Triple-T / gradle-play-publisher

GPP is Android's unofficial release automation Gradle Plugin. It can do anything from building, uploading, and then promoting your App Bundle or APK to publishing app listings and other metadata.
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suppport Android Gradle plugin (AGP) 7.1.0 #1035

Closed periva101 closed 2 years ago

periva101 commented 2 years ago

Problem description

after I updated from (AGP)4.x Triple-T is not working anymore

right now I use classpath 'com.github.triplet.gradle:play-publisher:3.7.0'

I think is problem is AndroidComponentsExtension is depredated

SUPERCILEX commented 2 years ago

Please fill out the bug template: I need to know exact versions.

mcarboleda commented 2 years ago

I also encountered this error

version: com.github.triplet.gradle:play-publisher:3.7.0

TargetSdkVersion and CompileSdkVersion = 31

command used: ./gradlew publishUatbuildUatBundle --track alpha

Screen Shot 2022-02-08 at 11 01 40 AM

SUPERCILEX commented 2 years ago

@sacclynrey That's a separate issue: you probably have different versions of the plugin or AGP mixed together. Look through these issues:

@periva101 Not a bug with this plugin. It's because of AndroidX Navigation:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/android/build/api/extension/AndroidComponentsExtension
        at androidx.navigation.safeargs.gradle.SafeArgsPlugin.apply(SafeArgsPlugin.kt:72)
        at androidx.navigation.safeargs.gradle.SafeArgsPlugin.apply(SafeArgsPlugin.kt:41)

mathieudebrito commented 2 years ago


I also have the exact same issue as @periva101, here are the exact versions :

classpath ''
classpath "com.github.triplet.gradle:play-publisher:3.7.0-agp4.2"

minSdkVersion = 23
targetSdkVersion = 30
compileSdkVersion = 29
buildTools = '30.0.2'

This issue is closed, maybe the problem is already solved somehow and I missed it ?

Thank you very much !

periva101 commented 2 years ago

@mathieudebrito no one solve the issue