TritonDataCenter / manta-thoth

Thoth is a Manta-based system for core and crash dump management
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Want "thoth ls" to display a requested property #170

Closed chudley closed 6 years ago

chudley commented 6 years ago

I have bunch of dumps that I want to tag with something via an analyzer. In my case I want to pull a specific UUID from a dump and set the thoth object's "properties.job_id" to that UUID.

This works fine for displaying properties of an individual dump after the analyzer has run:

richard ~
$ thoth info xxx | json properties.job_id

However, I really want to list these dumps and see that property in the list alongside the other fields.

bcantrill commented 6 years ago

This already works:

$ thoth ls mtime=1h type=core platform
thoth: using database at (configured from Manta)
NAME             TYPE TIME                NODE/CMD TICKET PLATFORM               
a7c31d3262c397fa core 2018-06-07T19:53:57 node     -      joyent_20161123T215243Z
b608f02688a0ff9e core 2018-06-07T19:55:09 node     -      joyent_20171008T114043Z
c734e34cb928db97 core 2018-06-07T19:57:54 node     -      joyent_20161123T215243Z
6389d0f63f0d9c21 core 2018-06-07T20:02:48 node     -      joyent_20161123T215243Z
6bf376dbc2de8762 core 2018-06-07T20:07:09 node     -      joyent_20171008T114043Z
4f7d0092a9e3dd9a core 2018-06-07T20:07:37 node     -      joyent_20180203T031159Z
66f33ba7ed60653c core 2018-06-07T20:13:19 node     -      joyent_20161123T215243Z
120b76f198d757dc core 2018-06-07T20:15:15 node     -      joyent_20171123T013445Z
d74170e0d35bffb7 core 2018-06-07T20:15:20 node     -      joyent_20171008T114043Z
fce828a157bcbd8a core 2018-06-07T20:19:10 node     -      joyent_20171008T114043Z
182eb38ac743622d core 2018-06-07T20:19:18 node     -      joyent_20170601T211834Z
01ac44f6884c3605 core 2018-06-07T20:23:36 node     -      joyent_20170831T155809Z
3434b8147a8cce54 core 2018-06-07T20:24:13 node     -      joyent_20171026T003120Z
b9a0ce134c82b322 core 2018-06-07T20:33:07 node     -      joyent_20171026T003120Z
1d29a0089af15056 core 2018-06-07T20:36:11 node     -      joyent_20180427T064036Z
e061ffc0b6d1e12b core 2018-06-07T20:42:00 node     -      joyent_20180427T064036Z
f1cf39a57a2d24c5 core 2018-06-07T20:42:18 node     -      joyent_20180427T064036Z
d4bff5243e7c46d2 core 2018-06-07T20:43:17 node     -      joyent_20180525T172343Z
217a2171235119ca core 2018-06-07T20:43:37 node     -      joyent_20180427T064036Z
bcantrill commented 6 years ago

Closing this out, as I think that this is already implemented -- but please re-open if I misunderstood!

jjelinek commented 6 years ago

It seems like it works on some properties but not others. For example:

% thoth ls type=crash mtime=60d status
thoth: using database at (configured from Manta)
NAME             TYPE  TIME                NODE/CMD  TICKET   STATUS
9071e8fbaa8310af crash 2018-04-13T21:46:51 HAB03721  OS-6880  -     
d57897867fe144bd crash 2018-04-13T22:51:12 HAA21381  OS-6880  -     
4fb91256852d32a0 crash 2018-04-13T23:36:20 HAA21381  OS-6880  -     
208bca972fb5efa9 crash 2018-04-20T20:52:05 MS221228  OPS-3120 -     
324cdc98ae935a5f crash 2018-04-24T07:41:54 PA4CSWV42 -        -     
ca962dd32516054c crash 2018-04-24T11:56:30 PA4CSWV42 -        -     
515894c8bd3514bc crash 2018-04-24T13:55:02 PA4CSWV42 -        -     
fa4e1996a2004120 crash 2018-04-24T19:10:33 HAA18529  OS-6880  -     
15742799b43f47b3 crash 2018-04-26T00:33:25 RB411143  -        -     
db49aa9f7a79a865 crash 2018-04-28T12:33:46 HAB01444  OS-6880  -     
f6e79ed4a64998f8 crash 2018-05-03T01:54:51 HAA21380  OS-6880  -     
16b5a6955f858498 crash 2018-05-05T05:09:10 HAB03710  -        -     
e4d9d8e00e9a0683 crash 2018-05-06T10:44:51 HAB03690  -        -     
da27c284b9e14780 crash 2018-05-08T00:24:37 RA409684  OS-6935  -     
df966abc72cc6d38 crash 2018-05-10T01:06:34 8VYRGS1   -        -     
cda7d8bb817ffc55 crash 2018-05-11T16:38:58 PA5FFR842 -        -     
8452be06c4e47807 crash 2018-05-14T20:02:54 HC4RM3ND2 OS-6559  -     
1d4eddc64c9094c5 crash 2018-05-14T20:51:48 HC4RLYMD2 OS-6559  -     
06bbd6248e9b20db crash 2018-05-14T21:40:34 HC45L2ND2 OS-6559  -     
639aa6c8d62337a8 crash 2018-05-14T22:32:16 HC45L0ND2 OS-6559  -     
59811f350c62af4e crash 2018-05-15T00:25:36 PA5FFR842 -        -     
1125c8dd1eb34af1 crash 2018-05-18T06:54:11 HA3PPPMK2 OS-6737  -     
92d51b9d8aa4950f crash 2018-05-23T16:56:14 PA5DGN842 OS-6976  -     
a370ac9fa077f56d crash 2018-05-24T06:31:10 RA409684  OS-6935  -     
3816bdcab2069328 crash 2018-06-03T22:23:37 MS930709  -        -     
1c36920ea27cfc00 crash 2018-06-05T16:23:56 RA208321  -        -     
1b1a66de2db0d61a crash 2018-06-06T12:58:24 RA208321  OS-7002  -   

But this shows:

% thoth info d57897867fe144bd | grep status
thoth: using database at (configured from Manta)
        "status": "panic message: BAD TRAP: type=d (#gp General protection) rp=ffffd003d3e60c80 addr=0",
jjelinek commented 6 years ago

Actually, I think it does work after all, my example above is wrong. The following works:

% thoth ls type=crash mtime=60d properties.status