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Combo expand #127

Open LunaUrsa opened 2 months ago

LunaUrsa commented 2 months ago

This PR is an example of the changes that would be made to the drugs.json if we were to convert the wildcard and category drugs in combo.json into proper drugs.

There are a couple different ways we do this logic: 1) For the wildcard drugs (2c-t-x, 2c-x, 5-meo-xxt, dox) I did a search and made a conversion map for each drug. This 'wildcardMap' needs a review for sure. 2) For the category drugs (benzodiazepines, opioids, ssris) the code goes through the Categories on the drug and checks if it includes one of these three categories. This could use a review to ensure that we can blanket all these drugs with the same combo data. 3) Amphetamines check if "amphetamine" is in the drug's name. This could use a review because is it a rule that all amphetamines must include "amphetamine" in the name, or are there drugs that are not included in this rule? I also included logic that would check to see if "stimulant" is included in the drug's category, but this seems not accurate at all: not every 'stimulant' will have the same effects as an 'amphetamine', right? 4) Nbomes do a search if "nbome" is included in the name, i believe this is true of all nbomes, right? Actually, we need to look into the 'nbomh' drugs, as they may match nbome or 2c-b 5) GHB/GBL are updated individually since they are separate drugs in the drugs.json. 6) Do we have any MAOIs in the drugs.json? Please help me find them

The following drugs are ignored in this process since they already map to an existing drugs.json entry: alcohol, amt, caffeine, cannabis, cocaine, dextromethorphan, diphenhydramine, dmt, ketamine, lithium, lsd, mdma, mephedrone, mescaline, mushrooms, mxe, nitrous, pcp, tramadol

LunaUrsa commented 2 months ago

The output of changes with the above logic is followed. Note that ~ means "modified", so "the script modified 2c-t-2's combo data to equal '2c-t-x' from combos.json"

~ 2c-t-2                   = 2c-t-x
~ 2c-t-4                   = 2c-t-x
~ 2c-t-7                   = 2c-t-x
~ 2c-t-21                  = 2c-t-x
~ 2c-b                     = 2c-x
~ 2c-c                     = 2c-x
~ 2c-d                     = 2c-x
~ 2c-e                     = 2c-x
~ 2c-g                     = 2c-x
~ 2c-i                     = 2c-x
~ 2c-ip                    = 2c-x
~ 2c-n                     = 2c-x
~ 2c-p                     = 2c-x
~ 2c-t                     = 2c-x
~ 5-meo-amt                = 5-meo-xxt
~ 5-meo-dalt               = 5-meo-xxt
~ 5-meo-dipt               = 5-meo-xxt
~ 5-meo-dmt                = 5-meo-xxt
~ 5-meo-dpt                = 5-meo-xxt
~ 5-meo-eipt               = 5-meo-xxt
~ 5-meo-malt               = 5-meo-xxt
~ 5-meo-met                = 5-meo-xxt
~ 5-meo-mipt               = 5-meo-xxt
~ 5-meo-nipt               = 5-meo-xxt
~ 2-methylamphetamine      = amphetamines
~ amphetamine              = amphetamines
~ methamphetamine          = amphetamines
~ 3-oh-phenazepam          = benzodiazepine
~ alprazolam               = benzodiazepine
~ bentazepam               = benzodiazepine
~ bromazepam               = benzodiazepine
~ bromazolam               = benzodiazepine
~ brotizolam               = benzodiazepine
~ camazepam                = benzodiazepine
~ clobazam                 = benzodiazepine
~ clonazepam               = benzodiazepine
~ clonazolam               = benzodiazepine
~ cloniprazepam            = benzodiazepine
~ clorazepate              = benzodiazepine
~ clotiazepam              = benzodiazepine
~ delorazepam              = benzodiazepine
~ deschloroetizolam        = benzodiazepine
~ desmethylflunitrazepam   = benzodiazepine
~ diazepam                 = benzodiazepine
~ diclazepam               = benzodiazepine
~ estazolam                = benzodiazepine
~ etizolam                 = benzodiazepine
~ flualprazolam            = benzodiazepine
~ flubromazepam            = benzodiazepine
~ flubromazolam            = benzodiazepine
~ fluclotizolam            = benzodiazepine
~ flunitrazepam            = benzodiazepine
~ flunitrazolam            = benzodiazepine
~ flurazepam               = benzodiazepine
~ flutazolam               = benzodiazepine
~ flutoprazepam            = benzodiazepine
~ halazepam                = benzodiazepine
~ librium                  = benzodiazepine
~ lorazepam                = benzodiazepine
~ lormetazepam             = benzodiazepine
~ meclonazepam             = benzodiazepine
~ medazepam                = benzodiazepine
~ metizolam                = benzodiazepine
~ midazolam                = benzodiazepine
~ nifoxipam                = benzodiazepine
~ nimetazepam              = benzodiazepine
~ nitemazepam              = benzodiazepine
~ nitrazepam               = benzodiazepine
~ nitrazolam               = benzodiazepine
~ nordazepam               = benzodiazepine
~ norflurazepam            = benzodiazepine
~ oxazepam                 = benzodiazepine
~ phenazepam               = benzodiazepine
~ pinazepam                = benzodiazepine
~ prazepam                 = benzodiazepine
~ pyrazolam                = benzodiazepine
~ quazepam                 = benzodiazepine
~ rilmazafone              = benzodiazepine
~ temazepam                = benzodiazepine
~ tetrazepam               = benzodiazepine
~ triazolam                = benzodiazepine
~ zolazepam                = benzodiazepine
~ dob                      = dox
~ doc                      = dox
~ doi                      = dox
~ dom                      = dox
~ don                      = dox
~ gbl                      = ghb/gbl
~ ghb                      = ghb/gbl
~ 2c-b-fly-nbome           = nbomes
~ 25b-nbome                = nbomes
~ 25c-nbome                = nbomes
~ 25d-nbome                = nbomes
~ 25e-nbome                = nbomes
~ 25g-nbome                = nbomes
~ 25h-nbome                = nbomes
~ 25i-nbome                = nbomes
~ 25ip-nbome               = nbomes
~ 25n-nbome                = nbomes
~ 25p-nbome                = nbomes
~ 25t-2-nbome              = nbomes
~ 25t-4-nbome              = nbomes
~ c30-nbome                = nbomes
~ 4-meo-butryfentanyl      = opioid
~ 6-mddm                   = opioid
~ acetylfentanyl           = opioid
~ acryl-fentanyl           = opioid
~ ah-7921                  = opioid
~ benzodioxole-fentanyl    = opioid
~ bromadol                 = opioid
~ buprenorphine            = opioid
~ butyrfentanyl            = opioid
~ clonitazene              = opioid
~ codeine                  = opioid
~ cyclopentyl-fentanyl     = opioid
~ demerol                  = opioid
~ dextropropoxyphene       = opioid
~ dihydrocodeine           = opioid
~ dipipanone               = opioid
~ ethylmorphine            = opioid
~ fentanyl                 = opioid
~ furanylfentanyl          = opioid
~ glaucine                 = opioid
~ heroin                   = opioid
~ hydrocodone              = opioid
~ hydromorphone            = opioid
~ ibogaine                 = opioid
~ isomethadone             = opioid
~ ketobemidone             = opioid
~ kratom                   = opioid
~ methadone                = opioid
~ methoxyacetyl-fentanyl   = opioid
~ morpheridine             = opioid
~ morphine                 = opioid
~ mt-45                    = opioid
~ nicomorphine             = opioid
~ o-desmethyltramadol      = opioid
~ opium                    = opioid
~ oxycodone                = opioid
~ oxymorphone              = opioid
~ palfium                  = opioid
~ parafluorobutyrfentanyl  = opioid
~ parafluorofentanyl       = opioid
~ pentazocine              = opioid
~ propoxyphene             = opioid
~ pst                      = opioid
~ sufentanil               = opioid
~ tapentadol               = opioid
~ tetrahydrofuran-fentanyl = opioid
~ tianeptine               = opioid
~ tilidine                 = opioid
~ tramadol                 = opioid
~ u-47700                  = opioid
~ u-49900                  = opioid
~ u-51754                  = opioid
~ valerylfentanyl          = opioid
~ w-15                     = opioid
~ citalopram               = ssri
~ escitalopram             = ssri
~ fluoxetine               = ssri
~ fluvoxamine              = ssri
~ paroxetine               = ssri
~ sertraline               = ssri
LunaUrsa commented 2 months ago

These drugs are categorized as Stimulants, and show why it is not possible to use that category to apply Amphetamine combo info. EG: Cannabis should not have amphetamine combos.

~ 2-ai                     = amphetamines
~ 2-dpmp                   = amphetamines
~ 2-fa                     = amphetamines
~ 2-fea                    = amphetamines
~ 2-fma                    = amphetamines
~ 2-mec                    = amphetamines
~ 2-methylamphetamine      = amphetamines
~ 2-methylamphetamine      = amphetamines
~ 2-mmc                    = amphetamines
~ 2-mppp                   = amphetamines
~ 2-pa                     = amphetamines
~ 2-pta                    = amphetamines
~ 3-cmc                    = amphetamines
~ 3-fa                     = amphetamines
~ 3-fea                    = amphetamines
~ 3-fma                    = amphetamines
~ 3-fmc                    = amphetamines
~ 3-fpm                    = amphetamines
~ 3-mec                    = amphetamines
~ 3-meomc                  = amphetamines
~ 3-mmc                    = amphetamines
~ 3,4-ctmp                 = amphetamines
~ 3,6-dmpm                 = amphetamines
~ 3c-e                     = amphetamines
~ 3c-p                     = amphetamines
~ 4-benzylpiperidine       = amphetamines
~ 4-cbc                    = amphetamines
~ 4-cmc                    = amphetamines
~ 4-emc                    = amphetamines
~ 4-epd                    = amphetamines
~ 4-fa                     = amphetamines
~ 4-fea                    = amphetamines
~ 4-fluoroethylphenidate   = amphetamines
~ 4-fluoromethylphenidate  = amphetamines
~ 4-fluoropentedrone       = amphetamines
~ 4-fma                    = amphetamines
~ 4-fmc                    = amphetamines
~ 4-fpp                    = amphetamines
~ 4-mec                    = amphetamines
~ 4-methylaminorex         = amphetamines
~ 4-methylmethylphenidate  = amphetamines
~ 4-mpd                    = amphetamines
~ 4,4-dmar                 = amphetamines
~ 4f-php                   = amphetamines
~ 4f-pvp                   = amphetamines
~ 5-apb                    = amphetamines
~ 5-apdb                   = amphetamines
~ 5-bpdi                   = amphetamines
~ 5-dbfpv                  = amphetamines
~ 5-eapb                   = amphetamines
~ 5-iai                    = amphetamines
~ 5-it                     = amphetamines
~ 5-mapb                   = amphetamines
~ 5-mapdb                  = amphetamines
~ 5-meo-amt                = amphetamines
~ 5-methyl-bk-mdea         = amphetamines
~ 5-ppdi                   = amphetamines
~ 6-apb                    = amphetamines
~ 6-apdb                   = amphetamines
~ 6-eapb                   = amphetamines
~ 6-mapb                   = amphetamines
~ a-pihp                   = amphetamines
~ a-pvp                    = amphetamines
~ a-pvt                    = amphetamines
~ adderall                 = amphetamines
~ adrafinil                = amphetamines
~ aet                      = amphetamines
~ alpha-php                = amphetamines
~ amfecloral               = amphetamines
~ amfonelicacid            = amphetamines
~ aminorex                 = amphetamines
~ amphetamine              = amphetamines
~ amphetamine              = amphetamines
~ amt                      = amphetamines
~ armodafinil              = amphetamines
~ atomoxetine              = amphetamines
~ benzydamine              = amphetamines
~ bk-ivp                   = amphetamines
~ bromantane               = amphetamines
~ buphedrone               = amphetamines
~ bupropion                = amphetamines
~ butylone                 = amphetamines
~ bzp                      = amphetamines
~ caffeine                 = amphetamines
~ cannabis                 = amphetamines
~ carphedon                = amphetamines
~ centrophenoxine          = amphetamines
~ cocaine                  = amphetamines
~ crl-40-940               = amphetamines
~ crl-40-941               = amphetamines
~ cyclo-methiodrone        = amphetamines
~ d2pm                     = amphetamines
~ dehydroxyfluorafinil     = amphetamines
~ dexedrine                = amphetamines
~ diclofensine             = amphetamines
~ dmaa                     = amphetamines
~ dob                      = amphetamines
~ doc                      = amphetamines
~ doi                      = amphetamines
~ doip                     = amphetamines
~ dom                      = amphetamines
~ eflea                    = amphetamines
~ ephedrine                = amphetamines
~ ethyl-pentedrone         = amphetamines
~ ethylcathinone           = amphetamines
~ ethylone                 = amphetamines
~ ethylphenidate           = amphetamines
~ focalin                  = amphetamines
~ g-130                    = amphetamines
~ hdep-28                  = amphetamines
~ hdmp-28                  = amphetamines
~ hexedrone                = amphetamines
~ hexen                    = amphetamines
~ homomazindol             = amphetamines
~ indapyrophenidone        = amphetamines
~ isophenmetrazine         = amphetamines
~ isopropylphenidate       = amphetamines
~ khat                     = amphetamines
~ kratom                   = amphetamines
~ mbdb                     = amphetamines
~ mbzp                     = amphetamines
~ mcpp                     = amphetamines
~ mda                      = amphetamines
~ mdai                     = amphetamines
~ mdea                     = amphetamines
~ mdma                     = amphetamines
~ mdoh                     = amphetamines
~ mdphp                    = amphetamines
~ mdpv                     = amphetamines
~ mephedrone               = amphetamines
~ mephenmetrazine          = amphetamines
~ methamnetamine           = amphetamines
~ methamphetamine          = amphetamines
~ methamphetamine          = amphetamines
~ methedrone               = amphetamines
~ methylmorphenate         = amphetamines
~ methylone                = amphetamines
~ methylphenidate          = amphetamines
~ mexedrone                = amphetamines
~ modafinil                = amphetamines
~ mpa                      = amphetamines
~ naphyrone                = amphetamines
~ neb                      = amphetamines
~ nitracaine               = amphetamines
~ nm-2-ai                  = amphetamines
~ pemoline                 = amphetamines
~ pentedrone               = amphetamines
~ pentylone                = amphetamines
~ pfbt                     = amphetamines
~ phenetrazine             = amphetamines
~ phenmetrazine            = amphetamines
~ phentermine              = amphetamines
~ pma                      = amphetamines
~ prolintane               = amphetamines
~ propylhexedrine          = amphetamines
~ propylphenidate          = amphetamines
~ pseudoephedrine          = amphetamines
~ pv-8                     = amphetamines
~ pyrophenidone            = amphetamines
~ rti-111                  = amphetamines
~ sulbutiamine             = amphetamines
~ th-pvp                   = amphetamines
~ theacrine                = amphetamines
~ thiopropamine            = amphetamines
~ troparil                 = amphetamines
~ viloxazine               = amphetamines
~ vyvanse                  = amphetamines
~ yerba-mate               = amphetamines
~ α-pbp                    = amphetamines
utaninja commented 2 months ago

Moon and I had a conversation about this last night and I wanted to forward some discussion points we talked about:

Notes from call 4/10/2024 - General Meta Discussion

Changing over wildcard and category drugs to specific drugs and giving them default interactions for said wildcard/category.

utaninja commented 4 weeks ago

Moon and I had a conversation about this last night and I wanted to forward some discussion points we talked about:

Notes from call 4/10/2024 - General Meta Discussion

Changing over wildcard and category drugs to specific drugs and giving them default interactions for said wildcard/category.

  • Adding a footnote mentioning this is for the general interactions of X drugs
  • Suggested that bread and I (or others) go through the lists of these drugs and remove any that seem to have wonky pharmacological interaction.
  • Documenting that we are doing this, noting which one we removed and why. We can also add a footnote for these drugs mentioning it's pharmacological interaction is "wonky" hence why we did not automatically add the category. Which isn't to say said interaction doesn't apply, just simply we didn't want to assume. - something on the lines of this Clarifying is drugs such as 2C-B-FLY go under 2C-x categories (or which one, or none, etc) Going through lists pulled as different categories (such as DOx) and verifying they all are under that category Stimulants- Go through current tripsit database list of drugs marked as stimulants.
  • Grab which ones are similar to amphetamines, apply interactions as done above for wildcards/drug categories
  • Possibly grab stuff along the way such as MDA (and apply interactions for MDMA to it, adding same note, etc)
  • Unique drugs we would leave be as done above Research into difference between NBOMes and NBOH and how that should work GHB/GBL looks good to go Look into MAOI categories, how do we want to go about doing this? Proper names discussion, how do we want to go about doing this?

After talking with @TimeX4 they had a suggestion that I thought was fantastic. In regards to the interactions, we could mark every interaction that comes up for Opioids with a warning at the bottom saying something on the lines of "Mixing opioids with other downers is very dangerous!.. etc etc"

This would allow us to avoid the issues that may come about from applying all interactions to all drugs in certain classes. (such as amphetamines interactions not being true for all drugs that are considered an amphetamine)

I also suggested when we publish the v3 of the chart we can add a option to fill out a form to give any suggestions/changes. Making it very easy for anyone to give suggestions.