TritonDataCenter / minecrab

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launch new world failed due to missing ssh keys #55

Open lderezinski opened 10 years ago

lderezinski commented 10 years ago

I tried to launch a new world and got this:

    $ ./bin/minecrab-launch -p someusername atest
    Launching atest...................... Done!
    Server atest running on id: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
    Setting up...
    Installing git...
    Cloning repo...
    Installing server...
    mmkdir: Error: no SSH keys in: /root/.ssh
    minecrab-launch: fatal error: Failed to execute cd /opt && minecrab/scripts/  on

The error "mmkdir: Error: no SSH keys in: /root/.ssh" actually comes from manta. Which is complaining that the ssh keys required to work with manta are missing. To solve the issue on a mac, assuming you are using ~/.ssh/id_rsa key then run with out any parameters :

    $ ssh-add
    Identity added: /Users/someuser/.ssh/id_rsa (/Users/someuser/.ssh/id_rsa)
    Identity added: /Users/someuser/.ssh/id_dsa (/Users/someuser/.ssh/id_dsa)

Or if you have a specific key lets call it minecrab:

    $ ssh-add ~/.ssh/mindcrab
    Identity added: /Users/someuser/.ssh/mindcrab (/Users/someuser/.ssh/mindcrab)

Then trying to create a fresh server works as expected

    $ ./bin/minecrab-launch -p someusername btest
    Launching btest........................ Done!
    Server btest running on id: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
    Setting up...
    Installing git...
    Cloning repo...
    Installing server...
    Uploading website to /someuser/public/minecrab...
    ...necrab/header.png [=======================>] 100%   8.38KB                  
    ...necrab/index.html [=======================>] 100%   9.13KB                  
    ...b/joyent-logo.png [=======================>] 100%   1.69KB                  
    ...ecrab-Offline.png [=======================>] 100%   1.23KB                  
    ...necrab-Online.png [=======================>] 100%   1.28KB                  
    ...b-top-graphic.png [=======================>] 100%   2.08KB                  
    ...crab/minecrab.css [=======================>] 100%   2.46KB                  
    Uploading server information...
    /someuser/public/minecrab/servers/btest/ip                   15B                  
    Adding someusername to whitelist...
    Connect to server at!

    Status Website: