TritonDataCenter / manta-thoth

Thoth is a Manta-based system for core and crash dump management
16 stars 7 forks source link

thoth ticket failure #118

Open rmustacc opened 9 years ago

rmustacc commented 9 years ago

Today I uploaded thoth dump 5288ea295555c5d7fe69c38a6599fe7c and tried to ticket it. The ticket failed as follows:

rm@zanarkand ~ $ thoth ticket 5288ea295555c5d7fe69c38a6599fe7c CAPI-489
thoth: using database at (configured from Manta)
thoth: adding key to job 148e673a-0750-c43b-b1a5-c45f0d03bded
thoth: processing job 148e673a-0750-c43b-b1a5-c45f0d03bded
thoth: waiting for completion of job 148e673a-0750-c43b-b1a5-c45f0d03bded
thoth: job 148e673a-0750-c43b-b1a5-c45f0d03bded failed: { id: '148e673a-0750-c43b-b1a5-c45f0d03bded',
  name: '',
  state: 'done',
  cancelled: false,
  inputDone: true,
  transient: false,
  stats: { errors: 1, outputs: 0, retries: 0, tasks: 0, tasksDone: 0 },
  timeCreated: '2015-07-10T20:47:46.997Z',
  timeDone: '2015-07-10T20:47:47.546Z',
   [ { exec: 'cat > /tmp/tmp.json <<EOF\n{ "ticket": "CAPI-489"} \nEOF\ncat $MANTA_INPUT_FILE /tmp/tmp.json | json --deep-merge > /tmp/new.json;mput -f /tmp/new.json $MANTA_INPUT_OBJECT ;/opt/custom/thoth/node_modules/manta-thoth/bin/thoth load /tmp/new.json || mln $MANTA_INPUT_OBJECT /thoth/stor/thoth/`basename $(dirname $MANTA_INPUT_OBJECT)`-unindexed.json',
       type: 'map',
       assets: [Object],
       init: 'echo \'{"db": {"host":"","port":28015,"db":"thoth","authKey":"doogle","table":"dumps"}}\' > ~/.thoth.config.json; cd / ; tar xzf /assets//thoth/stor/thoth/thoth.tar.gz' } ],
  options: {} }

If we look at the job error log we have:

rm@zanarkand ~ $ mjob errors 148e673a-0750-c43b-b1a5-c45f0d03bded
{"phase":"0","what":"phase 0: input \"/info.json\"","code":"ResourceNotFoundError","message":"malformed object name: \"/info.json\"","input":"/info.json","p0input":"/info.json"}
davepacheco commented 8 years ago

I'm seeing this reliably trying to run:

$ thoth ticket f88c1c9b42579cba9cd65578aba53c47 OS-4834
thoth: using database at (configured from Manta)
thoth: adding key to job d1dce6cf-3f17-c90b-8c91-befc5e65b0e7
thoth: processing job d1dce6cf-3f17-c90b-8c91-befc5e65b0e7
thoth: waiting for completion of job d1dce6cf-3f17-c90b-8c91-befc5e65b0e7
thoth: job d1dce6cf-3f17-c90b-8c91-befc5e65b0e7 failed: { id: 'd1dce6cf-3f17-c90b-8c91-befc5e65b0e7',
  name: '',
  state: 'done',
  cancelled: false,
  inputDone: true,
  transient: false,
  stats: { errors: 1, outputs: 0, retries: 0, tasks: 0, tasksDone: 0 },
  timeCreated: '2015-10-10T00:28:33.679Z',
  timeDone: '2015-10-10T00:28:34.357Z',
   [ { exec: 'cat > /tmp/tmp.json <<EOF\n{ "ticket": "OS-4834"} \nEOF\ncat $MANTA_INPUT_FILE /tmp/tmp.json | json --deep-merge > /tmp/new.json;mput -f /tmp/new.json $MANTA_INPUT_OBJECT ;/opt/custom/thoth/node_modules/manta-thoth/bin/thoth load /tmp/new.json || mln $MANTA_INPUT_OBJECT /thoth/stor/thoth/`basename $(dirname $MANTA_INPUT_OBJECT)`-unindexed.json',
       type: 'map',
       assets: [Object],
       init: 'echo \'{"db": {"host":"","port":28015,"db":"thoth","authKey":"doogle","table":"dumps"}}\' > ~/.thoth.config.json; cd / ; tar xzf /assets//thoth/public/assets/thoth.tar.gz' } ],
  options: {} }

The problem is:

$ mjob errors d1dce6cf-3f17-c90b-8c91-befc5e65b0e7 | json
  "phase": "0",
  "what": "phase 0: input \"/info.json\"",
  "code": "ResourceNotFoundError",
  "message": "malformed object name: \"/info.json\"",
  "input": "/info.json",
  "p0input": "/info.json"
davepacheco commented 8 years ago

Seeing this again trying to ticket fa63528d031fb518f580d4b83c4bf3e6 for MANTA-2804:

$ thoth ticket fa63528d031fb518f580d4b83c4bf3e6 MANTA-2804
thoth: using database at (configured from Manta)
thoth: adding key to job b1cb160c-b51b-6f59-fb65-c041971bda93
thoth: processing job b1cb160c-b51b-6f59-fb65-c041971bda93
thoth: waiting for completion of job b1cb160c-b51b-6f59-fb65-c041971bda93
thoth: job b1cb160c-b51b-6f59-fb65-c041971bda93 failed: { id: 'b1cb160c-b51b-6f59-fb65-c041971bda93',
  name: '',
  state: 'done',
  cancelled: false,
  inputDone: true,
  transient: false,
  stats: { errors: 1, outputs: 0, retries: 0, tasks: 0, tasksDone: 0 },
  timeCreated: '2015-12-01T19:52:23.149Z',
  timeDone: '2015-12-01T19:52:25.606Z',
   [ { exec: 'cat > /tmp/tmp.json <<EOF\n{ "ticket": "MANTA-2804"} \nEOF\ncat $MANTA_INPUT_FILE /tmp/tmp.json | json --deep-merge > /tmp/new.json;mput -f /tmp/new.json $MANTA_INPUT_OBJECT ;/opt/custom/thoth/node_modules/manta-thoth/bin/thoth load /tmp/new.json || mln $MANTA_INPUT_OBJECT /thoth/stor/thoth/`basename $(dirname $MANTA_INPUT_OBJECT)`-unindexed.json',
       type: 'map',
       assets: [Object],
       init: 'echo \'{"db": {"host":"","port":28015,"db":"thoth","authKey":"doogle","table":"dumps"}}\' > ~/.thoth.config.json; cd / ; tar xzf /assets//thoth/public/assets/thoth.tar.gz' } ],
  options: {} }
davepacheco commented 6 years ago

Still seeing this:

$ thoth ticket 5e757ede951b5fbf416740d119db9691 MANATEE-385
thoth: using database at (configured from Manta)
thoth: adding key to job f21ee745-5c49-ccce-cdcc-985179a1687d
thoth: processing job f21ee745-5c49-ccce-cdcc-985179a1687d
thoth: waiting for completion of job f21ee745-5c49-ccce-cdcc-985179a1687d
thoth: job f21ee745-5c49-ccce-cdcc-985179a1687d failed: { id: 'f21ee745-5c49-ccce-cdcc-985179a1687d',
  name: '',
  state: 'done',
  cancelled: false,
  inputDone: true,
  transient: false,
  stats: { errors: 1, outputs: 0, retries: 0, tasks: 0, tasksDone: 0 },
  timeCreated: '2017-10-31T00:45:22.852Z',
  timeDone: '2017-10-31T00:45:28.645Z',
   [ { exec: 'cat > /tmp/tmp.json <<EOF\n{ "ticket": "MANATEE-385"} \nEOF\ncat $MANTA_INPUT_FILE /tmp/tmp.json | json --deep-merge > /tmp/new.json;mput -f /tmp/new.json $MANTA_INPUT_OBJECT ;/opt/custom/thoth/node_modules/manta-thoth/bin/thoth load /tmp/new.json || mln $MANTA_INPUT_OBJECT /thoth/stor/thoth/`basename $(dirname $MANTA_INPUT_OBJECT)`-unindexed.json',
       type: 'map',
       assets: [Object],
       init: 'echo \'{"db": {"host":"","port":28015,"db":"thoth","authKey":"doogle","table":"dumps"}}\' > ~/.thoth.config.json; cd / ; tar xzf /assets//thoth/public/assets/thoth.tar.gz' } ],
  options: {} }

$ mjob errors f21ee745-5c49-ccce-cdcc-985179a1687d
{"phase":"0","what":"phase 0: input \"/info.json\"","code":"ResourceNotFoundError","message":"malformed object name: \"/info.json\"","input":"/info.json","p0input":"/info.json"}