Daniele Napolitano, an active author of Gweled, and told him about the conversion.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I sent a message to Harmen van der Wal, author of Hypercube, informing about the conversion of source releases to Git.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

Key Runner doesn't need a notification because anyway there is only a single revision.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I sent a message to RB[0], an author of Magic Gardeners Tournament, and told him about the conversion of source releases to Git.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

Webhangman and Pendumito do not need a notification because a conversion didn't take place with only one source release.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

Pathogen Warrior doesn't need a notification. Only a single source release.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

Pillows doesn't need a notification. Only two source releases.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I sent a message to Ben Webb, author of FreeCivAC, via the SF message system, and informed him about the conversion from CVS to Git.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I sent a message to Maurizio Colucci, author of FreeTennis, via the SF message system, and informed him about the conversion from CVS to Git.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I got nice replies from the authors of Magic Gardeners Tournament, Gilbert and the doors and cuyo.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I sent a message to Sasha Bilton, author of Freya Game Engine, via the SF message system, and informed him about the conversion of CVS to Git.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I sent a message to Paul Elms, author of Froggix, via the SF message system, and informed him about the conversion of CVS to Git.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

Sarah Marias Eierjagd as well as Shotgun Debugger don't need a notification, because a conversion did not take place with only 1-2 source releases each.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I wrote a message to Pete Shinners, author of SolarWolf, and told him about the conversion of source releases to Git.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I sent a message to Paul Mueller, author of Free Space Colonization, and told him about the conversion of SVN to Git.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I sent a message to Thomas Drexl, author of GL-117, via the SF message system, and told him about the conversion of CVS to Git.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I sent a message to Brian Wellington, author of XBill, informing him about the conversion of source releases to Git.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I cannot inform the current maintainers of xdigger, because I do not have an email of the Debian games group and the owner site of is and that doesn't help me. At some later time, when I have finally found out how to contact the Debian games group, I might also tell them about xdigger.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

Stingrolled, Vertigo and XInvaders3D don't need notifications because no conversion took place with only 1-2 source releases each.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I wrote a message to Robert Noll, one author of StressFreeZone, via the SF message system, and asked him about the sources, if the SVN is still available somewhere.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I sent a message to Gil Megidish, the author of Heart of the Alien, via the SF message system, and informed him about the conversion of CVS to Git.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I got a nice reply from Gil Megidish. He plans to move it to GitHub in the next days and add some patches that he collected over the years. I'm absolutely fine with that and will make sure to include it in the corresponding entry once his new repository is live.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I got a nice message from Daniele Napolitano in which he stated that the development "stopped mostly due to lack of time and huge graphic engine rewrite needed for GTK3/4 porting" as well as that he doesn't "know about copyright status against of the original Bejeweled!".

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I sent a message to krys, author of Krystal Drop, via the SF message system, and informed him about the conversion of CVS to Git.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I sent a message to Gryc Ueusp, author of Libre Card Game, via the SF message system, and informed him about the conversion of Bazaar to Git.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I sent a message to Ricardo Cruz, author of Microracers, via the SF message system, and informed him about the conversion of CVS to Git.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I sent a message to Eric Gillespie, author of Nighthawk, via the SF message system, and informed him about the CVS to Git conversion.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

MUSOSU doesn't need a notification because there was no conversion with only a single source release.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I got a nice reply from Eric Gillespie. He mentions the original developer and ask about the purpose of the conversion. I will reply to him and tell him about the preservation goal.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I got a reply from Marc Lehmann, author of Deliantra, where he tells me that CVS still works fine for him. I still would rather have a Git version, but if not, it's fine too.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I got a nice reply from Ben Webb saying "Oh, wow, FreecivAC. Haven't worked on that for 15 years or more.". Yes, I basically send messages from the past.

Trilarion commented 4 years ago

I wrote a message to Jimmy Christensen, author of OldSkool Gravity Game, via the SF message system, and informed him about the conversion of SVN to Git.