TrinityCore / aowow

Database viewer for TrinityCore based on aowow by @LordJZ, based on the JS-Engine of Wowhead
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JS markup error in Opera #13

Closed Playon24 closed 7 years ago

Playon24 commented 7 years ago

Just found out that all categories of the All About AoWoW and Goodies tabs do not display in Opera browser because of this error: markuperror_opera

Sarjuuk commented 7 years ago

hmpf .. time to get a chrome based browser i guess...

Sarjuuk commented 7 years ago

works for me in Opera 44. Also my javascript isn't minified. Did you minify yours? If so, that could break the javacript.


Playon24 commented 7 years ago

Same running opera v44. Nope i didnt minify any js. But your FAQ tab dose not dsplay any text either. As a side note. Microsoft Edge has the same problem. Atleast for me.

Aokromes commented 7 years ago

maybe faq don't have content? :)

Sarjuuk commented 7 years ago

It has some placeholder text.

And it doesn't show in my screenshot because i halted script execution, so you can see in the inspector, that there is a valid Markup-Object that can can be called with .toHtml().

There are apache_modules that try to optimize such things by themselves. Maybe have another look at your modules^^

Playon24 commented 7 years ago

Sorry for this. It is a CloudFlare problem, the Auto Minify option that i had enabled was the cause. I have deactivated the poxying and the page worked just fine in Opera. Renabled the proxy and disabled form Auto Minify the JavaScript option unchecked and again it worked.

As future refrence you can also write in the readme that CloudFlare could cause display problems if some certian options are enabled.

Tested with these options disabled: Speed tab -> Auto Minify - > JavaScript unchecked Speed tab -> Rocket Loaderâ„¢ OFF

Sarjuuk commented 7 years ago

another one for the Q/A-section^^