Triple-T / gradle-play-publisher

GPP is Android's unofficial release automation Gradle Plugin. It can do anything from building, uploading, and then promoting your App Bundle or APK to publishing app listings and other metadata.
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Publish succeeded but didn't appear on Google Play #991

Closed lordcodes closed 3 years ago

lordcodes commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug

I ran the 'publishReleaseBundle' Gradle task, which has been used many times successfully. The task said the release was uploaded and succeeded, I could see output showing it get uploaded and a message to say it was released to the Internal Testing track successfully. I went to Google Play and the release wasn't there, I checked the next morning and the release still wasn't there. In the end I had to publish again.

How To Reproduce


Tasks executed


Expected behavior

The release to be on Google Play in the track specified. If the release isn't released I would expect the Gradle task to fail so that I can prevent the next steps in the release process from running.

Additional context

I have seen this happen before in the past, when I was on Play Publisher 3.4.0 using AGP 4.2, so don't think it was caused by the upgrade to 3.6.0 or AGP 7.

SUPERCILEX commented 3 years ago

When you published again, was that with the plugin? If the issue you ran into happened only once, then it's some bug in Google API that's outside of our control.

lordcodes commented 3 years ago

When I published again it was the plugin yes. However, the issue has happened before a few times, each time resolved by running again.

The surprise was that the plugin reported it succeeding which then caused further steps in the release process to run afterwards.

I assume you're saying that the plugin uses Google Play APIs which will have reported a success and so the issue is in there?

SUPERCILEX commented 3 years ago

Yes, if the API reports an error, so do we. So if it says everything is fine, there's nothing we can do. I would suggest contacting play support when this happens and seeing if they can figure it out.

lordcodes commented 3 years ago

Thank you. Will see if it happens again and if it does take it further. Thank you.