TritonDataCenter / dragnet

event stream analysis
MIT License
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want some way to do summation in queries (aggr=sum?) #14

Open mcavage opened 9 years ago

mcavage commented 9 years ago

I created an index like so:

./bin/dn index-manta -c 'timestamp[date,field=date,aggr=lquantize,step=86400],owner,storage,compute' -i day /mark.cavage/jobs/610ab467-c981-e0a1-da1a-888394d05de0/stor /mark.cavage/stor/dragnet/usage_august

Which is an index of time|owner|storage_gb|compute_sec. All I want is "total by day", so I wanted something like this:

./bin/dn query-mjob -b timestamp,storage[aggr=sum] /mark.cavage/stor/dragnet/usage_august

Otherwise the output of queries is each distinct usage value per day.