TritonDataCenter / minecrab

Minecraft on Joyent's Cloud & Manta on Demand
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If machine-provisioning succeeds, but we were unable to setup the instance we're left zombie that looks like its running #36

Closed pborenstein closed 10 years ago

pborenstein commented 10 years ago

Setup fails because of base 13.3.0 bug that keeps us from SSHing in for a few minutes. Sometimes.

[master]$ bin/minecrab-launch aurora
Launching aurora............................. Done!
Server aurora running on id: fcbb93e0-77f7-485c-fa84-86d72edfb417
Setting up...
minecrab-launch: fatal error: Failed to execute echo -e "Host\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n" >> ~/.ssh/config on

Minecrab server shows up as running

[master]$ bin/minecrab-list
IP              STATE      NAME     running    aurora
nfitch commented 10 years ago

We should add server ping status- we can at least see if there is something listening on the port. Or use some tool like this: (Not that webpage but the code behind it that queries. There's a link to code on that page.)

nfitch commented 10 years ago

Philip Also: since we know that that failed, we should add a note to the error message that it’s probably a zombie.