Tritlo / PropR

Genetic program repair using GHC
MIT License
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Make sure that locally defined modules can be imported #42

Closed Tritlo closed 3 years ago

Tritlo commented 3 years ago

Imports from globally available packages work fine, e.g. TestTree. But what happens for local modules? We should check and make sure.

lapplislazuli commented 3 years ago

I get an issue like the following:

Docker_1  | Starting Repair-Docker - Building the command
Docker_1  | No Configuration Override given
Docker_1  | TimeStamps will be printed
Docker_1  | 
Docker_1  | final cmd is /app/endemic /input/Expr.hs --log-level=INFO  --log-file=/output/docker-endemic.log  --config=/config/docker_config.json 
Docker_1  | 
Docker_1  | /input/Expr.hs:5:1: error:
Docker_1  |     Could not find module ‘Parsing’
Docker_1  |     Use -v (or :set -v in ghci) to see a list of the files searched for.
Docker_1  |   |
Docker_1  | 5 | import Parsing
Docker_1  |   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Docker_1  | endemic: Module not part of module graph

The Parsing.hs was next to the file. The reproduction is in our private companion-repo :)