TrimbleSolutionsCorporation / VSSonarQubeExtension

This is a SonarQube Extension for Visual Studio
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Gate Check fails with Object reference not set to an instance of an object. #272

Closed StefH closed 6 years ago

StefH commented 6 years ago
########### Gate Check  ###########


blocker_violations GT Some(0)    
    Status : OK
    Actual Value : 0

critical_violations GT Some(0)    
    Status : OK
    Actual Value : 0

Exception During Run: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. 
    at SonarRunnerPhases.loopTimerCheck$cont@430-2(IJsonDocument response, Unit unitVar) in E:\Development\SonarQube\jmecsoftware\sonar-cxx-msbuild-tasks\CxxSonarQubeMsbuidRunner\SonarRunnerPhases.fs:line 438
   at SonarRunnerPhases.loopTimerCheck$cont@406-1(OptionsData options, String content, Unit unitVar) in E:\Development\SonarQube\jmecsoftware\sonar-cxx-msbuild-tasks\CxxSonarQubeMsbuidRunner\SonarRunnerPhases.fs:line 430
   at SonarRunnerPhases.EndPhase(OptionsData options) in E:\Development\SonarQube\jmecsoftware\sonar-cxx-msbuild-tasks\CxxSonarQubeMsbuidRunner\SonarRunnerPhases.fs:line 465
   at Program.main(String[] argv) in E:\Development\SonarQube\jmecsoftware\sonar-cxx-msbuild-tasks\CxxSonarQubeMsbuidRunner\Program.fs:line 52
jmecosta commented 6 years ago

what versions are you using of the wrapper and sonar analyser.

jmecosta commented 6 years ago


jmecosta commented 6 years ago

@StefH please use the latest and also the latest msbuild sonarqube runner > 4.x it should work