TripSit / tripmobile

TripSit mobile app for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
12 stars 4 forks source link

Local database #41

Open davidhedlund opened 7 years ago

davidhedlund commented 7 years ago

You need a internet connection to use TripSit but not everyone has access to it all the time.

Have you considered making offline compatible?

EddieCurtis commented 7 years ago

Hi @davidhedlund

Thanks a lot for your feedback. We have considered making a local database but chose not to as we don't want people using out of date information. Due to the nature of the info on this app we need to make sure that people are aware of the latest research and advice about chemicals, where possible.

That is why at the moment we require an internet connection for the first search of a substance, but after that point the information can be cached for a configurable duration, depending on how important it is for the user to have up to date info.

This all means that we can give people up to date information without having them update the app.

I think the only change we could possibly make to improve things would be to have the app download the latest information for all substances upon loading if there is an internet connection, then otherwise falling back to the cache if it is still valid, then if the cache is out of date giving an error. I will consider developing this, or if you or someone else wants to do it then I will review a PR.
