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Additional sources for Lithium + MDMA #146

Open utaninja opened 4 months ago

utaninja commented 4 months ago

Just a additional source for Lithium + MDMA- / Doesn't seem to have a DOI link

Lenox, R. H., & Hahn, C. G. (2000). Overview of the mechanism of action of lithium in the brain: fifty-year update. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 61 Suppl 9, 5–15.

Kalant H. (2001). The pharmacology and toxicology of "ecstasy" (MDMA) and related drugs. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne, 165(7), 917–928.

de la Torre, R., Farré, M., Roset, P. N., Pizarro, N., Abanades, S., Segura, M., Segura, J., & Camí, J. (2004). Human pharmacology of MDMA: pharmacokinetics, metabolism, and disposition. Therapeutic drug monitoring, 26(2), 137–144.