TrilonIO / aspnetcore-angular-universal

ASP.NET Core & Angular Universal advanced starter - PWA w/ server-side rendering for SEO, Bootstrap, i18n internationalization, TypeScript, unit testing, WebAPI REST setup, SignalR, Swagger docs, and more! By @TrilonIO
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Help request: router-outlet not included in SSR. #700

Closed CybrZr00 closed 5 years ago

CybrZr00 commented 5 years ago

So I have a weird issue, this is after I have pretty much replace all of the Angular part of this project with the exception of required files such as boot.server etc.

I made a Git repository for it here:

(dont forget to rebuild node-sass and create migrations!)

I noticed that when I view page source (as you do to be sure all is well) on my home page, and only the home page! only the navbar component is present within the app-root.

<app-root ng-version="6.1.10"><script class="preboot-inline-script">prebootInitFn();</script><div class="main-page"><appc-simple-notifications><div class="simple-notification-wrapper top right"><!----></div></appc-simple-notifications><app-navbar _nghost-sc2="" class="ng-tns-c2-0">NAVBAR CODE REMOVED</app-navbar><main role="main"><router-outlet></router-outlet></main></div></app-root>

I'm wondering if it's something to do with using IntersectionObserver or maybe there's an issue with routing to 'home', I should also note that I made a custom link-service and there are multiple components that are currently unused as this was going to be used as a template for my future projects. I have also removed bootstrap and used my own (Some copied) css.

I was also getting the error

Uncaught ReferenceError: prebootInitFn is not defined

Which seems unrelated as when I move the scripts above renderbody() the error goes but the main issue remains.

I was hoping someone may be able to shed some light since this, it would be appreciated!

CybrZr00 commented 5 years ago

This is no longer an issue! It turns out that I needed to setup the root in the oninit, and the setup the observer in afterviewinit, obviously (now I figured it lol) the values I needed weren't available straight away here's what I did:

 export class HomeComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
    callback = (entries, observer) => {
        entries.forEach(entry => {
            if (entry.intersectionRatio > 0 && entry.isIntersecting) {
    root: any;
    options = {
    root: this.root,
    rootMargin: '0px 100%',
    threshold: 0.25
    //observer = new IntersectionObserver(this.callback, this.options);
    constructor(private nbService: NavbarService) { }

    ngOnInit() {
        this.root = document.querySelector('app-home');
    ngAfterViewInit() {
        let observer = new IntersectionObserver(this.callback, this.options);
        let list = document.getElementsByTagName('section');
        for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {


Hopefuly this will help others!