Triply-Dev / YASGUI.YASR-deprecated

Deprecated, see for the Yasgui monorepo
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Suggestion: Make columns moveable and collapsable #38

Closed jneubert closed 7 years ago

jneubert commented 9 years ago

Hi Laurens,

It's a very low priority thing - but perhaps it would be just a small extension to enable pushing columns around or removing them completely from display.

Of course, this can be done easyly by tweaking the select clause and re-executing the query. In my use case - predefined queries hidden from the unsophisticated user - it would be nice, however. Particularly because I sometimes want to include columns which are necessary for pivoting, but not very meaningful for the human user (see, e.g., the first column in this report).

Cheers, Joachim

wouterbeek commented 7 years ago

I understand the use case, but it seems to be something that few users will use; at the same time this will complicate the UI a little bit for all users (my 2 cents).

@jneubert How easy/difficult is it to implement a custom client based on the current YASR and YASQE components where you would implement features like these?

jneubert commented 7 years ago

Hi Wouter,

as said above, this is very low priority thing, so I have not considered to implement it myself. It would be nice to have, if implemented in some upstream library, but really isn't worth much implementation effort. So I close the issue here.

Cheers, Joachim