Trippin-CS436 / Trippin

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Scrum Report #3 (June 20, 2020) #7

Open jrayo00 opened 4 years ago

jrayo00 commented 4 years ago

Last iteration i worked on some styling tweaks, worked out the data structure design of the itinerary that is currently being viewed, and got the delete functionality for items. I ran into some issues with deeply nested objects in redux, but in the end i solved it by normalizing the data similar to a relational database. This next iteration I will be focused on wiring up the components we have, creating the UI for an entire itinerary (not just a city and location), possibly also send itinerary data to our DB.

cs-id: e8m2b

LaZyLinh commented 4 years ago

Last iteration, I worked on media query of Home page for mobile view, as well as the list component page and its functionalities. I had some issues with iterating through arrays for rendering but was able to fix it with mapping function. However, I still have some issues with rendering efficiency. This iteration, I will fix this issue, finish the list page as well as polishing the frontend with a unified theme.


learese commented 4 years ago

Last iteration, I worked on the Notes, Location, MapInfo, and Info component for functionality, connected reducers and styling. I added the Notes component that allows users to edit notes. The issue I faced was displaying the results from the Google Maps Place API call, which is called in an async function from MapInfo that gets the location info details, would render an undefined value because the value is displayed before the actual value is stored. Next iteration, I will be working on finalizing the connections between the components, allowing users to upload images in the edit functionality and displaying the location info from the itinerary list and also helping with the database setup probably for database querying.

cs-id: f5a2b

jkz27 commented 4 years ago

Last iteration, I worked on revamped the map component with a new google map package to fix the Legacy API issue, created reducers and actions to output the state accordingly. Ran into some problem of putting things together with location place details display and still need to investigate the issue. Next iteration, I will be working on helping to put the components together and make sure they function correctly with each other and start hooking up the MongoDB database with the app and probably help to set up API calls.

csid: i0k0b