Triply-Dev / YASGUI.YASQE-deprecated

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Extending custom prefix autocompleter #64

Closed alanruttenberg closed 9 years ago

alanruttenberg commented 9 years ago

I took your advice and used the custom autocompleter example (code below). Now I can complete the sesame prefixes in the PREFIX section.

There are a some issues I could use some help on still.

  1. I want to refresh the prefixes each time I open a tab, or when the endpoint changes. Prefixes are associated with a repository which can vary from query to query, and namespaces might be updated periodically.
  2. I could have sworn there was some version of YASQE where if I typed a prefix in the query the prefix definition was added to the PREFIX section automatically. This is not happening. done
  3. I would like to complete prefixes used in the query. So I type "?foo a too" and it offers "tooth:" (and if I accept adds it to the prefixes section). done

Best, Alan

` javascript YASGUI.YASQE.defaults.sparql.callbacks.success = function(data){console.log("success", data);};

/ Adapted from to get prefixes from a sesame endpoint /


var getAutocompletionsArrayFromSesameCsv = function(csvString) { var completionsArray = []; csvString.split("\n").splice(1).forEach(function(url) {//remove first line, as this one contains the projection variable url=url.replace("\r",""); headerprefix = url.split(",") completestring= headerprefix[0] + ": <" + headerprefix[1] + ">"; completionsArray.push(completestring); }); sorted=completionsArray.sort(); minusfirst=sorted.splice(1); return minusfirst; }

var customPrefixCompleter = function(yasqe) { //we use several functions from the regular prefix autocompleter (this way, we don't have to re-define code such as determining whether we are in a valid autocompletion position) yasqe.on("change", function() { YASGUI.YASQE.Autocompleters.prefixes.appendPrefixIfNeeded(yasqe, 'customPrefixCompleter'); }); var returnObj = { // we don't complete unless we've typed at least 3 characters, // are not in the middle of a token, are not immediately after // a token which has invalid characters for a prefix or we're // in whitespace. isValidCompletionPosition: function(){var token = yasqe.getCompleteToken(); return(token.string.length > 2 && !(token.type == "ws")&& !(yasqe.getCursor().ch < token.end) && token.string.match(/^[0-9A-Za-z_]+$/) )}, // token.state.queryType lets us know whether we are in the // query body or before it. If before we do the usual // otherwise don't show or include the URI in the completion. postProcessToken: function(token,suggestedString) { if (token.state.queryType) return(suggestedString.replace(/:.*/,":")) else return(suggestedString) }, preProcessToken: function(token) {return YASGUI.YASQE.Autocompleters.prefixes.preprocessPrefixTokenForCompletion(yasqe, token)}, appendPrefixIfNeeded: function(yasqe, completerName) {return YASGUI.YASQE.Autocompleters.prefixes.appendPrefixIfNeeded(yasqe,completerName)} }

//In this case we assume the properties will fit in memory. So, turn on bulk loading, which will make autocompleting a lot faster
returnObj.bulk = true;
returnObj.async = true;

//and, as everything is in memory, enable autoShowing the completions
returnObj.autoShow = true;

returnObj.persistent = "customPrefixes";//this will store the sparql results in the client-cache for a month. 
returnObj.get = function(token, callback) {
    data: {},
    url: "",
    headers: {Accept: "text/csv"},//ask for csv. Simple, and uses less bandwidth
    success: function(data) {
return returnObj;


//now register our new autocompleter YASGUI.YASQE.registerAutocompleter('customPrefixCompleter', customPrefixCompleter); YASGUI.YASQE.defaults.autocompleters=['customPrefixCompleter']

LaurensRietveld commented 9 years ago

Ah, good to see the other issues are resolved. About the first one: there is a public yasqe command (not documented I see), which initializes the autocompleter. You'd probably get away with simply re-initializing the autocompleter when the endpoint changes: yasqe.autocompleters.init('customPrefixCompleter',customPrefixCompleter); (this command is already automatically set to execute when you open a new tab)

I also suggest to remove the returnObj.persistent = ... line, considering yasqe instances won't share the same autocompletions. As a result, on page load, the autocompleter always executes the get request (contrary to fetching it from localstorage if they're stored there).