TrimVis / butlarr

Telegram bot to interact with various arr services. Created with extensibility in mind.
MIT License
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Request - Unraid Template #6

Open Tharic99 opened 2 weeks ago

Tharic99 commented 2 weeks ago

Curious to see if you'd be willing to create an official Unraid Template for your docker container. This would make it MUCH easier for Unraid users to add your container since it's visible directly in the Unraid App Store.

You can find instructions here on how to do that here -

Also additional info here -

Thank you!

TrimVis commented 2 weeks ago

I don't use Unraid, so I need someone else to integrate this properly. Pushing some configurations that I couldn't test would be careless (there are always unexpected minor issues).

However, if you or anyone else has time, I would appreciate help with this :)