TriplyDB / Yasgui

Yet Another Sparql GUI
MIT License
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support GML in Geo view #234

Open VladimirAlexiev opened 10 months ago

VladimirAlexiev commented 10 months ago

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I guess yasgui supports only WKT: from this query, only 1 (WKT) is displayed. Is it possible to also support GML, which is the other serialization format of GeoSPARQL 1.0?

PREFIX geo: <>
select * where { 
  values (?xTooltip ?x) {
    #("1" "Point(13.2927928 52.5555023)"^^geo:wktLiteral)
    ("2" "<gml:Point><gml:pos>13.2927928 52.5555023</gml:pos></gml:Point>"^^geo:gmlLiteral)
elha23M commented 3 months ago

Hi please , I have the same question, The problem is that when I upload my ontology to the TriplyDB database, I can't visualize the geospatial data. They mention that there is no WKT literal (do they specifically expect geometries in WKT format?). In my ontology, I have GML format, and I know that GeoSPARQL accepts GML, but I’m unsure about YASGUI. Please if You have already fix this problem let me know how? thank you

nichtich commented 2 months ago

Which geo plugin do you refer to? The plugin doc and the source code don't include a geo plugin, so this seems to be the wrong repository. It should be possible to write a custom plugin based on wikimedia coordinates result view.