Took an update this weekend to sapi, while working out another issue. Seemed like everything was working fine, but trying to login to madtom0 this morning, I got a message saying:
opt/smartdc/bin/sdc-login: fatal error: No VMs found matching criteria
I tried to rollback the update, same results. So I re-ran the update, but now stuck with the missing bits in SAPI, and unable to use sdc-login.
'sdcadm services' reports the following for sapi:
vm 4a397376-cb4c-483c-a198-f4bfda5f56fa sapi 9d5bbe5c-6b20-11e6-97fb-cfb0d0cbc94a
bahamat mentioned that all the missing items were related to manta.
manta services were working, at least from manta0. I could use mls and mget, even though the only data out there were reports, it worked without issue. Outside of manta0, mls timed out.
Since I did not have data in my manta that I needed, I tried manta-factoryreset and reprovisioning manta using
manta-init -s lab -e #forced me to use a new email, said the old one could not be re-used
Even after that, the output from 'sdcadm check-config' stayed the same as the above gist, none of the missing items were added to sapi by the reprovision of manta.
Is there a way to rebuild the SAPI data for manta that I have missed?
Here is the data from 'svcadm history' that I believe references the update I took.
"service": {
"uuid": "c5bf2921-514e-4e0f-aa2c-7bd3f89591f2",
"name": "dhcpd",
"application_uuid": "09c1d8bc-e9a1-4eba-b2af-8842b2855ed4",
"params": {
"archive_on_delete": true,
"package_name": "sdc_128",
"image_uuid": "40857b84-1709-11e6-babc-e7e08d4dbcbb",
"maintain_resolvers": true,
"networks": [
"filesystems": [
"source": "/usbkey/os",
"target": "/tftpboot/os",
"type": "lofs",
"options": [
"tags": {
"smartdc_role": "dhcpd",
"smartdc_type": "core"
"cpu_shares": 128,
"cpu_cap": 100,
"zfs_io_priority": 10,
"max_lwps": 1000,
"max_physical_memory": 128,
"max_locked_memory": 128,
"max_swap": 256,
"quota": "25",
"package_version": "1.0.0",
"billing_id": "73a1ca34-1e30-48c7-8681-70314a9c67d3",
"customer_metadata": {}
"metadata": {
"SERVICE_NAME": "dhcpd",
"sapi-url": "",
"assets-ip": "",
"user-script": "#!/usr/bin/bash\n#\n# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Pu
blic\n# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this\n# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla
.org/MPL/2.0/.\n#\n\n#\n# Copyright (c) 2014, Joyent, Inc.\n#\n\nexport PS4='[\\D{%FT%TZ}] ${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}: ${FU
NCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}(): }'\n\nset -o xtrace\nset -o errexit\nset -o pipefail\n\n#\n# The presence of the /var/svc/.r
an-user-script file indicates that the\n# instance has already been setup (i.e. the instance has booted previously).\n#\n
# Upon first boot, run the script if present. On all boots including\n# the first one, run the scri
pt if present.\n#\n\nSENTINEL=/var/svc/.ran-user-script\n\nDIR=/opt/smartdc/boot\n\nif [[ ! -e ${SENTINEL} ]]; then\n
if [[ -f ${DIR}/ ]]; then\n ${DIR}/ 2>&1 | tee /var/svc/setup.log\n fi\n\n touch ${SENTINEL}
\nfi\n\nif [[ ! -f ${DIR}/ ]]; then\n echo \"Missing ${DIR}/ cannot configure.\"\n exit 1\n
fi\n\nexec ${DIR}/\n"
"type": "vm"
"type": "update-service",
"image": {
"v": 2,
"uuid": "549795a6-4217-11e6-a3e8-dfba28abbe5d",
"owner": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"name": "dhcpd",
"version": "master-20160704T183440Z-gf985c3d",
"state": "active",
"disabled": false,
"public": false,
"published_at": "2016-07-04T18:44:12.612Z",
"type": "zone-dataset",
"os": "smartos",
"files": [
"sha1": "4a8b1973f4744262dbe827f43c0fb27503e37a7a",
"size": 47090264,
"compression": "gzip"
"description": "SDC",
"requirements": {
"min_platform": {
"7.0": "20130506T233003Z"
"networks": [
"name": "net0",
"description": "admin"
"origin": "fd2cc906-8938-11e3-beab-4359c665ac99",
"tags": {
"smartdc_service": true
"channels": [
"inst": {
"type": "vm",
"alias": "dhcpd0",
"version": "master-20160510T234059Z-gf985c3d",
"instance": "926d7ffe-eac0-4bf3-a37c-e544435b195e",
"zonename": "926d7ffe-eac0-4bf3-a37c-e544435b195e",
"service": "dhcpd",
"image": "40857b84-1709-11e6-babc-e7e08d4dbcbb",
"state": "running",
"server": "12399ec8-ef21-230e-8ee9-0025901107e2",
"hostname": "headnode",
"server_ip": "",
"ip": "",
"healthy": true
Took an update this weekend to sapi, while working out another issue. Seemed like everything was working fine, but trying to login to madtom0 this morning, I got a message saying:
Checked in vmadm list, the VM is indeed there. Went to run sdcadm check-config, and saw this:
I tried to rollback the update, same results. So I re-ran the update, but now stuck with the missing bits in SAPI, and unable to use sdc-login.
'sdcadm services' reports the following for sapi:
bahamat mentioned that all the missing items were related to manta.
manta services were working, at least from manta0. I could use mls and mget, even though the only data out there were reports, it worked without issue. Outside of manta0, mls timed out.
Since I did not have data in my manta that I needed, I tried manta-factoryreset and reprovisioning manta using
Even after that, the output from 'sdcadm check-config' stayed the same as the above gist, none of the missing items were added to sapi by the reprovision of manta.
Is there a way to rebuild the SAPI data for manta that I have missed?
Here is the data from 'svcadm history' that I believe references the update I took.
Thanks in advance... David