TritonDataCenter / sdc-docker

Docker Engine for Triton
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docker push to insecure registry #133

Closed Smithx10 closed 6 years ago

Smithx10 commented 6 years ago

I'm attempting to push an image to an insecure registry and received the following error:

bruce.smith@Bruces-MacBook-Pro ~ ❯❯❯ td push
The push refers to a repository []
Error: write EPROTO 1:error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol:../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/s23_clnt.c:794:

I set the following while looking for a way to allow insecure registries.

[root@headnode (bs-1) /zones/smith/cert]# sdc-sapi /applications?name=sdc | grep insecure
      "docker_registry_insecure": "true"

Natively in docker you can add an insecure registry by doing the following:

Resolved the issue by adding a file /etc/docker/daemon.json with following content
    "insecure-registries" : [ "" ]

I'd imagine the configuration of such a setting would have to available to the public / client and not set within sapi.

twhiteman commented 6 years ago

It looks like you are running a docker registry over HTTP (and not HTTPS).

Docker provides a HTTP fallback, which is something Triton does not do (and I don't think Triton has ever supported regular HTTP pull, but perhaps @trentm can confirm that).

The Triton _docker_registryinsecure flag is used to allow unverified SSL connections (i.e. if you were using a self signed cert).

trentm commented 6 years ago

Todd's understanding is mine as well: Triton's docker has never supported pull/push from/to a 'http' Docker registry. IIRC the docker client doesn't let you specify a scheme for a given registry hostname. I.e.:

docker pull   # works
docker pull # does not work

So... without a scheme, Triton always infers https.

Smithx10 commented 6 years ago


You are correct. Found the documentation that verifies what docker_registry_insecure does.

docker_registry_insecure Boolean Set to true to allow access to Docker registries with self-signed certificates. Warning: this shouldn't be used in production..

@trentm Would it make sense, or be possible to maybe specify a certain port that triton will allow http / insecure-registries for testing?

For Example any registry with the port "1337" is considered an allowed insecure registry?

docker push

This may be not be worth it in the end, and people should just use https.

Thanks for the feedback.

trentm commented 6 years ago

@Smithx10 I don't think I'd like to add support for pull from http to the product. I don't think there should be a magic port number either. If you need this for testing, I'd suggest that you monkey patch the appropriate places in sdc-docker and sdc-imgapi code to infer scheme="http" for a hardcoded domain. However, that's not very helpful because I don't know exactly where in the code you'd need to do that.

Smithx10 commented 6 years ago

@trentm Sounds good. I'll just use https :)