TritonDataCenter / node-manta-sync

Rsync style command for Joyent's Manta
31 stars 9 forks source link

Use latest manta package #21

Closed dillona closed 8 years ago

dillona commented 8 years ago

This fixes GH issue #20

trentm commented 8 years ago

Also getting this error in my case:

[root@images2 /data/imgapi/etc]# /root/joy/node-manta-sync/manta-sync  /data/imgapi/manifests /trent.mick/stor/tmp/backup/manifests
building source file list...
source file list built, 499 files found

manta-sync: pipeline callback invoked after the pipeline has already completed ({ operations:
   [ { func: [Function: createAgent],
       funcname: 'createAgent',
       status: 'ok',
       err: undefined,
       result: undefined },
     { func: [Function: checkAgentForKey],
       funcname: 'checkAgentForKey',
       status: 'ok',
       err: undefined,
       result: undefined },
     { func: [Function: loadKey],
       funcname: 'loadKey',
       status: 'ok',
       err: undefined,
       result: undefined } ],
  successes: [ undefined, undefined, undefined ],
  ndone: 3,
  nerrors: 0 })

which is fixed if I update to node-manta 2.0.7.

@bahamas10 +1 to merging this PR.

bahamas10 commented 8 years ago

thanks! sorry i missed this originally, figuring out why github stopped emailing me :(

bahamas10 commented 8 years ago
$ npm publish
+ manta-sync@0.3.3