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Update combos.json | DXM + Ketamine #41

Closed utaninja closed 10 months ago

utaninja commented 10 months ago

Removed “suggesting for a potential for synergistic interaction” - it would seem better to say simply there is no evidence regarding mechanisms that might reduce these effects. Additional sources have been added for the interaction between the drugs. Changed the Wikipedia pages to more academic sources for pharmacology. Credit to an anonymous user on Discord

I'd also just like to have the following input noted for this PR from said user on Discord "There have been a number of clinical trials looking at this combination and demonstrating safety profiles, but the doses are all too low for proper comparison [1,2]. That being said, mechanistic comparisons have been done, and I think this falls in the same line as ketamine+SSRIs [3]. Considering the safety profile of ketamine+SSRIs, I think the same can probably be said for ketamine+DXM. Ketamine affinity to SERT isn't high enough for any real concerns, and the metabolic pathways are separate so no issues there either. So while I would say low risk, there is a compounding/synergistic effect (multiple trials have demonstrated the NMDA effects are compounded) [4]. The only concern here then would be regarding NMDA toxicity, which would need to be looked [at relevant doses], but in regards to SS I don't think there are any safety concerns"

utaninja commented 10 months ago

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