TrimarcJake / Locksmith

A small tool built to find and fix common misconfigurations in Active Directory Certificate Services.
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ESC4 Bug, Detecting permissions that are not on the acl... #133

Open mfgjwaterman opened 2 weeks ago

mfgjwaterman commented 2 weeks ago


LockSmith Version: v2024.3

On a Windows Server 2022 PKI Infrastructure. I use the following command in an elevated PowerShell:

Invoke-Locksmith -Scans ESC4

The output is:

Technique Name                    Issue                                                                                          
--------- ----                    -----                                                                                          
ESC4      User                    CORP\Domain Users has ReadProperty, WriteProperty, ExtendedRight rights on this template       
ESC4      UserSignature           CORP\Domain Users has ReadProperty, WriteProperty, ExtendedRight rights on this template       
ESC4      ClientAuth              CORP\Domain Users has ReadProperty, WriteProperty, ExtendedRight rights on this template       
ESC4      EFS                     CORP\Domain Users has ReadProperty, WriteProperty, ExtendedRight rights on this template       
ESC4      Machine                 CORP\Domain Computers has ReadProperty, WriteProperty, ExtendedRight rights on this template   
ESC4      IPSECIntermediateOnline CORP\Domain Computers has ReadProperty, WriteProperty, ExtendedRight rights on this template   
ESC4      Workstation             CORP\Domain Computers has ReadProperty, WriteProperty, ExtendedRight rights on this template   
ESC4      RASAndIASServer         CORP\RAS and IAS Servers has ReadProperty, WriteProperty, ExtendedRight rights on this template

I've manually checked all the templates and can not locate the displayed permissions. Also manually in the "permissions" and the "Effective access" tab to make sure. I'm beginning to think this is a bug?

On the templates User, UserSignature, ClientAuth and EFS, "CORP\Domain Users" only has "Enroll" rights, nothing else. On the templates Machine, IPSECIntermediateOnline , Workstation "CORP\Domain Computers" only has "Enroll" rights, nothing else. On the templates RASAndIASServer "CORP\RAS and IAS Servers", only has "Enroll" rights, nothing else.

Check was done with AdsiEdit in CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,.

If you need additional information, please let me know. Happy to help out.

TrimarcJake commented 1 week ago

Do you get the same results with just Invoke-Locksmith ?

mfgjwaterman commented 1 week ago

Hi Jake,

yes exactly same results.

Let me if you need additional info.

TrimarcJake commented 1 week ago

Okie dokie. I think I see why. Which version(s) of PowerShell are you using?

mfgjwaterman commented 1 week ago

I use both 5.1 and 7.x. Let me know if you need a Guinea pig.

TrimarcJake commented 1 week ago

Do you get the same results when running from a non-elevated prompt?

mfgjwaterman commented 1 week ago

It's the same output on a mic medium and high. I just remembered I tested it only on 5.1. Got a warning on 7 about servermanger being required and running in compat mode. Couldn't get it to work. Anyways, different story. Let's see if we can fix it on 5,1 first.

TrimarcJake commented 1 day ago

Well my lab is almost rebuilt to my previous specs, so expect an update soooon