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(Bug report) node.getLabelValues doesn't work in widget. #517

Open VarunBatraIT opened 4 hours ago

VarunBatraIT commented 4 hours ago

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I have a setup in which I am adding multiple label values where label name is maintenance.

node.getLabelValues() works when I create a list

node.getLabelValues() doesn't work when I am using widget.

TypeError: note.getLabelValues is not a function

I have same code placed in both

        try {
            maintenance = note.getLabelValues('maintenance') && note.getLabelValues('maintenance') != null ? note.getLabelValues('maintenance').reduce((a, b) => parseFloat(a) + parseFloat(b), 0) : 0;
        } catch (e) {

It doesn't work here:

// Removed Irrelevant codes

class StuffWidget extends api.NoteContextAwareWidget {
    get position() { return 100; } // higher value means position towards the bottom/right

    get parentWidget() { return 'center-pane'; }

    isEnabled() {
        return super.isEnabled()
            && this.note.type === 'text'
            && this.note.hasLabel('purchasedPrice')
            && this.note.hasLabel('purchasedPrice') > 0;

    async refreshWithNote(note) {
        let maintenance = 0;
        try {
            maintenance = note.getLabelValues('maintenance') && note.getLabelValues('maintenance') != null ? note.getLabelValues('maintenance').reduce((a, b) => parseFloat(a) + parseFloat(b), 0) : 0;
        } catch (e) {
// Prints TypeError: note.getLabelValues is not a function

It works flawlessly here:

async function getPlacesTableData() {
    try {
        const notes = await api.runOnBackend(() => {
            const notes = api.getNotesWithLabel('purchasedPrice');
            const places = [];
            for (const note of notes) {

                const noteId = note.noteId;
                const located = note.getRelationValue('Located');
                const url = note.getLabelValue('url');
                const purchasedPrice = parseFloat(note.getLabelValue('purchasedPrice')).toFixed(2);
                const purchasedDate = note.getLabelValue('purchasedDate');
                const dormantDate = note.getLabelValue('dormantDate');
                const retiredDate = note.getLabelValue('retiredDate');
                let maintenance = 0;
                try {
                maintenance = note.getLabelValues('maintenance') && note.getLabelValues('maintenance') != null ? note.getLabelValues('maintenance').reduce((a, b) => parseFloat(a) + parseFloat(b), 0) : 0;

                if (noteId && purchasedPrice) {
                    places.push({ noteId, purchasedPrice, located, url, purchasedDate, retiredDate, dormantDate,maintenance });

            return places.reverse(); // Reverse the sorted data

        if (!notes || notes.length === 0) {
            throw new Error('No places data found.');

        return notes;
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error retrieving networth data:', error);
        return []; // Return an empty array in case of error
// Function to calculate difference in days
function calculateDaysSince(dateFrom, dateSince) {
    dateFrom = new Date(dateFrom);
    // if dateSince is not provided, use the current date
    if (!dateSince) {
        dateSince = new Date();
        dateSince = new Date(dateSince);
    const diffInTime = dateSince - dateFrom;
    const diffInDays = Math.floor(diffInTime / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); // Convert time to days
    return diffInDays;

Error logs

Object { froca: {…}, attributes: (8) […], targetRelations: [], parents: (1) […], children: [], parentToBranch: {…}, childToBranch: {}, attachments: null, noteId: "1fRdzPCtiOBT", title: "Office-Air-Purifier", … } ​ attachments: null ​ attributes: Array(8) [ "QNPCcsluGWfL", "Ny8swu0XtpXp", "Lm34ABaHhtTt", … ] ​ blobId: "z4PhNX7vuL3xVChQ1m2A" ​ childToBranch: Object { } ​ children: Array [] ​ froca: Object { initializedPromise: Promise { "fulfilled" }, notes: {…}, branches: {…}, … } ​ isProtected: false ​ mime: "text/html" ​ noteId: "1fRdzPCtiOBT" ​ parentToBranch: Object { EwHXBQHkq1ik: "EwHXBQHkq1ik_1fRdzPCtiOBT" } ​ parents: Array [ "EwHXBQHkq1ik" ] ​ targetRelations: Array [ "9GMQ8ZsElGJR" ] ​ title: "Office-Air-Purifier" ​ type: "text" ​

: Object { … } ​​ __filterAttrs: function __filterAttrs(t, e, n) ​​ __getCachedAttributes: function __getCachedAttributes(t) ​​ __getInheritableAttributes: function __getInheritableAttributes(t) ​​ __validateTypeName: function __validateTypeName(t, e) ​​ addChild: function addChild(t, e, n) ​​ addParent: function addParent(t, e, n) ​​ constructor: class g { constructor(t, e) } ​​ dto: ​​ executeScript: async function executeScript() ​​ getAllNotePaths: function getAllNotePaths() ​​ getAttachmentById: async function getAttachmentById(t) ​​ getAttachments: async function getAttachments() ​​ getAttachmentsByRole: async function getAttachmentsByRole(t) ​​ getAttribute: function getAttribute(t, e) ​​ getAttributeValue: function getAttributeValue(t, e) ​​ getAttributes: function getAttributes(t, e) ​​ getBestNotePath: function getBestNotePath(t) ​​ getBestNotePathString: function getBestNotePathString(t) ​​ getBlob: async function getBlob() ​​ getBranchIds: function getBranchIds() ​​ getBranches: function getBranches() ​​ getChildBranches: function getChildBranches() ​​ getChildNoteIds: function getChildNoteIds() ​​ getChildNotes: async function getChildNotes() ​​ getColorClass: function getColorClass() ​​ getContent: async function getContent() ​​ getCssClass: function getCssClass() ​​ getFilteredChildBranches: function getFilteredChildBranches() ​​ getIcon: function getIcon() ​​ getJsonContent: async function getJsonContent() ​​ getLabel: function getLabel(t) ​​ getLabelValue: function getLabelValue(t) ​​ getLabels: function getLabels(t) ​​ getMetadata: async function getMetadata() ​​ getNoteComplement: async function getNoteComplement() ​​ getNotesToInheritAttributesFrom: function getNotesToInheritAttributesFrom() ​​ getOwnedAttribute: function getOwnedAttribute(t, e) ​​ getOwnedAttributeValue: function getOwnedAttributeValue(t, e) ​​ getOwnedAttributes: function getOwnedAttributes(t, e) ​​ getOwnedLabel: function getOwnedLabel(t) ​​ getOwnedLabelValue: function getOwnedLabelValue(t) ​​ getOwnedLabels: function getOwnedLabels(t) ​​ getOwnedRelation: function getOwnedRelation(t) ​​ getOwnedRelationValue: function getOwnedRelationValue(t) ​​ getOwnedRelations: function getOwnedRelations(t) ​​ getParentBranchIds: function getParentBranchIds() ​​ getParentBranches: function getParentBranches() ​​ getParentNoteIds: function getParentNoteIds() ​​ getParentNotes: function getParentNotes() ​​ getPromotedDefinitionAttributes: function getPromotedDefinitionAttributes() ​​ getRelation: function getRelation(t) ​​ getRelationTarget: async function getRelationTarget(t) ​​ getRelationTargets: async function getRelationTargets(t) ​​ getRelationValue: function getRelationValue(t) ​​ getRelations: function getRelations(t) ​​ getScriptEnv: function getScriptEnv() ​​ getSortedNotePathRecords: function getSortedNotePathRecords(t) ​​ getTargetRelationSourceNotes: async function getTargetRelationSourceNotes() ​​ getTargetRelations: function getTargetRelations() ​​ getWorkspaceIconClass: function getWorkspaceIconClass() ​​ getWorkspaceTabBackgroundColor: function getWorkspaceTabBackgroundColor() ​​ hasAncestor: function hasAncestor(t, e, n) ​​ hasAttribute: function hasAttribute(t, e) ​​ hasChildren: function hasChildren() ​​ hasLabel: function hasLabel(t) ​​ hasOwnedAttribute: function hasOwnedAttribute(t, e) ​​ hasOwnedLabel: function hasOwnedLabel(t) ​​ hasOwnedRelation: function hasOwnedRelation(t) ​​ hasRelation: function hasRelation(t) ​​ invalidateAttributeCache: function invalidateAttributeCache() ​​ isArchived: ​​ isContentAvailable: function isContentAvailable() ​​ isEligibleForConversionToAttachment: function isEligibleForConversionToAttachment() ​​ isFolder: function isFolder() ​​ isHiddenCompletely: function isHiddenCompletely() ​​ isHtml: function isHtml() ​​ isInHiddenSubtree: function isInHiddenSubtree() ​​ isJavaScript: function isJavaScript() ​​ isJson: function isJson() ​​ isLabelTruthy: function isLabelTruthy(t) ​​ isLaunchBarConfig: function isLaunchBarConfig() ​​ isOptions: function isOptions() ​​ isRoot: function isRoot() ​​ isShared: function isShared() ​​ sortChildren: function sortChildren() ​​ sortParents: function sortParents() ​​ toString: function toString() ​​ update: function update(t) ​​ : function dto() ​​ : function isArchived() ​​ : Object { … } desktop.js line 1 > eval:70:21
VarunBatraIT commented 4 hours ago

I used following modification for the time being after searching in source-code

            const maintenances = note.getLabels('maintenance').map(l => l.value);
            maintenance = maintenances.reduce((a, b) => parseFloat(a) + parseFloat(b), 0)