TritonDataCenter / sdc-docker

Docker Engine for Triton
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Quoted env variables maintain their quotes #167

Open nmvrc opened 2 years ago

nmvrc commented 2 years ago

When a container is being deployed and <container>.env contains a variable that is quoted, such as MDATA_DB_URL="//db:5432/dbname", the value of the variable in the container contains the quotes.

Example: portal.env: MDATA_DB_URL="//db:5432/dbname"

Container variable value: [root@12331e122a10 /]# echo $MDATA_DB_URL "//db:5432/dbname" [root@12331e122a10 /]#

bahamat commented 2 years ago

What shell are you using with the docker client?

nmvrc commented 2 years ago

I'm using bash. In the following output I am using the same portal.env file from my previous comment but not using custom images. Here is the compose file:

version: "3.9"
# version: "2.0" # uncomment for Triton
    image: tomcat:9
    container_name: foo
      - "8080:8080"
      - portal.env
#    network_mode: bridge # uncomment for Triton

Here is the output from Docker:

$ docker-compose -f foo.yml up -d
[+] Running 2/2
 ⠿ Network docker_default  Created                                                                                                0.1s
 ⠿ Container foo           Started                                                                                                0.7s
$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE      COMMAND             CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                    NAMES
121a4d49bf64   tomcat:9   " run"   4 seconds ago   Up 3 seconds>8080/tcp   foo
$ docker exec -it foo bash -c 'echo $MDATA_DB_URL'

Here is the output from triton-docker (note: trying to echo the variable in exec does not work for some reason):

$ triton-compose -f foo.yml up -d
Creating foo
$ triton-docker --tls ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
717f07c9acaa        tomcat:9            " run"   50 seconds ago      Up 38 seconds>8080/tcp   foo
$ triton-docker --tls exec -it foo bash -c 'echo $MDATA_DB_URL'

$ triton-docker --tls exec -it foo bash
root@717f07c9acaa:/usr/local/tomcat# echo $MDATA_DB_URL

Interestingly, running docker instead of docker-compose produces the same problems as triton-compose:

$ docker run --name foo -d --env-file ./portal.env tomcat:9
$ docker exec -it foo bash -c 'echo $MDATA_DB_URL'
bahamat commented 2 years ago

In your "docker" example, what is the DOCKER_HOST?

nmvrc commented 2 years ago

It is unset:


bahamat commented 2 years ago

OK, so that one is a real linux host?

nmvrc commented 2 years ago

It is the Docker Desktop instance running locally on my system (MacOS).