TritonDataCenter / minecrab

Minecraft on Joyent's Cloud & Manta on Demand
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Periodic backups while server is running #49

Open pborenstein opened 10 years ago

pborenstein commented 10 years ago

Because sometimes people play for a long time.

nfitch commented 10 years ago

Yes, this would be great. Unfortunately, the only way to do this automagically with what Joyent currently provides is to have us scp credentials over to the server or mandate that admins keep an ssh connection open to the server. Both of those options are terrible. So... we must wait for some automagic credentials on joyent virtual machines.

Alternatively, we could probably get away with a presigned put url to manta... though we'd have to generate one for each file we expect to push up. And it'd only be valid for a set amount of time (unless we make them uber-powerful). I'm not a fan, but it's a possibility.