TriplyDB / Yasgui

Yet Another Sparql GUI
MIT License
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502 Bad Gateway when querying a HTTP endpoint on #201

Open yoge1 opened 2 years ago

yoge1 commented 2 years ago

When using the service, a SPARQL query to a HTTP endpoint, e.g. gives a 502 Bad Gateway error.

(We also get the Mixed Content error in the browser's console for the ASK query Yasgui makes when inputing the SPARQL endpoint URL, which causes Yasgui to use its CORS proxy. This implies that we shouldn't use an HTTP endpoint when using Yasgui via HTTPS.)

This can be worked around by using a HTTPS endpoint (if there's one available), but it would be nice to support queries to HTTP endpoints as we have previously created Yasgui short links for such queries (which don't function anymore due to this problem).

markwilkinson commented 1 year ago


markwilkinson commented 1 year ago

I get the same bad gateway error even if I proxy the sparql endpoint. It works in other Web-based SPARQL environments (e.g. it works in Virtuoso's SPARQL editor), and it works from code libraries, but YASGUI throws the 502 error with the same endpoint and same query, whether it is http or https. Very frustrating!